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308 Part IV: Quality Assurance

Terms and Definitions

auditee—The person or organization being audited.

auditor—The person or organization conducting the audit.

client—The person or organization requesting the audit.

interested party—A stakeholder in the audit process or results.

internal quality audit—Also known as a first-party audit. An audit conducted

within a company or organization by one or more employees of that company

or organization.

external quality audit—Also known as a second-party audit. An audit conducted

within a company or organization by one or more employees from a different

company or organization.

third-party audit—An audit conducted by a regulatory agency or registrar.

Types of Audits

Part IV.C.3

Quality audits may be classified according to the party conducting them or by

their scope.

When the auditor is an employee of the organization being audited (auditee),

the audit is classified as an internal quality audit. For the purposes of maintaining

objectivity and minimizing bias, internal auditors must be independent from the

activity being audited. When the auditors are employees of the client or an independent

organization, that is, a third party hired for the purpose, the audit is

termed an external quality audit. In this case, the auditors are clearly independent

of the auditee and are in a position to provide the client with an unbiased, objective

assessment. This is the type of audit required to permit listing in a register or

to meet mandatory quality requirements. However, the time required and costs

involved in an external audit are much higher as compared to internal audits.

Another way to classify quality audits is by scope. An audit may be as comprehensive

as needed or requested by a client. Arter (2003) identifies six types of

audits, each with a different scope, as described in Table 20.1.

Table 20.1 Audit types and scope.

Compliance audit

Performance audit

System audit Consistent implementation of a Ability to achieve organizational

defined system. Promotes stability. goals. Promotes change.

Process audit Performance of the ability in Ability of the processes to achieve

accordance with defined processes. desired characteristics.

Product audit Production of goods or services to Suitability of the goods or services

defined requirements.

for intended use.

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