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Chapter 22: E. Resources 327

• Champion. The team champion is an organization or company leader

who has convened a team as characterized above. The champion is

responsible for ensuring there is a clear path of communication to the

company leadership, that the team functions effectively, and that the

team has the resources it needs to complete its work.

• Team leader. The team leader is responsible for articulating strategy,

formalizing and assigning work tasks, supervising day-to-day

operation of the team, and documentation of team activities. The team

leader is also the person who typically tracks and monitors resources

used and required by the team.

• Facilitator. The facilitator helps balance participation of team members,

particularly during team meetings. The facilitator does not take an

active role in the substance of team meeting agenda items or

conversations, rather, the facilitator ensures that meetings remain

productive by enforcing team operating rules, practice of professional

courtesy and collegiality, and effectively managing meeting time.

The facilitator also may provide training in selected problem-solving

approaches and tools or techniques that may be needed by members

of the team.

• Team members. Team members are selected to serve on teams based

on their ability to contribute to the solution of a problem or exploit

an opportunity as well as they are selected based on their proximity

to, or involvement with, a problem or opportunity. Team members are

purposefully selected from as many areas as possible within or

outside a work unit or company to ensure that all stakeholders are

represented. A stakeholder is someone who is directly or indirectly

impacted by any given problem or opportunity.

No matter how experienced the members of a team may be within their areas of

expertise or in working on teams, team performance is very predictable based on

stages of development. Each time a team is created, members of the team progress

through these stages of development. The amount of time needed to progress

through each stage of development depends on many factors; in fact it is possible

that a dysfunctional team may not be able to progress through these stages.

Part IV.E.4

Stages of Team Development

The stages of team development include the following:

• Forming. During the forming stage, teams are just coming together,

and members are learning the rules of operation, strategy, and

expected outcomes. During the forming stages, team members are

also learning to work with each other and this stage commonly is a

bit frustrating for team members.

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