

300 Part IV: Quality AssuranceEXAMPLE 19.14Using the information given in example 19.12, compute Ĉ pl and Ĉ pu .Solution:CˆCˆplpuX LSL272264= = = 103 .3sˆ 3258 .( )USLX 280272= = = 103 .3sˆ 3258 .( )Note that both Ĉ pl and Ĉ pu are equal to Ĉ p , which will always be the case when the processmean is centered between the specification limits. Moreover, when both Ĉ pl andĈ pu are equal, the percentage of nonconforming units below the lower specificationlimit and above the upper specification limit are the same.EXAMPLE 19.15Uusing the information given in Example 19.13, compute Ĉ pl and Ĉ pu .Solution:Part IV.B.5CˆCˆplpuX LSL276264= = = 155 .3sˆ 3258 .( )USLX 280276= = = 052 .3sˆ 3258 .( )In this case, the value of Ĉ pl is much larger than one whereas the value of Ĉ pu is muchsmaller than one, which indicates that most of the nonconforming units produced bythe process are falling above the upper specification limit. Finally, note that both Ĉ pl andĈ pu are sensitive to where the process mean is located.Process Capability Index: C pkIn order to overcome the centering problem in C p discussed in the precedingsection, process capability index C pk was introduced. The PCI C pk , which is againone of the first five used in Japan, is defined asC min C , C . (19.68)= ( )pk pl puThe index C pk is related to the index C p asCpk( )= 1k C(19.69)p

Chapter 19: B. Statistical Process Control 301wherek =( USL + LSL/2 m ).USL LSL / 2( )(19.70)Furthermore, it can easily be seen that 0 k 1, so that C pk is always less than orequal to C p . Also, note that when the process mean m coincides with the midpointbetween the specification limits, then k = 0, and therefore C pk equals C p .Note that C pk takes care of the centering problem only if the process standarddeviation remains the same. If the process standard deviation changes, then thevalue of C pk may not change even when the process mean moves away fromthe center. It can easily be seen that this will always be the scenario providedthat the distance of the process mean from the nearest specification limit in termsof s remains the same. For example, in Table 19.11 we consider four processes withthe same specification limits but with different process means (m) and differentstandard deviations (s) such that the value of C pk in each case remains the same.Clearly, the value of C pk for each of the four processes remains the same eventhough the process mean has been moving away from the center, since in eachcase the distance between the process mean and the nearest specification limit (inthis example the LSL) is three times the process standard deviation. Thus, we cansay that in some ways C pk is also not an adequate measure of centering. Assumingthe process characteristic is normally distributed, Table 19.12 below gives the partsper million (ppm) of nonconforming units for different values of C pk .From Table 19.12, we can see that each of the processes in Table 19.11 will produce1350 nonconforming ppm. This is only possible if the process standard deviationis shrinking while the process mean is shifting and the natural tolerancelimits remain within the specification limits. In fact, in Table 19.11, the processwith standard deviation s = 2 would be of Six Sigma quality if the process meanTable 19.11 Different processes with same value of C pk .Process LSL USL Center l r C pk1 12 36 24 24 4 1.002 12 36 24 22 3.33 1.003 12 36 24 20 2.67 1.004 12 36 24 18 2.00 1.00Part IV.B.5Table 19.12Parts per million of nonconformingunits for different values of C pk .C pk 1.00 1.33 1.67 2.00PPM 1350 30 1 .001

300 Part IV: Quality Assurance


Using the information given in example 19.12, compute Ĉ pl and Ĉ pu .







= = = 103 .

3sˆ 3258 .

( )


X 280


= = = 103 .

3sˆ 3258 .

( )

Note that both Ĉ pl and Ĉ pu are equal to Ĉ p , which will always be the case when the process

mean is centered between the specification limits. Moreover, when both Ĉ pl and

Ĉ pu are equal, the percentage of nonconforming units below the lower specification

limit and above the upper specification limit are the same.


Uusing the information given in Example 19.13, compute Ĉ pl and Ĉ pu .


Part IV.B.5






= = = 155 .

3sˆ 3258 .

( )


X 280


= = = 052 .

3sˆ 3258 .

( )

In this case, the value of Ĉ pl is much larger than one whereas the value of Ĉ pu is much

smaller than one, which indicates that most of the nonconforming units produced by

the process are falling above the upper specification limit. Finally, note that both Ĉ pl and

Ĉ pu are sensitive to where the process mean is located.

Process Capability Index: C pk

In order to overcome the centering problem in C p discussed in the preceding

section, process capability index C pk was introduced. The PCI C pk , which is again

one of the first five used in Japan, is defined as

C min C , C . (19.68)

= ( )

pk pl pu

The index C pk is related to the index C p as



( )

= 1

k C



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