

278 Part IV: Quality Assurance• The process performance has improved or it is improving. Thiscondition of the process should be investigated very carefullyso that such conditions of improvement are implemented on apermanent basis at this location and elsewhere in the industry.• The measurement system has changed.5. As with the X – and R and X – and S charts, the presence of any unusualpatterns or trends is either an indication of an unstable process or itis an advance warning of conditions that, if left unattended or withoutany appropriate action, could make the process unstable.6. If p – is moderately high (np 5) then an approximately equal number ofpoints should fall on either side of the center line. Therefore, either ofthe following conditions could indicate that the process has shiftedor a trend of shift has started:• A run of seven or more points going up or going down• A run of seven or more points falling either below or above thecenter line7. A run above the center line or a run going up generally indicates:• The process performance has deteriorated and may still bedeteriorating• The measurement system has changed8. A run below the center line or a run going down generally indicates:• The process performance has improved and may still beimprovingPart IV.B.4• The measurement system has changedTo illustrate the construction of the p chart we will consider the data from Example19.6, shown in Table 19.5.EXAMPLE 19.6A semiconductor manufacturer tracks the number of nonconforming computer chipsproduced each day. A team of Six Sigma Green Belts wants to improve the overall qualityby reducing the fraction of nonconforming computer chips. To achieve this goal, theteam decided to set up a p chart based on daily inspections of 1000 chips over a periodof 30 days. Table 19.5 gives the number of nonconforming chips out of 1000 inspectedchips each day during the study period of 30 days.Solution:Using the data in Table 19.5 we develop the trial control limits of the p chart as follows:Continued

Chapter 19: B. Statistical Process Control 279ContinuedTable 19.5Number of nonconforming computer chips out of 1000 inspected each dayduring the study period of 30 days.Number of Sample fraction Number of Sample fractionnonconforming nonconforming nonconforming nonconformingDay x p i Day x p i1 9 0.009 16 12 0.0122 5 0.005 17 5 0.0053 6 0.006 18 6 0.0064 11 0.011 19 12 0.0125 11 0.011 20 10 0.0106 12 0.012 21 6 0.0067 7 0.007 22 7 0.0078 11 0.011 23 11 0.0119 6 0.006 24 11 0.01110 6 0.006 25 9 0.00911 8 0.008 26 5 0.00512 5 0.005 27 12 0.01213 8 0.008 28 11 0.01114 5 0.005 29 7 0.00715 8 0.008 30 9 0.009First we calculate the sample fraction nonconforming values (p i ), which are listedin columns three and six of Table 19.5. Substituting the sample fraction nonconformingvalues in equation (19.31), we getp – = 0.00837.Plugging the value of p – = 0.00837 and n = 1000 into equations (19.32) and (19.34) we getthe control limits for the p chart, that isUCL = 0.01701CL = 0.00837LCL = 0.0The p control chart for the data in Table 19.5 is shown in Figure 19.10. From the controlchart in Figure 19.10 we observe that all the points are well within the control limits. Weshould note, however, that starting from point number nine, seven successive pointsfall below the center line. This indicates that from day nine through 15, the numberof nonconforming chips was relatively low. Investigation to determine the processPart IV.B.4Continued

Chapter 19: B. Statistical Process Control 279


Table 19.5

Number of nonconforming computer chips out of 1000 inspected each day

during the study period of 30 days.

Number of Sample fraction Number of Sample fraction

nonconforming nonconforming nonconforming nonconforming

Day x p i Day x p i

1 9 0.009 16 12 0.012

2 5 0.005 17 5 0.005

3 6 0.006 18 6 0.006

4 11 0.011 19 12 0.012

5 11 0.011 20 10 0.010

6 12 0.012 21 6 0.006

7 7 0.007 22 7 0.007

8 11 0.011 23 11 0.011

9 6 0.006 24 11 0.011

10 6 0.006 25 9 0.009

11 8 0.008 26 5 0.005

12 5 0.005 27 12 0.012

13 8 0.008 28 11 0.011

14 5 0.005 29 7 0.007

15 8 0.008 30 9 0.009

First we calculate the sample fraction nonconforming values (p i ), which are listed

in columns three and six of Table 19.5. Substituting the sample fraction nonconforming

values in equation (19.31), we get

p – = 0.00837.

Plugging the value of p – = 0.00837 and n = 1000 into equations (19.32) and (19.34) we get

the control limits for the p chart, that is

UCL = 0.01701

CL = 0.00837

LCL = 0.0

The p control chart for the data in Table 19.5 is shown in Figure 19.10. From the control

chart in Figure 19.10 we observe that all the points are well within the control limits. We

should note, however, that starting from point number nine, seven successive points

fall below the center line. This indicates that from day nine through 15, the number

of nonconforming chips was relatively low. Investigation to determine the process

Part IV.B.4


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