

Index TermsLinksinspector qualifications 169inspector training 169–70 177interferometry 76–79internal failure costs 306internal quality audit 308International Organization forStandardization (ISO) 95 322–23International Organization of LegalMetrology (OIML) 95international standards 117interquartile range 214–15inverse operations 12–14inverse trigonometric functions 32–33irrational numbers 9Ishikawa diagram 249–50ISO 9000 standard, requirements fortraceability 170ISO/IEC 17025 87 88JJuran, Joseph M. 306KK 1 , values of for computing repeatability(Appendix F) 389–90K 2 , values of for computing reproducibility(Appendix G) 391Kelvin temperature units 50Llaser inspection instruments 102 103lasers 58law of cosines 34This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.

Index TermsLinkslaw of sines 33–34lay 96least common denominator 6least material condition (LMC) 147 148Lennox Industries 173leveling 102–3levels of inspection, under ANSI/ASQZ1.4-2003 156levels of severity, of defects 176–77light waves, as gauging standard 58limit gage 66linear variable displacement transformer(LVDT) transducer 73linearity 85 124liquid penetrant, method of nondestructivetesting 186–87lock-out/tag-out, electrical 322lot size 154lot tolerance percent defective (LTPD) 153Mmachine tooling, interferometry applicationsin 78–79machine vision 79magnetic, method of nondestructive testing 185–86magnification 85major defect 177under ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2003 156mass, and weight 94master gages 66material, nonconforming, identification of 173–76material inspection, incoming 164material review board (MRB) 178–79material safety data sheets (MSDS) 321This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.

Index Terms


law of sines 33–34

lay 96

least common denominator 6

least material condition (LMC) 147 148

Lennox Industries 173

leveling 102–3

levels of inspection, under ANSI/ASQ

Z1.4-2003 156

levels of severity, of defects 176–77

light waves, as gauging standard 58

limit gage 66

linear variable displacement transformer

(LVDT) transducer 73

linearity 85 124

liquid penetrant, method of nondestructive

testing 186–87

lock-out/tag-out, electrical 322

lot size 154

lot tolerance percent defective (LTPD) 153


machine tooling, interferometry applications

in 78–79

machine vision 79

magnetic, method of nondestructive testing 185–86

magnification 85

major defect 177

under ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2003 156

mass, and weight 94

master gages 66

material, nonconforming, identification of 173–76

material inspection, incoming 164

material review board (MRB) 178–79

material safety data sheets (MSDS) 321

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