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50 Part I: Technical Mathematics

Table 5.18 Converting temperatures—Fahrenheit to Celsius.

From To Subtract Divide by

Part I.E

Degrees Fahrenheit Degrees Celsius 32 9/5

Table 5.19 Converting temperatures—English and metric units.

From To Subtract Add

Degrees Rankin Degrees Fahrenheit 459.67

Degrees Fahrenheit Degrees Rankin 459.67

Degrees Kelvin Degrees Celsius 273.15

Degrees Celsius Degrees Kelvin 273.15

Recall that 32 degrees Fahrenheit converts to zero degrees Celsius, and that the

boiling point of water is 212 degrees Fahrenheit or 100 degrees Celsius.

To convert temperature units from Celsius to Kelvin, or Fahrenheit to Rankin,

use the relationships given in Table 5.19. For example, to convert degrees Celsius

to degrees Kelvin, the table shows that we add 273.15 to degrees Celsius. Thus, for

instance, to convert 20 degrees Celsius to degrees Kelvin:

20 degrees Celsius = 20 + 273.15 = 293.15 degrees Kelvin

Similarly, to convert degrees Kelvin into degrees Celsius we use the reverse operation;

that is, we subtract 273.15 from degrees Kelvin. Thus,

293.15 degrees Kelvin = 293.15 – 273.15 = 20 degrees Celsius

More conversion factors are given in Appendix C.

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