Get It - Dec 2012

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‘Five is fabulous!’

Muneera Adam of Richards Bay Minerals successfully

juggles a thriving career, while being a supermom to five

beautiful children. Get It shared a cup of coffee with this

inspirational woman, and found out a little more about

what really makes her tick

What defines you as a woman?

The same thing that defines women at large: Our incredible inner

strength and beauty and our innate nurturing ability. I love being able

to impart knowledge and seeing people use that knowledge to grow,

both personally and professionally. I also pride myself on always being

the glue that holds the family pages together.

What are some of the characteristics that make

you unique?

My enquiring mind that continually gives me the drive to learn and to

understand, and my confidence, which allows me to explore freely and

not set boundaries.

I’m sure your job places demands on your life.

How do you manage to balance work and family

life while still staying on top of your game?

Shew!! I have five adorable children, (two sets of twins) and one

cat. The secret to any full-time working mother’s success is support,

support, and more support! My unwavering husband, my mum who

has been a constant lifeline for me, family, and two dedicated helpers.

It is also inspiring to be surrounded by successful, thriving women who

face similar challenges of being a professional, a wife, and a mother.

My leaders are amazing and inspirational figures in my life.

What is your motto in life or is there any specific

driving motivating factor?

I firmly believe that we should all lead every day by placing our

personal values first. Respect, honesty and humility are three of my

core personal values, and I instill these in every aspect of my life. I also

believe that we should all set aside time for charity and good deeds, as

I feel the more we give, the more blessed and grounded we will be.

How do you approach your responsibilities and

what do you attribute your success to?

Strive to do your best, don’t be too hard on yourself, and learn from

your mistakes. I have been blessed by the Almighty and I attribute my

success to my Mum and my late Dad who have constantly stood by me,

guided and supported me. Miss my Dad dearly.

What advice would you offer to younger women

trying to climb the corporate ladder?

The most important thing for any young woman to remember - in her

personal and professional life - is to be honest and true to yourself.

Hard work pays off, don’t expect things to just happen. You need to

take some initiative while understanding that patience and humility

are virtues. Always show respect for your elders and your mentors

- they will always offer you good advice and guidance through your


What do you love the most about Zululand?

There is nothing quite like it. We are surrounded by beautiful blue

skies, tranquil world famous beaches, amazing lush greenery and

exquisite wildlife. We are blessed to live in an area that people travel

many miles to experience.

What are some of your

goals for the New Year?

To remember to always enjoy being

in the present, live each day as if it

were my last and strive towards

spiritual fulfilment.

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