

Appendix BComputer ResourcesUSING STATISTICAL SOFTWAREIn the past two decades, use of technology to analyze complicated data hasincreased substantially, which not only has made the analysis very simple, butalso has reduced the time required to complete such analysis. To facilitate statisticalanalysis many companies have acquired personal computer–based statisticalapplication software. Several PC-based software packages are available includingBMDP, JMP, Minitab, SAS, SPSS, and SYSTAT just to name a few. A great dealof effort has been expended in the development of these software packages tocreate graphical user interfaces that allow software users to complete statisticalanalysis activities without having to know a computer programming or scriptinglanguage. We believe that publishing a book discussing applied statistics withoutacknowledging and addressing the importance and usefulness of statisticalsoftware would simply not be in the best interests of our readers. Accordingly,here we briefly discuss one very popular statistical package, Minitab. It is ourexplicit intent not to endorse any specific software package. Each package has itsstrengths and weaknesses.USING MINITABMinitab (version 15) provides the options of using commands from the menubar, typing in Session commands, or using both. As shown in Figure B.1, in theWindows environment it has the look and feel of most other Windows applicationswhere the menu options help you to easily navigate through the package.Once in the Minitab environment you will see the heading Minitab - Untitledand three windows:1. The Data window (Worksheet) is used to enter data in columns denotedby C1, C2, C3, . . . , C4000.2. The Session window displays the output and also allows the user toenter commands when using the command language.3. The Project Manager window (minimized at startup) displays projectfolders, which enable one to navigate through them and manipulate asnecessary.339

340 Part V: AppendicesFigure B.1 The screen that appears first in the Minitab environment.Getting Started with MinitabIn this chapter we discuss briefly how to use Minitab pull-down menus to analyzestatistical data. Once you log on to your personal computer and get into theMinitab environment, you will see the picture shown in Figure B.1 on your PCscreen. The pull-down menus appear at the top of the screen.Menu Commands. Menu commands include:File Edit Data Calc Stat Graph Editor Tools Window HelpBy clicking on any of the above menu commands, we see options included in thatcommand. For example, if we click on the File menu we get the drop-down menuas shown in Figure B.2. The New option allows us to create a new worksheet.Creating a New Worksheet. Creating a new worksheet means to enter new datain the data window. The data window consists of 4000 columns, which are labeledC1, C2, . . . , C4000. The data can be entered in one or more columns dependingon the setup of the problem. In each column, immediately below the labels C1,

Appendix B

Computer Resources


In the past two decades, use of technology to analyze complicated data has

increased substantially, which not only has made the analysis very simple, but

also has reduced the time required to complete such analysis. To facilitate statistical

analysis many companies have acquired personal computer–based statistical

application software. Several PC-based software packages are available including

BMDP, JMP, Minitab, SAS, SPSS, and SYSTAT just to name a few. A great deal

of effort has been expended in the development of these software packages to

create graphical user interfaces that allow software users to complete statistical

analysis activities without having to know a computer programming or scripting

language. We believe that publishing a book discussing applied statistics without

acknowledging and addressing the importance and usefulness of statistical

software would simply not be in the best interests of our readers. Accordingly,

here we briefly discuss one very popular statistical package, Minitab. It is our

explicit intent not to endorse any specific software package. Each package has its

strengths and weaknesses.


Minitab (version 15) provides the options of using commands from the menu

bar, typing in Session commands, or using both. As shown in Figure B.1, in the

Windows environment it has the look and feel of most other Windows applications

where the menu options help you to easily navigate through the package.

Once in the Minitab environment you will see the heading Minitab - Untitled

and three windows:

1. The Data window (Worksheet) is used to enter data in columns denoted

by C1, C2, C3, . . . , C4000.

2. The Session window displays the output and also allows the user to

enter commands when using the command language.

3. The Project Manager window (minimized at startup) displays project

folders, which enable one to navigate through them and manipulate as



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