

Chapter 9: C. Gage Selection, Handling, and Use 852. Linearity. The accuracy of the measurements of an instrumentthroughout its operating range.3. Magnification. The amplification of the output reading on an instrumentover the actual input dimension.4. Repeatability. The ability of the instrument to achieve the same degree ofaccuracy on repeated applications (often referred to as precision).5. Resolution. The smallest increment of measurement that can be read onan instrument.6. Sensitivity. The smallest increment of difference in dimension that canbe detected by an instrument.7. Stability or drift. The ability of an instrument to maintain its calibrationover a period of time.Other selection criteria may include factors such as the shape and size of themeasured part or workpiece, workpiece material, and the capabilities of the metrologylaboratory.Consideration of these factors, along with cost and operation convenience,should help in selecting an appropriate measuring or gaging device for a particularinspection operation. For operating convenience, most instruments are or canbe equipped with discrete digital readout devices. Most of these can be connectedto microprocessors or computers for data recording and analysis.Part II.C.22. GAGE HANDLING, PRESERVATION, AND STORAGEIdentify and apply various methods ofcleaning, handling, and storing gages.(Application)Body of Knowledge II.C.2The following guidelines for the control of measuring and monitoring devices aretaken from Section 7.6 of ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2000:• Determine the monitoring and measurement to be undertaken andthe monitoring and measuring devices needed to provide evidence ofconformity of product to determined requirements (see 7.2.1).• Establish processes to ensure that monitoring and measurementcan and will be carried out in a manner that is consistent with themonitoring and measurement requirements.• Where necessary to ensure valid results, the measuringequipment shall:

86 Part II: MetrologyPart II.C.2– Be calibrated or verified against traceable standards at specifiedintervals or prior to use– Where no standards exist, the basis for calibration or verificationshall be recorded– Adjusted or readjusted as necessary– Be identified to enable calibration status to be determined– Be safeguarded from adjustments– Protected from damage and deterioration during handling,maintenance, and storage• Assess and record the validity of previous measuring results whenequipment is found to be nonconforming to requirements.• Take appropriate action on any product affected.• Record results of calibration and verification.• Software—confirm ability prior to initial use and reconfirm asnecessary, when used in monitoring and measurement of specifiedrequirements.• Should define and implement effective and efficient measuring andmonitoring processes, including verification of products and processesto ensure satisfaction of interested parties. Includes:– Surveys– Simulations– Other measurement and monitoring activities• Measuring and monitoring processes should include confirmation thatthe devices are fit for use and are maintained to suitable accuracy andaccepted standards and be able to identify the status of the devices.• Consider means to eliminate potential errors from processes.In addition, section 8.2.4 discusses the monitoring and measurement of products.The following are points that management should consider:• Monitor and measure the characteristics of the product to verify thatrequirements have been met.• Maintain evidence of conformity to acceptance criteria.• Records shall indicate the person(s) authorizing release of product(see 4.2.4).• Can’t release and deliver product until all planned arrangements (see7.1) have been completed (relevant authority and/or customer waiver).• Should establish and specify measurement requirements for products(including acceptance criteria). It should be planned and performed in

86 Part II: Metrology

Part II.C.2

– Be calibrated or verified against traceable standards at specified

intervals or prior to use

– Where no standards exist, the basis for calibration or verification

shall be recorded

– Adjusted or readjusted as necessary

– Be identified to enable calibration status to be determined

– Be safeguarded from adjustments

– Protected from damage and deterioration during handling,

maintenance, and storage

• Assess and record the validity of previous measuring results when

equipment is found to be nonconforming to requirements.

• Take appropriate action on any product affected.

• Record results of calibration and verification.

• Software—confirm ability prior to initial use and reconfirm as

necessary, when used in monitoring and measurement of specified


• Should define and implement effective and efficient measuring and

monitoring processes, including verification of products and processes

to ensure satisfaction of interested parties. Includes:

– Surveys

– Simulations

– Other measurement and monitoring activities

• Measuring and monitoring processes should include confirmation that

the devices are fit for use and are maintained to suitable accuracy and

accepted standards and be able to identify the status of the devices.

• Consider means to eliminate potential errors from processes.

In addition, section 8.2.4 discusses the monitoring and measurement of products.

The following are points that management should consider:

• Monitor and measure the characteristics of the product to verify that

requirements have been met.

• Maintain evidence of conformity to acceptance criteria.

• Records shall indicate the person(s) authorizing release of product

(see 4.2.4).

• Can’t release and deliver product until all planned arrangements (see

7.1) have been completed (relevant authority and/or customer waiver).

• Should establish and specify measurement requirements for products

(including acceptance criteria). It should be planned and performed in

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