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Chapter 17: D. Testing Methods 197

• Test the program to see if it does what it is not supposed to do as

well as what it is supposed to do.

• Debug the software to minimize errors.

• Retest for functionality until you reach high precision.

Testing versus Inspection

The objective of inspection is to find all the defects at each stage or process and

to proceed to the next stage or process with zero defects. Inspection methods can

be developed to find more defects earlier and be more effective by using the same

method throughout the entire project. Inspection can also help more in debugging

since it has the ability to find the fault in code while testing only finds failure. One

advantage with testing that it is closer to the way the end user will use the system.

The system will be more reliable by finding the most common failures. You can

test the system by using multiple reruns using the same process of testing. So as

a matter of a fact we can say that inspection and testing complement each other:

they can be used to detect failure in different areas, and are used for different

reasons and in different phases. Inspection is better in initial stages such as design

while testing is better in finding operational defects; both are needed for a better

quality product (Brykczynski et al. 1994) (Daich et al. 1994).

Part III.D.5

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