

Chapter 3: C. Basic Geometry 23Table 3.2 Calculation of perimeter and circumference of basic geometric shapes. ContinuedShape Example FormulaCircleDrCircumference = 2p r = p Dwhere r is radius andD is diameter.Part I.CA parallelogram has two sides equal to 26 mm and a top andbase each equal to 40 mm. Its perimeter is (2 × 26 mm) + (2 × 40 mm)= 132 mm.A trapezoid has sides of length 12, 15, 24, and 27 cm. Its perimeter isthen (12 cm + 15 cm + 24 cm + 27 cm) = 78 cm.A regular hexagon (meaning one with all sides the same length) hassides of length 8.0 cm. Its perimeter is then 6 × 8.0 cm = 48.0 cm.A right triangle (meaning that the triangle has a 90-degree angle) hasa base of 65 mm, a height of 120 mm, and a hypotenuse of 136.47 mm.Its perimeter is (65 mm + 120 mm + 136.47 mm) = 321.47 mm.A triangle has sides with lengths 20 cm, 34 cm, and 40 cm. Its perimeteris (20 cm + 34 cm + 40 cm) = 94 cm.A circle has a radius of 25 inches, hence a diameter of 50 inches. Itscircumference is (2 × p × 25 in) = (p × 50 in) = 157.08 in. Note: sincethe formula involves pi, when at all possible use a calculator to findcircumference to avoid round-off errors.VOLUME OF BASIC GEOMETRIC SHAPESVolume (V) is expressed in terms of cubic units, such as cm 3 or ft 3 . Formulas forcalculating volume are shown in Table 3.3.Examples of Volume CalculationsA square prism has length, width, and height equal to 23 cm, 12 cm, and30 cm, respectively. Its volume is (23 cm × 12 cm × 30 cm) = 8280 cm 3 .A cube has sides of length 13 inches. Its volume is then (13 in) 3 = (13 in ×13 in × 13 in) = 2197 in 3 .

24 Part I: Technical MathematicsTable 3.3 Calculation of volume of basic geometric shapes.Shape Example FormulaPart I.CSquare prismcV = abcabCube (all sides V = s 3equal length)sCylinderrV = p r 2 hhrCone V = 1 2p r h3hSphere V = 4 p r3r3A cylinder has a radius of 120 mm and a height of 250 mm. Its volume isp × (120 mm) 2 × (250 mm) = 11,309,734 mm 3 . Note: since the formulainvolves pi, when at all possible use a calculator to find the volume ofa cylinder to avoid round-off errors.A cone has a radius of 3.5 inches and a height of 12 inches. Its volume is(1/3) × p × (3.5 in) 2 × 12 in = 153.938 in 3 . Note: since the formula involvespi (p), when at all possible use a calculator to find the volume of a coneto avoid round-off errors.

Chapter 3: C. Basic Geometry 23

Table 3.2 Calculation of perimeter and circumference of basic geometric shapes. Continued

Shape Example Formula




Circumference = 2p r = p D

where r is radius and

D is diameter.

Part I.C

A parallelogram has two sides equal to 26 mm and a top and

base each equal to 40 mm. Its perimeter is (2 × 26 mm) + (2 × 40 mm)

= 132 mm.

A trapezoid has sides of length 12, 15, 24, and 27 cm. Its perimeter is

then (12 cm + 15 cm + 24 cm + 27 cm) = 78 cm.

A regular hexagon (meaning one with all sides the same length) has

sides of length 8.0 cm. Its perimeter is then 6 × 8.0 cm = 48.0 cm.

A right triangle (meaning that the triangle has a 90-degree angle) has

a base of 65 mm, a height of 120 mm, and a hypotenuse of 136.47 mm.

Its perimeter is (65 mm + 120 mm + 136.47 mm) = 321.47 mm.

A triangle has sides with lengths 20 cm, 34 cm, and 40 cm. Its perimeter

is (20 cm + 34 cm + 40 cm) = 94 cm.

A circle has a radius of 25 inches, hence a diameter of 50 inches. Its

circumference is (2 × p × 25 in) = (p × 50 in) = 157.08 in. Note: since

the formula involves pi, when at all possible use a calculator to find

circumference to avoid round-off errors.


Volume (V) is expressed in terms of cubic units, such as cm 3 or ft 3 . Formulas for

calculating volume are shown in Table 3.3.

Examples of Volume Calculations

A square prism has length, width, and height equal to 23 cm, 12 cm, and

30 cm, respectively. Its volume is (23 cm × 12 cm × 30 cm) = 8280 cm 3 .

A cube has sides of length 13 inches. Its volume is then (13 in) 3 = (13 in ×

13 in × 13 in) = 2197 in 3 .

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