

264 Part IV: Quality AssuranceCL = xLCL = x = 3sˆxsˆ= x 3nR= x 3d n2= xA R2(19.7)(19.8)where the values of A 2 and d 2 for various sample sizes are givenin Appendix E.Note: Instead of calculating three-sigma limits (common inthe United States), we can also calculate the probability limits(common in Europe) at the desired level of significance a simplyby replacing 3 with z a/2 in equations (19.6) and (19.8). Thus, thecontrol limits will bePart IV.B.3UCL = x+z= x+zLCL = xz= xza / 2a / 2a / 2a / 2sˆnRd2sˆnnR.d nStep 4. Calculate the control limits for the R control chart:UCL = R + 3sˆ2= R+3d R 3d d 3= + 1 3d R= DR4R22(19.9)(19.10)(19.11)CL = R(19.12)

Chapter 19: B. Statistical Process Control 265LCL = R 3sˆR= R3d R 3d d 3= 1 3d R= DR322(19.13)where the values of D 3 and D 4 for various sample sizes are given inAppendix E. The first implementation of control charts is referredto as phase I. In phase I, it is important that we calculate thepreliminary control limits. The preliminary control limits arecalculated to find the extent of variation in sample means and sampleranges if the process is stable. In other words, at this point, onlycommon causes would be affecting the process. If all of the plottedpoints fall within the control limits and there is no evidence of anypattern, then it means the control limits are suitable for the currentor future process. However, if some points exceed the control limits,then such points are ignored and every effort is made to eliminateany evident special causes that may be present in the process. Thenfresh control limits are calculated by using the remaining data andthe whole process is repeated again. Remember that ignoring thepoints that exceed the control limits without eliminating the specialcauses may result in unnecessarily narrow control limits, which maycause different kinds of headaches such as putting points beyondthe control limits when, in fact, they should not be. Furthermore, it ishighly recommended that for preliminary control limits, we use atleast 25 samples of size four or five. Otherwise, the control limits maynot be suitable for the current and future process.Part IV.B.3EXAMPLE 19.4Table 19.3 provides the data on the diameter measurements of ball bearings used inthe wheels of heavy construction equipment. Twenty five samples each of size fourare taken directly from the production line. Samples come from all three shifts and nosample contains data from two or more shifts. Use this data to construct an X – and Rchart and to verify that the process is stable.Solution:From Appendix E for sample of size n = 4, we have D 3 = 0, and D 4 = 2.282. Thus, thecontrol limits for the R chart areLCL = DR3= 0× 0.03479 = 0UCL = DR= 2. 282× 0. 03479 = 0.07936.4Continued

Chapter 19: B. Statistical Process Control 265

LCL = R 3sˆ


= R

3d R 3





1 3



= DR





where the values of D 3 and D 4 for various sample sizes are given in

Appendix E. The first implementation of control charts is referred

to as phase I. In phase I, it is important that we calculate the

preliminary control limits. The preliminary control limits are

calculated to find the extent of variation in sample means and sample

ranges if the process is stable. In other words, at this point, only

common causes would be affecting the process. If all of the plotted

points fall within the control limits and there is no evidence of any

pattern, then it means the control limits are suitable for the current

or future process. However, if some points exceed the control limits,

then such points are ignored and every effort is made to eliminate

any evident special causes that may be present in the process. Then

fresh control limits are calculated by using the remaining data and

the whole process is repeated again. Remember that ignoring the

points that exceed the control limits without eliminating the special

causes may result in unnecessarily narrow control limits, which may

cause different kinds of headaches such as putting points beyond

the control limits when, in fact, they should not be. Furthermore, it is

highly recommended that for preliminary control limits, we use at

least 25 samples of size four or five. Otherwise, the control limits may

not be suitable for the current and future process.

Part IV.B.3


Table 19.3 provides the data on the diameter measurements of ball bearings used in

the wheels of heavy construction equipment. Twenty five samples each of size four

are taken directly from the production line. Samples come from all three shifts and no

sample contains data from two or more shifts. Use this data to construct an X – and R

chart and to verify that the process is stable.


From Appendix E for sample of size n = 4, we have D 3 = 0, and D 4 = 2.282. Thus, the

control limits for the R chart are



= 0× 0.

03479 = 0

UCL = DR= 2. 282× 0. 03479 = 0.07936.



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