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Dovich, R. 1992. “Acceptance Sampling.” In Quality Engineering Handbook. T. Pyzdek and

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Duncan, A. J. 1974. Quality Control and Industrial Statistics. 4th ed. Homewood, IL: Richard

D. Irwin.

Feigenbaum, A. V. 1991. Total Quality Control. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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Enterprise Quality. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Wald, A. 1973. Sequential Analysis. New York: Dover.

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ASQ Statistics Division. 2005. Glossary and Tables for Statistical Quality Control. 4th ed.

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Gryna, F. M. 2001. Quality Planning and Analysis. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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no. 7: 24–26.

McKenzie, R. M. 1958. On the Accuracy of Inspectors. Ergonomics 1: 258–72.

Megaw, E. D. 1979. Factors Affecting Visual Inspection Accuracy. Applied Ergonomics 10:


Rashed, A. F., and A. M. Hamouda. 1974. Technology for Real Quality. Egyptian University


Raz, T. “Inspection.” 1992. In Quality Engineering Handbook. T. Pyzdek and R. Berger, eds.

Milwaukee: ASQC Quality Press; New York: Marcel Dekker.

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ADMET Material Testing. 2006. Tensile Property Testing of Plastics.


Aircraft NDT. 2005. Level III NDT: F.A.A. Repair Station N5DR1760.

http://www.aircraftndt.com/ndt_terms.htm, accessed February, 2008.

American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT). 2008.

http://www.asnt.org/ndt/primer1.htm, accessed February, 2008.

ASM International. 2005. Metallography and Microstructures. Vol. 9. ASM Handbook.

Materials Park, OH: ASMI.

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