

236 Part IV: Quality AssuranceContinuedSmallest value withinthe inner fenceLargest value withinthe inner fenceMild outlierD C E FAD–1812 28 32 411720 23Figure 18.23 Box plot for the data in Example 18.25.Thus, the standard deviation is S = 4.26It can be seen that the intervals:(X – – S, X – + S) = (15.74 – 24.26) contains 72.5 percent of the data(X – – 2S, X – + 2S) = (11.48 – 28.52) contains 100 percent of the dataThe data are slightly more clustered around the mean. But for all practical purposes wecan say that the empirical rule does hold.Part IV.A.55. NORMAL DISTRIBUTIONDefine the characteristics of a normaldistribution, such as symmetry, bell curve,central tendency, etc. (Comprehension)Body of Knowledge IV.A.5In this section we study the normal distribution, which is one of the most importantand widely used probability distributions. It forms the basis of modern statisticaltheory.A random variable X is said to have a normal probability distribution if the densityfunction of X is given by212( xm)/ 2sf ( x)= e x+2ps(18.17)

Chapter 18: A. Basic Statistics and Applications 237where – < m < + and s > 0 are the two parameters of the distribution, p 3.14159,and e 2.71828. Also, note that m and s are the mean and standard deviation of thedistribution. A random variable X having a normal distribution with mean m anda standard deviation s is usually written as X N(m, s 2 ).Some of the characteristics of the normal density function are the following:1. The normal density function curve is bell shaped and completelysymmetric about its mean m. For this reason the normal distribution isalso known as a bell-shaped distribution.2. The specific shape of the curve, whether it is more or less tall, isdetermined by the value of its standard deviation s.3. The tails of the density function curve extend from – to +.4. The total area under the curve is 1.0. However, 99.73 percent of the areafalls within three standard deviations of the mean m.5. The area under the normal curve to the right of m is 0.5 and to the leftof m is also 0.5.Figure 18.24 shows the normal density function curve of a random variable X withmean m and standard deviation s.Since 99.73 percent of the probability of a normal random variable with meanm and standard deviation s falls between m – 3s and m + 3s, the 6s distancebetween m – 3s and m + 3s is usually considered the range of the normal distribution.Figures 18.25 and 18.26 show that as the mean m and the standard deviation schange, the location and the shape of the normal curve changes.From Figure 18.26 we can observe an important phenomenon of the normaldistribution, that is, as the standard deviation becomes smaller and smaller, theprobability is concentrated more and more around the mean m. We will see laterthat this property of the normal distribution is very useful in making inferencesabout populations.Part IV.A.5m – 3s m m + 3sFigure 18.24 The normal density function curve with mean m and standard deviation s.

Chapter 18: A. Basic Statistics and Applications 237

where – < m < + and s > 0 are the two parameters of the distribution, p 3.14159,

and e 2.71828. Also, note that m and s are the mean and standard deviation of the

distribution. A random variable X having a normal distribution with mean m and

a standard deviation s is usually written as X N(m, s 2 ).

Some of the characteristics of the normal density function are the following:

1. The normal density function curve is bell shaped and completely

symmetric about its mean m. For this reason the normal distribution is

also known as a bell-shaped distribution.

2. The specific shape of the curve, whether it is more or less tall, is

determined by the value of its standard deviation s.

3. The tails of the density function curve extend from – to +.

4. The total area under the curve is 1.0. However, 99.73 percent of the area

falls within three standard deviations of the mean m.

5. The area under the normal curve to the right of m is 0.5 and to the left

of m is also 0.5.

Figure 18.24 shows the normal density function curve of a random variable X with

mean m and standard deviation s.

Since 99.73 percent of the probability of a normal random variable with mean

m and standard deviation s falls between m – 3s and m + 3s, the 6s distance

between m – 3s and m + 3s is usually considered the range of the normal distribution.

Figures 18.25 and 18.26 show that as the mean m and the standard deviation s

change, the location and the shape of the normal curve changes.

From Figure 18.26 we can observe an important phenomenon of the normal

distribution, that is, as the standard deviation becomes smaller and smaller, the

probability is concentrated more and more around the mean m. We will see later

that this property of the normal distribution is very useful in making inferences

about populations.

Part IV.A.5

m – 3s m m + 3s

Figure 18.24 The normal density function curve with mean m and standard deviation s.

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