

272 Part IV: Quality AssuranceEXAMPLE 19.5Use the ball bearing data in Table 19.3 to construct X – and S control charts.Solution:From Appendix E for sample of size n = 4, we have B 3 = 0, and B 4 = 2.266. Thus, the controllimits for the S control chart areLCL = Bs3= 0× 0.01557 = 0UCL = Bs= 2. 266× 0. 01557 = 0.03527.4It is customary to prepare the S control chart first and verify that all the plotted pointsfall within the control limits and only then proceeding to construct the X – control chart.As described earlier, the concept of first bringing the process variability under controland only then proceeding to control the average does make lot of sense, since withoutcontrolling the process variability, it is practically impossible to bring the process averageunder control.The S chart for the data is given in Figure 19.9, which shows that points two andthree almost coincide with the upper control limit. Moreover, point 17 is almost on thecenter line. If this point were clearly below the center line then we would have had arun of nine points below the center line. These observations indicate that the processvariability is marginally under control and, therefore, the process should be carefullymonitored. Since the process variability is under control, even though marginally, wecan proceed further to calculate the control limits for the X – chart. From Appendix E forsample of size n = 4, we get A 3 = 1.628. Thus, we haveLCL = x A 3s = 15. 1628 1. 628× 0. 01557 = 15.13746UCL = x + A 3s = 15. 1628+ 1. 628× 0. 01557 = 15. 1881.Part IV.B.3The X – chart for the data in Table 19.3 is given in Figure 19.9, which shows that point22 exceeds the upper control limits. Moreover, there are too many consecutive pointsthat fall below the center line. This indicates that the process in not under control andthere are some special causes present that are affecting the process average. Thus,a thorough investigation should be launched to find the special causes, and appropriateaction should be taken to eliminate these special causes before proceeding to recalculatethe control limits for an ongoing process.Continued

Chapter 19: B. Statistical Process Control 273ContinuedX – chartSample meanSample standarddeviation15.1815.1615. 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Samples chart2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Sample1UCL = 15.18814X – = 15.1628LCL = 15.13746UCL = 0.03527s – = 0.01557LCL = 0Figure 19.9 The X – and S control chart for the ball bearing data in Table 19.3.4. ATTRIBUTES CHARTSIdentify characteristics and uses of p, np, c,and u charts. (Application)Body of Knowledge IV.B.4Part IV.B.4As noted earlier in this chapter, quality characteristics are usually of two types,called variables and attributes. In the previous section we studied control chartsfor variables for detecting large process shifts. However, not all quality characteristicscan be measured numerically. For example, we may be interested infinding whether the new car paint meets specifications in terms of shine, uniformity,and scratches. Clearly, in this example we can’t quantify the shine, blemishes,and scratches. In other words, we can not measure the shine, uniformity,or the scratches numerically; consequently, to study the quality of paint on newcars, we can not use control charts for variables. Sometimes, this type of situationcan arise when a quality characteristic is measurable, but because of cost,

Chapter 19: B. Statistical Process Control 273


X – chart

Sample mean

Sample standard










2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


s chart

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24



UCL = 15.18814

X – = 15.1628

LCL = 15.13746

UCL = 0.03527

s – = 0.01557

LCL = 0

Figure 19.9 The X – and S control chart for the ball bearing data in Table 19.3.


Identify characteristics and uses of p, np, c,

and u charts. (Application)

Body of Knowledge IV.B.4

Part IV.B.4

As noted earlier in this chapter, quality characteristics are usually of two types,

called variables and attributes. In the previous section we studied control charts

for variables for detecting large process shifts. However, not all quality characteristics

can be measured numerically. For example, we may be interested in

finding whether the new car paint meets specifications in terms of shine, uniformity,

and scratches. Clearly, in this example we can’t quantify the shine, blemishes,

and scratches. In other words, we can not measure the shine, uniformity,

or the scratches numerically; consequently, to study the quality of paint on new

cars, we can not use control charts for variables. Sometimes, this type of situation

can arise when a quality characteristic is measurable, but because of cost,

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