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348 Part V: Appendices


Figure B.8 Minitab Dotplot output for the data in Example B.4.

Scatter Plot. First enter the data in one or more columns of the worksheet depending

on how many variables you have. For each variable use only one column.

Then use the menu commands Graph > Scatterplot. These commands prompt

a dialog box entitled Scatterplots to appear, which has seven different options to

choose from. Choose the desired graph option and then click OK. Another dialog

box appears entitled Scatterplot - Simple. In this dialog box enter the names of

the variables under y variable and x variable. If you have not entered the names

of the variables in the data columns then under y variable and x variable just enter

the columns where you have entered the data, say C1, C2, and so on, and then

click OK. A separate graph is displayed for each set of variables. To display more

than one graph select the Multiple Graphs option and then choose the desired

display option.

The graph in Figure B.9 shows that although the plotted points are not clustered

around the line they still fall around the line going through them. This indicates

that there is only a moderate correlation between the test scores and the job

evaluation scores of the Six Sigma Green Belts.

Box and Whisker Plot. First, enter the data in one or more columns of the worksheet

depending on how many variables you have. For each variable use only

one column. Then use the menu commands Graph > Boxplot or Stat > EDA >

Boxplot. These commands prompt a dialog box entitled Boxplot to appear with

four different graph options. Choose the desired option and then click OK.

Another dialog box appears entitled Boxplot - One Y, Simple. In this dialog box

enter one or more variables into Graph Variables. If you have not entered the

names of the variables in the data columns then under Graph Variables just enter

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