

Chapter 2: B. Basic Algebra 17To check your work, you must first check to see if the equality holds true. Thenchoose a number that is in the range of solutions to make sure the inequality isalso correct, as shown below. Check for the equality condition:7y + 30 518724+ 30 = 51821+ 30 = 5151=51Part I.BTo check for the inequality condition, use a number in the solution range. Recallthat the solution to the example was y 24. Here we arbitrarily choose 40 to performthe check:7y + 30 518740+ 30 51835+ 30 5165 51Solving Inequalities with Negatively Signed ValuesBe careful when solving an inequality by multiplying or dividing both sides bya negative number—the inequality sign reverses! Checking your work after solvingan inequality is very important to make sure that the sign of your answer iscorrect. For example,Check for the equality condition: 7x+ 425 7x+ 442547x21 7x÷ 7 21÷ 7x 3. 7x+ 425( 7x3)+ 4=2521+ 4 = 2525 = 25

18 Part I: Technical MathematicsCheck for the inequality condition. Here, the number 2 is chosen for the check:Part I.B 7x+ 425( 7×2)+ 425 14+ 4 25– 10 25

18 Part I: Technical Mathematics

Check for the inequality condition. Here, the number 2 is chosen for the check:

Part I.B


+ 4


( 7×

2)+ 4


14+ 4 25

– 10 25

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