

Chapter 11: E. Specialized Inspection Equipment 107machine vision by enabling systems to better detect and discriminatebetween objects, remove backgrounds, and perform spectral analysis.• Frame grabbers. These specialized A/D converters change video orstill images into digital information. Most frame grabbers are printedcircuit boards compatible with the most common types of busstructures, including peripheral component interconnect (PCI),PC-104, ISA, VME, and compact PCI. Today’s frame grabbers offergreater stability and accuracy than earlier models, and some can evenhandle image processing and enhancement on the fly, using digitalsignal-processing techniques.• PCs. With the advent of the PCI bus, the PC has had a major impacton the use of machine vision in manufacturing applications. Personalcomputers up to then couldn’t gather data at a rate fast enough tokeep up with machine vision’s heavy I/O requirements, includingdata transfer rates of 20 MB/second or greater. The VME bus, aspecialized architecture for data acquisition and process control,with bus speeds of 40 MB/second, became a development standardinstead. However, today’s PCs can handle machine vision’s demands,with 132 MB/second PCI bus transfer speeds and >1–2 GHz Pentiummicroprocessors. PCs are now routinely embedded into equipmenton the factory floor. The distributed intelligence made possibleby PC technology has contributed immeasurably to the pace andeffectiveness of factory automation.• Software. Graphical user interfaces and libraries of high-level softwaremodules operating in standard environments such as Windowshave eased the development process and made machine vision auser-friendly tool. Leading-edge software suppliers have begun toprovide object-oriented application development tools that will speedapplication development even more.• New technologies. High-speed serial data ports like the Universal SerialBus (USB) and FireWire (IEEE 1394) will speed data transfer andinformation throughput, increasing the overall capability of machinevision systems. USB has already been adopted as an industry standardby PC and peripheral vendors, and will make it simpler to connectdigital cameras to powerful embedded PCs. However, reachingreal-time video rates will require the higher-speed FireWire.Machine vision systems are used in a variety of applications, including (Heil andDaigle 2001):• Pharmaceutical packaging inspection. The machine vision systems aretypically 21 CFR Part 11 compliant.• Automotive light bulb inspection that meets Six Sigma standards.• Inspection of fill levels of opaque bottles using smart cameras inconcert with X-ray technology.Part II.E.5

108 Part II: Metrology• Inspection to ensure that Teflon coating is properly applied to medicalinhalant canisters.6. COORDINATE MEASURING MACHINE (CMM)Part II.E.6Explain the basic operation of a CMM,including use of the x, y, and z axes, and thelimitations of locating functional datums,target points, and target areas. (Application)Body of Knowledge II.E.6The coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is a flexible measuring device capable ofproviding highly accurate dimensional position information along three mutuallyperpendicular axes. This instrument is widely used in manufacturing industriesfor the post-process inspection of a large variety of products and their components.It is also very effectively used to check dimensions on a variety of processtooling, including mold cavities, die assemblies, assembly fixtures, and otherwork holding or tool positioning devices.Over the last decade, coordinate measuring machines have become a primarymeans of dimensional quality control for manufactured parts of complex form,where the volume of production does not warrant the development of functionalgauging. The advent of increasingly inexpensive computing power and morefully integrated manufacturing systems will continue to expand the use of thesemachines into an even larger role in the overall quality assurance of manufacturedparts.Coordinate measuring machines can most easily be defined as physical representationsof a three-dimensional rectilinear coordinate system. Coordinate measuringmachines now represent a significant fraction of the measuring equipmentused for defining the geometry of different-shaped workpieces. Most dimensionalcharacteristics of many parts can be measured within minutes with thesemachines. Similar measurements would take hours using older measuring equipmentand procedures.Besides flexibility and speed, coordinate measuring machines have severaladditional advantages:1. Different features of a part can be measured in one setup. Thiseliminates errors introduced due to setup changes.2. All CMM measurements are taken from one geometrically fixedmeasuring system, eliminating the accumulation of errors resultingfrom using functional gauging and transfer techniques.3. The use of digital readouts eliminates the necessity for the interpretationof readings, such as with dial or vernier-type measuring scales.

108 Part II: Metrology

• Inspection to ensure that Teflon coating is properly applied to medical

inhalant canisters.


Part II.E.6

Explain the basic operation of a CMM,

including use of the x, y, and z axes, and the

limitations of locating functional datums,

target points, and target areas. (Application)

Body of Knowledge II.E.6

The coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is a flexible measuring device capable of

providing highly accurate dimensional position information along three mutually

perpendicular axes. This instrument is widely used in manufacturing industries

for the post-process inspection of a large variety of products and their components.

It is also very effectively used to check dimensions on a variety of process

tooling, including mold cavities, die assemblies, assembly fixtures, and other

work holding or tool positioning devices.

Over the last decade, coordinate measuring machines have become a primary

means of dimensional quality control for manufactured parts of complex form,

where the volume of production does not warrant the development of functional

gauging. The advent of increasingly inexpensive computing power and more

fully integrated manufacturing systems will continue to expand the use of these

machines into an even larger role in the overall quality assurance of manufactured


Coordinate measuring machines can most easily be defined as physical representations

of a three-dimensional rectilinear coordinate system. Coordinate measuring

machines now represent a significant fraction of the measuring equipment

used for defining the geometry of different-shaped workpieces. Most dimensional

characteristics of many parts can be measured within minutes with these

machines. Similar measurements would take hours using older measuring equipment

and procedures.

Besides flexibility and speed, coordinate measuring machines have several

additional advantages:

1. Different features of a part can be measured in one setup. This

eliminates errors introduced due to setup changes.

2. All CMM measurements are taken from one geometrically fixed

measuring system, eliminating the accumulation of errors resulting

from using functional gauging and transfer techniques.

3. The use of digital readouts eliminates the necessity for the interpretation

of readings, such as with dial or vernier-type measuring scales.

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