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Appendix B: Computer Resources 349


The following data show the test scores (x) and the job evaluation scores (y) of 16 Six

Sigma Green Belts. Prepare a scatter plot for these data and interpret the result you

observe in this graph.


x 45 47 40 35 43 40 49 46

y 9.2 8.2 8.5 7.3 8.2 7.5 8.2 7.3

x 38 39 45 41 48 46 42 40

y 7.4 7.5 7.7 7.5 8.8 9.2 9.0 8.1

7. Enter the data in columns C1 and C2 of the data window.

8. Select Graph from the command menu.

9. Click Scatterplot from the pull-down menus available under the Graph

command menu.

10. Select the simple scatter plot and click OK.

11. Enter C2 and C1 under the y variable and x variable respectively and click OK.

12. The Minitab output will appear in the graph window as shown in Figure B.9.

Figure B.9 Minitab output of Scatterplot for the data given in Example B.5.

C1, C2, and so on, and then click OK. A separate graph is displayed for each variable.

To display more than one graph select the Multiple Graphs option and then

choose the desired display option. The box plot will appear in the graph window

as shown in Figure B.10a.

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