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226 Part IV: Quality Assurance

Types of defects



Weighted frequencies









0 0

Types of defects C A B D E

Weighted frequencies 75.0 50.0 45.0 24.0 12.5

Percent 36.3 24.2 21.8 11.6 6.1

Cumulative % 36.3 60.5 82.3 93.9 100.0

Figure 18.13 Pareto chart when weighted frequencies are used.

effective way to investigate for such an association is to prepare a graph by plotting

one variable along the horizontal scale (x-axis) and the second variable along

the vertical scale (y-axis). Each pair of observations (x, y) is then plotted as a point

in the xy-plane. The graph prepared is called a scatter plot. A scatter plot is a very

useful graphical tool because it depicts the nature and strength of associations

between two variables. To illustrate, we consider the following example.

Part IV.A.4


The cholesterol levels and the systolic blood pressures of 30 randomly selected U.S.

males in the age group of 40 to 50 years are given in Table 18.8. Construct a scatter plot

of these data and determine if there is any association between the cholesterol levels

and systolic blood pressures.


Figure 18.14 shows the scatter plot of the data in Table 18.8. This scatter plot clearly

indicates that there is a fairly good upward linear trend. Also, if we draw a straight line

through the data points, we can see that the data points are concentrated around the

straight line within a narrow band. The upward trend indicates a positive association

between the two variables whereas the width of the band indicates the strength of the

association, which in this case is very strong. As the association between the two variables

gets stronger and stronger, the band enclosing the plotted points becomes narrower

and narrower. A downward trend indicates a negative relationship between two

variables. A numerical measure of association between two numerical variables is called

the Pearson or simply the correlation coefficient, named after the English statistician


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