

Chapter 13: G. Measurement System Analysis 135Gage R&R Study Using Crossed DesignGage name:Date of study:55Reported by:Tolerance:Misc.:Length in mm by Bolt504540353025201 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10BoltPart II.GFigure 13.12 Scatter plot for measurements versus parts (bolts).In Figure 13.12 the clear circles represent the measurements of each part whilethe black circles represent the mean for each part. In this case the spread of measurementsfor each is not almost the same but is nevertheless very small. Thismeans that each part is being measured with the same precision and accuracy.Greater variability among the black circles indicates that the measurement systemis quite capable of distinguishing the parts belonging to different categories. Thus,combining the outcomes of the two diagrams 13.11 and 13.12, we can say that overallthe gage R&R variability is not very significant.MEASUREMENT CAPABILITY INDICES (MCI)As the process capability index quantifies the ability of a process to produce productsof desired quality, likewise the measurement capability index (MCI) quantifiesthe ability of a measurement system to provide accurate measurements. In otherwords, MCI evaluates the adequacy of the measurement system. There are variousmeasurement capability indices in use. One such measurement capability indexwas defined earlier in equation (13.10). We discuss here the other two most commonlyused measurement capability indices, percent of process variation and processspecification. The measurement capability index (MCI) should always be used inconjunction with the process capability index (PCI) (Barrentine 2003).

136 Part II: MetrologyMeasurement Capability Index As a Percentage ofProcess Variation (MCI pv )MCI pv= 100×sˆsˆGage R&RTotal(13.12)Part II.GThe criteria for assessment of this index (Barrentine 2003), are usually as follows:1. 20% good2. > 20%, 30% marginal3. > 30% unacceptableUsing the ANOVA table for the data in Example 13.1, page 126, we have1.79780MCI pv= 100× = 20%.8.86139Thus, this measurement capability index indicates that the measurement systemis good.Measurement Capability Index As a Percentage of ProcessSpecification (MCI ps )6MCI ps= × sˆGage R&RUSL LSL(13.13)The criteria for assessment of this index are similar to MCI pv (Barrentine 2003),that is,1. 20% good2. > 20%, 30% marginal3. > 30% unacceptableAgain, using the data in Table 13.1 and with process tolerance 60, we have6MCI ps= 100× × 1.79780= 18%.60Thus, this measurement capability index indicates that the measurement systemis good.

Chapter 13: G. Measurement System Analysis 135

Gage R&R Study Using Crossed Design

Gage name:

Date of study:


Reported by:



Length in mm by Bolt








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Part II.G

Figure 13.12 Scatter plot for measurements versus parts (bolts).

In Figure 13.12 the clear circles represent the measurements of each part while

the black circles represent the mean for each part. In this case the spread of measurements

for each is not almost the same but is nevertheless very small. This

means that each part is being measured with the same precision and accuracy.

Greater variability among the black circles indicates that the measurement system

is quite capable of distinguishing the parts belonging to different categories. Thus,

combining the outcomes of the two diagrams 13.11 and 13.12, we can say that overall

the gage R&R variability is not very significant.


As the process capability index quantifies the ability of a process to produce products

of desired quality, likewise the measurement capability index (MCI) quantifies

the ability of a measurement system to provide accurate measurements. In other

words, MCI evaluates the adequacy of the measurement system. There are various

measurement capability indices in use. One such measurement capability index

was defined earlier in equation (13.10). We discuss here the other two most commonly

used measurement capability indices, percent of process variation and process

specification. The measurement capability index (MCI) should always be used in

conjunction with the process capability index (PCI) (Barrentine 2003).

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