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Index Terms


P pk , process capability index 302–3

precision 124

prevention, versus detection 304–5

prevention costs 305–6

preventive action 175–76

primary standards 117

prime factorization 5

prime number 5

problem-solving techniques 317–19


action on 259

definition 247

evaluation 259

versus product 306–7

variation 259 315

process audit 309

process capability analysis 293–303

process capability index (PCI) 293–303

process equipment 115

process variability 122

producer’s risk 153

product, versus process 306

product identification, mechanics of 172–73

product/service audit 309

product traceability 170–73

profile 96

measuring 100–101

profiling gage 99

progressive (plug) gage 66 69

proper fractions 4

proportion, measures of 212–15

protractors 93

pyrometer 75

Pythagorean theorem 28 32

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