

Appendix B: Computer Resources 341Figure B.2 Minitab window showing the menu command options.C2, and so on, there is one cell that is not labeled whereas the rest of the cells arelabeled as 1, 2, 3, and so on. In the unlabeled cell you can enter the variable namesuch as part name, shift, lot number, and so on. In the labeled cells you enter data,using one cell for each data point. If a numerical observation is missing, Minitabwill automatically replace the missing value with a star (*).From the menu bar select File > New. This gives two options: either to createa new worksheet or project.Selecting Minitab Worksheet opens a new worksheet (an empty data window),which is added to the current project.Selecting Minitab Project opens a new project and closes the existingproject.Saving a Data File. Using the command File > Save Current Worksheet Asallows saving the current data file. When you enter this command a dialog boxentitled Save Worksheet As appears. Type the file name in the box next to FileName, select the drive location for the file, and then click Save.Retrieving a Saved Minitab Data File. Using the command File > Open Worksheetwill prompt the dialog box Open Worksheet to appear. Select the drive anddirectory where the file was saved by clicking the down arrow next to the LookIn box, enter the file name in the box next to File Name and then click Open. Thedata will appear in the same format you had entered earlier.

342 Part V: AppendicesSaving a Minitab Project. Using the command File > Save Project saves theongoing project in a Minitab Project (MPJ) file to the designated directory withthe name you choose. Saving the project saves all windows opened in the project,along with the contents of each window.Print Options. To print the contents of any specific window you need to makethe specific window active by clicking on it, then using the command File > PrintSession Window (Graph, Worksheet).If you want to print multiple graphs on a single page, highlight the multiplegraphs in the Graph folder in the Project Manager Window by right clicking oneach and choose Print. The Print Multiple Graphs dialog box appears. To changethe page orientation of the multiple graphs, you need to use File > Print Setup toadjust printing options.Calculating Descriptive StatisticsColumn Statistics. First enter the desired data in the Worksheet window. Then,from the command menu select Calc > Column Statistics. The statistics that canbe displayed for the selected columns include sum, mean, standard deviation,minimum, maximum, range, median, sum of squares, N total, N nonmissing, andN missing. All these choices of statistics appear in the dialog box shown in FigureB.3. This dialog box appears immediately after you select Calc > Column Statistics.Note that using this command you can choose only one statistic at a time.Row Statistics. From the menu bar select Calc > Row Statistics. The statisticsthat can be displayed for the selected rows include sum, mean, standard deviation,EXAMPLE B.1Use the following steps to calculate any one of the statistics listed in the dialog boxentitled Column Statistics, using the following data:Solution:8 9 7 6 5 6 8 9 8 91. Enter the data in column C1 of the data window.2. Select Calc from the command menu.3. Click Column Statistics in the pull-down menu available under the Calccommand menu.4. In the dialog box entitled Column Statistics check the circle next to the desiredstatistics; here we will use standard deviation.5. Enter C1 in the box next to the input variable.6. Click OK. The Minitab output will appear in the session widow as shown inFigure B.3.

Appendix B: Computer Resources 341

Figure B.2 Minitab window showing the menu command options.

C2, and so on, there is one cell that is not labeled whereas the rest of the cells are

labeled as 1, 2, 3, and so on. In the unlabeled cell you can enter the variable name

such as part name, shift, lot number, and so on. In the labeled cells you enter data,

using one cell for each data point. If a numerical observation is missing, Minitab

will automatically replace the missing value with a star (*).

From the menu bar select File > New. This gives two options: either to create

a new worksheet or project.

Selecting Minitab Worksheet opens a new worksheet (an empty data window),

which is added to the current project.

Selecting Minitab Project opens a new project and closes the existing


Saving a Data File. Using the command File > Save Current Worksheet As

allows saving the current data file. When you enter this command a dialog box

entitled Save Worksheet As appears. Type the file name in the box next to File

Name, select the drive location for the file, and then click Save.

Retrieving a Saved Minitab Data File. Using the command File > Open Worksheet

will prompt the dialog box Open Worksheet to appear. Select the drive and

directory where the file was saved by clicking the down arrow next to the Look

In box, enter the file name in the box next to File Name and then click Open. The

data will appear in the same format you had entered earlier.

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!