

Chapter 13: G. Measurement System Analysis 131repeatability and the rest (0.56 percent) is contributed by the reproducibility. Thevariation due to parts is 95.88 percent of the total variation. This implies thatthe measurement system is very capable.Note that the percent contributions are calculated simply by dividing the variancecomponents by the total variation and then multiplying by 100. Thus, thepercent contribution due to repeatability, for example, is given by2.7889× 100 = 3. 55%.78.5243The part of the Minitab printout shown in Figure 13.7 provides various percentcontributions using estimates of standard deviations, which are obtained by takingthe square root of the variance components. The comparison with standarddeviation does make more sense because the standard deviation uses the sameunits as those of the measurements. The study variation (that is, measurementsystem variation, which is equivalent to the process variation in the study of processcontrol) is obtained by multiplying the standard deviation by 6. The percentstudy variations are calculated by dividing the standard deviation by the totalvariation and then multiplying by 100. Thus, the percent contribution due to partto-partvariation, for example, is given byPart II.G10.7868× 100 = 17. 98%.60The percent tolerance is obtained by dividing the (6*SD) by the process toleranceand then multiplying by 100. Thus, the process tolerance of total GR&R, forexample, is given by10.7868× 100 = 17. 98%.60Note that the total percent tolerances in this example do not sum to 100. Rather,the total sum is 88.61, which means the total variation is using 88.61 percent of thespecification band.Study Var %Study Var %ToleranceSource StdDev (SD) (6 * SD) (%SV) (SV/Toler)Total Gage R&R 1.79780 10.7868 20.29 17.98Repeatability 1.67000 10.0200 18.85 16.70Reproducibility 0.66574 3.9944 7.51 6.66Operators 0.00000 0.0000 0.00 0.00Operators*Part Numbers 0.66574 3.9944 7.51 6.66Part-To-Part 8.67711 52.0626 97.92 86.77Total Variation 8.86139 53.1684 100.00 88.61Number of Distinct Categories = 6Figure 13.7 An example of Minitab printout.

132 Part II: MetrologyThe last entry in the Minitab printout is the number of distinct categories,which in this case is six. The number of distinct categories can be determined asshown below: part-to-part SDNumber of distinct categories = Integral part of Total gage R&R SD × 1414 . 2 8.67711= Integral part of ×1.79780 1 .4142 6 = .Part II.GUnder AIAG’s recommendations, a measurement system is capable if the numberof categories is greater than or equal to five. Thus, in this example, the measurementsystem is capable of separating the parts into the different categories thatthey belong to. This quantity is equivalent to the one defined in AIAG (2002) andMontgomery (2005) and is referred to as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), that is,SNR =2rp1 rp(13.10)whererp2sp= . (13.11)2sTotalGraphical Representation of Gage R&R StudyFigure 13.8 shows the various percent contributions of gage R&R, repeatability,reproducibility, and part-to part variations discussed in the above paragraph.In Figure 13.9, we first interpret the R chart. All the data points are withinthe control limits, which indicates that the operators are measuring consistently.However, the X – chart shows many points beyond the control limits. But this doesnot mean the measurement system is out of control. Rather, this indicates narrowercontrol limits because the variation due to repeatability is small and the measurementsystem is capable of distinguishing the different parts.Figure 13.10 plots the average of each part by any single operator. In this example,we have three line graphs since we had three operators. These line graphsintersect each other but are also very close to each other. This implies that thereis some interaction between the operators and parts. Thus, for instance, in thisexample there is some interaction, which is significant only at 0.131 or greater levelof significance.In Figure 13.11 the clear circles represent the measurements by each operatorand the black circles represent the means. The spread of measurements foreach operator is almost the same. The means fall on a horizontal line, which indicatesthat the average measurement for each operator is also about the same. Thus,in this example the operators are measuring the parts consistently. In other words,the variation due to reproducibility is low.

132 Part II: Metrology

The last entry in the Minitab printout is the number of distinct categories,

which in this case is six. The number of distinct categories can be determined as

shown below:

part-to-part SD

Number of distinct categories = Integral part of

Total gage R&R SD × 1414 . 2



= Integral part of ×


79780 1

.4142 6

= .

Part II.G

Under AIAG’s recommendations, a measurement system is capable if the number

of categories is greater than or equal to five. Thus, in this example, the measurement

system is capable of separating the parts into the different categories that

they belong to. This quantity is equivalent to the one defined in AIAG (2002) and

Montgomery (2005) and is referred to as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), that is,




1 r









= . (13.11)




Graphical Representation of Gage R&R Study

Figure 13.8 shows the various percent contributions of gage R&R, repeatability,

reproducibility, and part-to part variations discussed in the above paragraph.

In Figure 13.9, we first interpret the R chart. All the data points are within

the control limits, which indicates that the operators are measuring consistently.

However, the X – chart shows many points beyond the control limits. But this does

not mean the measurement system is out of control. Rather, this indicates narrower

control limits because the variation due to repeatability is small and the measurement

system is capable of distinguishing the different parts.

Figure 13.10 plots the average of each part by any single operator. In this example,

we have three line graphs since we had three operators. These line graphs

intersect each other but are also very close to each other. This implies that there

is some interaction between the operators and parts. Thus, for instance, in this

example there is some interaction, which is significant only at 0.131 or greater level

of significance.

In Figure 13.11 the clear circles represent the measurements by each operator

and the black circles represent the means. The spread of measurements for

each operator is almost the same. The means fall on a horizontal line, which indicates

that the average measurement for each operator is also about the same. Thus,

in this example the operators are measuring the parts consistently. In other words,

the variation due to reproducibility is low.

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