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116 Part II: Metrology

It is important to note that any or all of the equipment needed to support calibration

processes may have its own calibration interval and, in fact, may be one of

the many pieces of equipment with its own calibration requirements.

Calibration Procedures

Part II.F.1

Calibration procedures are the step-by-step instructions that describe the calibration

process for a given piece of equipment. Such procedures are not normally

stored with the equipment while the equipment is installed for normal process

use; these procedures typically reside in the calibration laboratory.

Calibration procedures identify all process equipment models or configurations

to which the procedures apply. The procedures also provide important

safety warnings and identify any specifications for the calibration environment.

It is important to note that the calibration procedures are step-by step instructions,

not guidelines. Calibration technicians are not at liberty to deviate from the

instructions for any reason, unless that reason is a documented part of the process

equipment documentation and history for purposes of equipment traceability.

Calibration Environment Specifications

Calibration environment specifications describe the conditions under which calibrations

are to be performed. It is sometimes necessary to specify the conditions

under which calibrations are to be performed since certain types of process

equipment do not adequately perform under certain environmental conditions.

Calibration environment specifications commonly address cleanliness, temperature,

humidity, and vibration. However, there are many other factors that it may be

necessary to control in order to ensure that a valid calibration is completed.

Calibration Status Indicators

As a check and balance in case a calibration interval prompt is not effective, calibration

status indicators are used. Status indicators are color-coded stickers or

labels attached to equipment that provide information about calibration status.

Information included on the status indicators includes, but is not limited to, date

of the last calibration, date or operation cycle of next calibration, any modes of

operation or functions excluded from the last calibration, special comments, and

who performed the last calibration.

Calibration status indicators are prominently displayed on most equipment

to facilitate verification prior to use. Status indicators are also commonly attached to

equipment sealing assemblies, subassemblies, or components to ensure that

operators or technicians do not open the equipment to make any adjustments or

modifications. Where calibration status indicators are discovered to be broken

or compromised, the equipment is immediately removed and sent for calibration

in accordance with applicable standards.

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