

232 Part IV: Quality Assurancef (x)Figure 18.19 A typical frequency distribution curve.Figure 18.20 The three types of frequency distribution curves.Part IV.A.4Lower outer fenceCLower inner fence1.5IQ RBS1.5IQ RAQ 1Smallest value withinthe lower inner fenceUpper inner fenceUpper outer fenceLD E FQ 2 Q 3IQ R1.51.5IQ RIQ RLargest value withinthe upper inner fenceRegion of extreme valuesRegion of mild outliersFigure 18.21 Box-whisker plot.Box-Whisker PlotWe have several times made mention of extreme values. At some point we mustknow what values in a data set are extreme values, also known as outliers. A boxwhiskerplot or simply, a box plot helps us to answer this question. Figure 18.21 illustratesthe construction of a box plot for any data set.

Chapter 18: A. Basic Statistics and Applications 233Construction of a Box PlotStep 1. For a given data set first find the quartiles Q 1 , Q 2 , and Q 3 .Step 2. Draw a box with its outer lines standing at the first quartile (Q 1 )and the third quartile (Q 3 ) and then draw a line at the secondquartile (Q 2 ). The line at Q 2 divides the box into two boxes, whichmay or may not be of equal size.Step 3. From the center of the outer lines draw straight lines extendingoutwardly up to three times the interquartile range (IQR) andmark them as shown in Figure 18.21. Note that each distancebetween the points A and B, B and C, D and E, and E and F isequal to one and one-half times the distance between the pointsA and D, or one and one-half times the interquartile range (IQR).The points S and L are respectively the smallest and largest datapoints that fall within the inner fences. The lines from A to S andD to L are called the whiskers.How to Use the Box Plot. About the outliers:1. Any data points that fall beyond the lower and upper outer fencesare the extreme outliers. These points are usually excluded fromthe analysis.2. Any data points between the inner and outer fences are the mildoutliers. These points are excluded from the analysis only if weare convinced that these points are in error.About the shape of the distribution:1. If the second quartile (median) is close to the center of the box andeach of the whiskers is approximately of equal length, then thedistribution is symmetric.2. If the right box is substantially larger that the left box and/or the rightwhisker is much longer than the left whisker then the distribution isright-skewed.3. If the left box is substantially larger than the right box and/or the leftwhisker is much longer than the right whisker than the distribution isleft-skewed.Part IV.A.4EXAMPLE 18.24The following data give the noise level measured in decibels (a normal conversation byhumans produces noise level of about 75 decibels) produced by different machines ina very large manufacturing plant.85, 80, 88, 95, 115, 110, 105, 104, 89, 87, 96, 140, 75, 79, 99Construct a box plot and determine whether the data set contains any outliers.Continued

Chapter 18: A. Basic Statistics and Applications 233

Construction of a Box Plot

Step 1. For a given data set first find the quartiles Q 1 , Q 2 , and Q 3 .

Step 2. Draw a box with its outer lines standing at the first quartile (Q 1 )

and the third quartile (Q 3 ) and then draw a line at the second

quartile (Q 2 ). The line at Q 2 divides the box into two boxes, which

may or may not be of equal size.

Step 3. From the center of the outer lines draw straight lines extending

outwardly up to three times the interquartile range (IQR) and

mark them as shown in Figure 18.21. Note that each distance

between the points A and B, B and C, D and E, and E and F is

equal to one and one-half times the distance between the points

A and D, or one and one-half times the interquartile range (IQR).

The points S and L are respectively the smallest and largest data

points that fall within the inner fences. The lines from A to S and

D to L are called the whiskers.

How to Use the Box Plot. About the outliers:

1. Any data points that fall beyond the lower and upper outer fences

are the extreme outliers. These points are usually excluded from

the analysis.

2. Any data points between the inner and outer fences are the mild

outliers. These points are excluded from the analysis only if we

are convinced that these points are in error.

About the shape of the distribution:

1. If the second quartile (median) is close to the center of the box and

each of the whiskers is approximately of equal length, then the

distribution is symmetric.

2. If the right box is substantially larger that the left box and/or the right

whisker is much longer than the left whisker then the distribution is


3. If the left box is substantially larger than the right box and/or the left

whisker is much longer than the right whisker than the distribution is


Part IV.A.4


The following data give the noise level measured in decibels (a normal conversation by

humans produces noise level of about 75 decibels) produced by different machines in

a very large manufacturing plant.

85, 80, 88, 95, 115, 110, 105, 104, 89, 87, 96, 140, 75, 79, 99

Construct a box plot and determine whether the data set contains any outliers.


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