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Chapter 16: C. Inspection Planning and Procedures 177

the term nonconformity and the term defect is based mainly on the perspective.

The former is defined based on specifications, while the latter is defined based

on fitness for use. Thus, the numerical result generated by inspection consists of

the count of defects or nonconformities for each product unit. Often it is possible

to classify the different types of defects according to their severity, then assign a

weight to each class based on the importance of the affected quality characteristic

in terms of the product specifications. The selection of the weights should reflect

the relative importance of the various defect categories and their likelihood of

causing product failure or customer dissatisfaction. A typical seriousness classification

includes four levels of defect severity:

1. Critical defect. May lead directly to severe injury or catastrophic

economic loss.

2. Serious defect. May lead to injury or significant economic loss.

3. Major defect. May cause major problems during normal use.

A major defect will likely result in reducing the useability of

the product.

4. Minor defect. May cause minor problems during normal use.

Training programs should be periodically aimed at new inspection personnel as

well as those with on-the-job experience. On-the-job training by a supervisor or

a training coordinator could be the most convenient and least costly approach to

training. Other training methods include:

• Classroom instruction by in-house experts or outside consultants.

This is best suited for theoretical subjects, such as basic mathematics,

statistics, experimental design, and computer use.

• Self-study using audiovisual programs and self-instruction training

manuals. This method allows the inspectors to study at their own pace

and during convenient times.

• Outside programs offered by professional organizations and their

local chapters, and by universities and community colleges through

their extension divisions.

Part III.C.6


Describe the reporting of nonconforming

material for disposition, such as Material

Review Board (MRB), rework, reprocess,

scrap, and customer waiver. (Application)

Body of Knowledge III.C.6

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