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than a small team of lawyers who have<br />

close knowledge of the client needs<br />

and issues in the case. Consider listing<br />

the document categories from the review<br />

protocol within the discovery plan.<br />

8. Consider the use of sampling: Sampling<br />

is a technique that involves reviewing<br />

a representative subset of<br />

the data, rather than reviewing all of<br />

it. This can help reduce the time and<br />

cost associated with manual review,<br />

while still providing a reasonable level<br />

of confidence that all relevant data<br />

has been reviewed. To increase the efficacy<br />

of sampling, you can follow up a<br />

sample review with analysis targeted at<br />

identifying specific categories of relevant<br />

documents identified in a sample.<br />

9. Use secure methods for data transfer:<br />

Ensuring that data is transferred<br />

securely during the discovery process<br />

can help protect the data from unauthorized<br />

access or disclosure. Secure<br />

methods may include using encryption<br />

or secure file transfers. The<br />

data and the encryption keys or passwords<br />

should never travel together.<br />

10. Document the process: It is important<br />

to document the entire discovery process,<br />

including the collection, processing,<br />

review, and production of data. This<br />

documentation can be used to demonstrate<br />

that the process was conducted in<br />

a defensible manner and can help avoid<br />

potential challenges to the discovery<br />

process.<br />

By keeping these practical considerations<br />

in mind, lawyers can help ensure that the<br />

e-discovery process is conducted in a defensible<br />

and efficient manner.<br />


Summary trials: Maybe<br />

a Goldilocks solution to<br />

access to justice issues<br />

Daniel Hermann, Osuji & Smith Lawyers<br />

Access to justice doesn’t just mean having access to legal representation or legal resources. It also<br />

includes having access to an effective, speedy and affordable adjudicatory mechanism. With trials<br />

taking years and summary judgments sometimes not appropriate to decide all the issues in an<br />

action, Goldilocks’s lawyer may advise her that a summary trial could be “just right” to resolve her<br />

claim against Three Bears Inc.<br />

As Feasby J. recently explained in Benke v Loblaw Companies Limited, even for cases worth no more<br />

than $200,000, legal fees can exceed $50,000 if required to proceed to a full trial. Such costs of<br />

litigating are not proportional to the claims’ worth. A more just solution is a summary trial, but as<br />

His Honour notes in Benke, summary trials have been underutilized.<br />

In Alberta, summary trials can be scheduled at almost any point in an action. They can also act as<br />

a powerful motivation for settlement, as the certainty of a scheduled trial means that there is little<br />

likelihood of the plaintiff simply “dropping” their action.<br />

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