

76 Part II: MetrologyAs industrial processes are automated, gauging must keep pace. Automated gaugingis performed in two general ways. One is in-process or on-the-machine controlby continuous gauging of the work. The second way is post-process or after-themachinegauging control. Here, parts coming off a machine are passed throughan automatic gage. A control unit responds to the gage to sort pieces by size, andadjusts or stops the machine if parts are found out of limits.InterferometryPart II.B.2Light waves of any kind are of invariable length and are the standard for ultimatemeasures of distance. Basically, all interferometers divide a light beam and sendit along two or more paths. Then the beams are recombined to show interferencein some proportion to the differences between the lengths of the paths. One of thesimplest illustrations of this phenomenon is the optical flat and a monochromaticlight source of known wavelength.The optical flat is a plane lens, usually a clear, fused quartz disk, around 51–254 mm (2–10 in.) in diameter and 13–25 mm (.5–1 in.) thick. The faces of a flatare accurately polished to nearly true planes; some have surfaces within 25 mm(.000001 in.) of true flatness.Helium is commonly used in industry as a source of monochromatic or singlewavelengthlight because of its convenience. Although helium radiates a numberof wavelengths of light, that portion that is emitted with a wavelength of 587 nm(.00002313 in.) is so much stronger than the rest that the other wavelengths arepractically unnoticeable.Principle of Operation. The principle of light-wave interference and the operationof the optical flat are illustrated in Figure 8.2a, wherein an optical flat isshown resting at a slight angle on a workpiece surface. Energy in the form of lightwaves is transmitted from a monochromatic light source to the optical flat. Whena ray of light reaches the bottom surface of the flat, it is divided into two rays. Oneray is reflected from the bottom of the flat toward the eye of the observer whilethe other continues on downward and is reflected and loses one-half wavelengthupon striking the top of the workpiece. If the rays are in phase when they reform,their energies reinforce each other, and they appear bright. If they are out ofphase, their energies cancel and they appear dark. This phenomenon producesa series of light and dark fringes or bands along the workpiece surface and thebottom of the flat, as illustrated in Figure 8.2b.The distance between the workpiece and the bottom surface of the optical flatat any point determines which effect takes place. If the distance is equivalent tosome whole number of half wavelengths of the same monochromatic light, thereflected rays will be out of phase, thus producing dark bands. This conditionexists at positions X and Z of Figure 8.2a. If the distance is equivalent to some oddnumber of quarter wavelengths of the light, the reflected rays will be in phase witheach other and produce light bands. The light bands would be centered betweenthe dark bands. Thus a light band would appear at position Y in Figure 8.2a.Since each dark band indicates a change of one-half wavelength in the distanceseparating the work surface and flat, measurements are made very simplyby counting the number of these bands and multiplying that number by one-halfthe wavelength of the light source.

Chapter 8: B. Special Gages and Applications 77DarkbandObserverDarkbandMonochromaticlightWorkpiece or mirrorz y xOpticalflatPart II.B.21 wavelength.5 wavelength(a)PhotodetectorsLaserStationaryreflectorRR + MR + MRBeamsplintersMFixedbaseM63.5 mm(2.50 in.)12.7 mm(.50 in.)Light beamCOptical flatBASteelball19.05 mm(.750 in.)Toolmaker’s flatGageblock(b)Moving reflector(c)Figure 8.2 (a) Light-wave interference with an optical flat, (b) application of an optical flat,(c) diagram of an interferometer.Reprinted with permission of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Manufacturing Processes andMaterials, 4th edition, copyright 2000.

76 Part II: Metrology

As industrial processes are automated, gauging must keep pace. Automated gauging

is performed in two general ways. One is in-process or on-the-machine control

by continuous gauging of the work. The second way is post-process or after-themachine

gauging control. Here, parts coming off a machine are passed through

an automatic gage. A control unit responds to the gage to sort pieces by size, and

adjusts or stops the machine if parts are found out of limits.


Part II.B.2

Light waves of any kind are of invariable length and are the standard for ultimate

measures of distance. Basically, all interferometers divide a light beam and send

it along two or more paths. Then the beams are recombined to show interference

in some proportion to the differences between the lengths of the paths. One of the

simplest illustrations of this phenomenon is the optical flat and a monochromatic

light source of known wavelength.

The optical flat is a plane lens, usually a clear, fused quartz disk, around 51–

254 mm (2–10 in.) in diameter and 13–25 mm (.5–1 in.) thick. The faces of a flat

are accurately polished to nearly true planes; some have surfaces within 25 mm

(.000001 in.) of true flatness.

Helium is commonly used in industry as a source of monochromatic or singlewavelength

light because of its convenience. Although helium radiates a number

of wavelengths of light, that portion that is emitted with a wavelength of 587 nm

(.00002313 in.) is so much stronger than the rest that the other wavelengths are

practically unnoticeable.

Principle of Operation. The principle of light-wave interference and the operation

of the optical flat are illustrated in Figure 8.2a, wherein an optical flat is

shown resting at a slight angle on a workpiece surface. Energy in the form of light

waves is transmitted from a monochromatic light source to the optical flat. When

a ray of light reaches the bottom surface of the flat, it is divided into two rays. One

ray is reflected from the bottom of the flat toward the eye of the observer while

the other continues on downward and is reflected and loses one-half wavelength

upon striking the top of the workpiece. If the rays are in phase when they reform,

their energies reinforce each other, and they appear bright. If they are out of

phase, their energies cancel and they appear dark. This phenomenon produces

a series of light and dark fringes or bands along the workpiece surface and the

bottom of the flat, as illustrated in Figure 8.2b.

The distance between the workpiece and the bottom surface of the optical flat

at any point determines which effect takes place. If the distance is equivalent to

some whole number of half wavelengths of the same monochromatic light, the

reflected rays will be out of phase, thus producing dark bands. This condition

exists at positions X and Z of Figure 8.2a. If the distance is equivalent to some odd

number of quarter wavelengths of the light, the reflected rays will be in phase with

each other and produce light bands. The light bands would be centered between

the dark bands. Thus a light band would appear at position Y in Figure 8.2a.

Since each dark band indicates a change of one-half wavelength in the distance

separating the work surface and flat, measurements are made very simply

by counting the number of these bands and multiplying that number by one-half

the wavelength of the light source.

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