

20 Test Questions108. The quality tools used in auditing can be used in other applications of quality aswell.A. TrueB. False109. Sampling plans can be used in auditing as well as other areas of quality.A. TrueB. False110. Corrective action requests (CARs) are used in what way(s)?A. To inform improvement effortsB. To justify needed resourcesC. As references for auditor follow-upD. All of the above111. Which of the seven basic quality control tools appears as a bar chart with datastacked from the largest to the smallest?A. HistogramB. Pareto chartC. Run chartD. Scatter diagram112. What information do we obtain from a “fishbone” diagram?A. Ranking of dataB. Strength of relationshipsC. Sources of dataD. Cause and effect113. Which of the seven basic quality control tools helps us understand steps in aprocess?A. Run chartB. Affinity diagramC. Radar chartD. Flowchart114. For what purpose are check sheets used?A. Making calculationsB. Checking calculationsC. Tabulating dataD. Graphing data

Test Questions 21115. Which of the seven basic quality control tools helps us identify relationshipsbetween two quantitative variables?A. Scatter diagramB. Cause and effect diagramC. HistogramD. Check sheet116. Which of the seven basic quality control tools is a bar chart with the dataorganized as it occurs within a process (i.e., the data are not sorted from largest tosmallest)?A. FlowchartB. HistogramC. Pareto chartD. Run chart117. Who developed the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle?A. JuranB. DemingC. ShewhartD. Ishikawa118. Who developed the plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycle?A. JuranB. DemingC. ShewhartD. Gryna119. What is the primary purpose of the PDCA and PDSA cycles?A. Failure mode and effects analysisB. MaintainabilityC. Process improvementsD. Error detection120. There are eight wastes in production or service delivery systems: overproduction,waiting, unnecessary transportation of materials or products, overprocessing,inventory, unnecessary employee movement, production of defective parts, andunderutilization of employees. What is our ultimate goal with respect to thesewastes?A. EliminationB. ReductionC. MitigationD. Preservation

20 Test Questions

108. The quality tools used in auditing can be used in other applications of quality as


A. True

B. False

109. Sampling plans can be used in auditing as well as other areas of quality.

A. True

B. False

110. Corrective action requests (CARs) are used in what way(s)?

A. To inform improvement efforts

B. To justify needed resources

C. As references for auditor follow-up

D. All of the above

111. Which of the seven basic quality control tools appears as a bar chart with data

stacked from the largest to the smallest?

A. Histogram

B. Pareto chart

C. Run chart

D. Scatter diagram

112. What information do we obtain from a “fishbone” diagram?

A. Ranking of data

B. Strength of relationships

C. Sources of data

D. Cause and effect

113. Which of the seven basic quality control tools helps us understand steps in a


A. Run chart

B. Affinity diagram

C. Radar chart

D. Flowchart

114. For what purpose are check sheets used?

A. Making calculations

B. Checking calculations

C. Tabulating data

D. Graphing data

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