Get It - Dec 2012

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Balance is the secret

Zama is a very busy young lady - but that doesn’t stop her from

reaching for her dreams and maintaining a balanced lifestyle

What defines you as a woman?

The best thing about being a woman, is having the ability to find the

strength to rise after every storm. We are incredibly strong, and we

can use that strength to accomplish great things.

What are some of the characteristics that make

you unique?

I forgive easily, because I believe life is too short to bear grudges

and harbour ill-will. I pride myself on being a people’s person, and

thrive on being sociable and having the opportunity to put my good

interpersonal skills to use.

I’m sure your job places demands on your life.

How do you manage to balance work and family

life while still staying on top of your game?

I try to prioritize maintaining a healthy lifestyle which entails

regular exercise, watching what I eat and a good spiritual balance.

I ensure that I give the right amount of attention to each of these

priorities, and that’s what keeps me so grounded.

What is your motto in life or is there any driving

motivating factor?

I believe that life is beautiful. And I always try to remember not to

sweat the small stuff. This means focusing on the things that are

most important, and solving problems according to their urgency

and importance in my professional or private life.

What do you love the most about Zululand?

The same thing that every Zululander loves most: The people are

great. This area is home to RBM, SAs largest sand mining and

beneficiation company. I love the fact that we live in an area

where the big five live right at our doorstep – As long as

the snakes stay where they belong!

What are some of your goals

for the New Year?

I choose not to set unrealistic personal

goals, but rather to just be the best that

I can be, and to do the things I set my

mind to.

How did you approach your

responsibilities and what do

you attribute your success to?

The same way I approach everything: With a

tenacious spirit. I don’t give up easily, and at

work I am blessed to work with a great team

that is motivated, committed, driven and most

importantly, one that comprises of people who are

beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside.

What advice would you offer younger women

trying to climb the corporate ladder?

First and foremost, you have to know where you want to be at each

stage of your life. We want and need different things in our twenties

compared to say, our forties. Our personal and financial profiles change

as we grow. In that respect, you should understand these needs and

channel all your energy and enthusiasm to meeting – or exceeding -

those needs. It is also incredibly important for any young woman to

have a mentor whom she admires and trusts.

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