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!<br />

We begin our development with the hNM family of hinge predictors. The name suggests<br />

its relationship to HingeMaster (the integrated hinge predictor) and its reliance on<br />

Normal Mode information. As mentioned, this family has four members, designated<br />

hNMa to hNMe, of which hNMb, through hNMe are novel. The output of hNMa is<br />

simply the normalized squared fluctuations due to the first normal mode, with the idea<br />

that the minima of this quantity coincide with the hinge location.<br />

Normal modes describe the oscillations of elastic bodies. We obtain them by<br />

representing the body as a set of identical point masses connected by linear springs, and<br />

using a harmonic ansatz to solve the equations of motion. Obtaining the form of the 3N<br />

normal modes reduces to the eigenvalue problem:<br />

2<br />

(m" i [ I]<br />

# [ K])<br />

r<br />

x i = 0<br />

Where I is the identity matrix, K is the Kirchoff or stiffness matrix, " i is the frequency of<br />

oscillation corresponding to mode i, and<br />

displacements due to mode i.<br />

r<br />

x i is the eigenvector describing the<br />

Under the Gaussian Network Model,<br />

!<br />

the protein is simplified to consist of identical point<br />

masses at the location of the Cα atoms, which are connected by identical linear springs to<br />

all other such masses within a 7Å radius. Further adjustments are made to K to account<br />

for interactions between residues adjacent in sequence, and to suppress large<br />

displacements in the middle of the chain. The simplifications mean that only one<br />

parameter (the spring constant) needs to be determined, and this is done by fitting to<br />

experimentally observed thermal motions. The eigenvalue problem simplifies to:<br />

164<br />


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