book❤read⚡ The Prepper's Survival Natural Medicine: The Emergency Preparedness Manual You

Copy LInk : https://fastpdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B096HTQ7WH Book synopsis : &#10084&#65039&#161LA VERDAD ES QUE PARA ADELGAZAR BIEN HAY QUE APRENDER A COMER SANO Y CUIDAR EL CUERPOSi ya has probado otras dietas sin resultados o si has hecho una dieta y luego has recuperado todos los kilos que perdiste, ya sabes de lo que hablo....El VERDADERO PROCESO DE ADELGAZAMIENTO comienza con la uACTITUD MENTAL CORRECTA/u y lauCONCIENCIA/uude APRENDER a COMER BIEN/u.S&#243lo as&#237 podr&#225s obtener uRESULTADOS que PERDUREN en el TIEMPO y MEJORAR tu FISICO y tu forma de comer./uEn este libro, para t

Copy LInk : https://fastpdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B096HTQ7WH

Book synopsis :
&#10084&#65039&#161LA VERDAD ES QUE PARA ADELGAZAR BIEN HAY QUE APRENDER A COMER SANO Y CUIDAR EL CUERPOSi ya has probado otras dietas sin resultados o si has hecho una dieta y luego has recuperado todos los kilos que perdiste, ya sabes de lo que hablo....El VERDADERO PROCESO DE ADELGAZAMIENTO comienza con la uACTITUD MENTAL CORRECTA/u y lauCONCIENCIA/uude APRENDER a COMER BIEN/u.S&#243lo as&#237 podr&#225s obtener uRESULTADOS que PERDUREN en el TIEMPO y MEJORAR tu FISICO y tu forma de comer./uEn este libro, para t

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The Prepper's Survival Natural Medicine: The Emergency

Preparedness Manual You Need for When There is No

Doctor, With Essential Knowledge in Critical First Aid, Life-

Saving Herbs and Natural Remedies

Sinopsis :


&#11088#10004&#65039Find out how to download them

inside your bookBONUS eBOOK 1 - BUSHCRAFT: How to

Survive 3 Days in the Wild. Get your bearings, light your fire,

find food &ampwater to safeguard your survival.BONUS


lists for your bug-out bag including food rations, tools for

lighting fires, purifying water, navigation &ampmedical supplies

to save your life. The Ultimate Emergency Preparedness Book

to Survive Even Without Doctors, Full of Critical Information on

Life-Saving Herbs, Essential Oils, and Natural

Remedies.I&#8217velearned the hard way that the right

knowledge can literally save your life&#8230#8230and

that&#8217swhy I have put my 20 years prepping and survival

experience into this phenomenal book.- Have you ever

wondered how you'd cope without E.R.?- What if you didn't

have access to the health care system?- Or more simply if

there were no pharmacies?If you have understood the

importance of mastering natural medicine and being selfsufficient

in caring for your own and your loved ones' health in

an emergency scenario...... then this book will teach you

everything you need to know. uHere is a taste of what you will

learn in this manual/uu:/u&#9989A no-nonsense guide to

making natural remedies and taking care of your health in

emergency situations. And no, you DON'T have to be an

experienced chemist or botanist to create your holistic

concoctions!&#9989The fastest way to grow medicinal herbs

and turn them into ready-to-use oils and blends in the shortest

time possible&#9989The skills you need to master the basics

of survival medicine, and how to put them into practice on a

daily basis&#9989How to set up the basic equipment to grow,

manage, and process your life-saving herbs to create your

natural remedies, simply and quickly&#9989Herbs 101: the

most effective way to identify herbs and correctly use them to

take care of your health &#8211mening not just defeating

illness, but enjoying a state of overall psychophysical wellbeing&#9989Setting

up your first-aid kit, and how life-saving

herbs can replace modern medicine in a crisis situation where

pharmacies and hospitals are no longer

working&#9989Beyond medicine: the best recipes for quickly

and effectively concocting dyes, ointments, conditioners,

lotions, and elixirs with just a few ingredients that you can grow

in your backyard&#9989And much, much more!If you too want

to be independent of conventional medicine and increase your

chances of staying healthy in an emergency scenario, even

without access to pharmacies and medical care...... then scroll

to the top of the page, click the &quotuBuNow/u&quotbutton,

and start producing your homemade natural remedies quickly

and self-sufficiently.

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