Thesis Book - Seeds of Hope


4.2 Afghanistan’s and UAEs RelationThe United Arabs Emirates is one of the fewcountries along with Saudi Arabia that has given formalrecognition to the Taliban as a way to develop a positiverelation with the group. The administration of Abu Dhabi hasalways maintained a good relationship with the government’sestablishment for over 20 years and continues to do soeven in difficult times. The country has stated they arewilling to establish a positive relationship with the Afghanpeople and the state regardless of who is controlling thecountry (BAŞARAN). To help with the humanitarian crisis,UAE is focused on giving aid and investing in the countryby developing strong cooperation with the Taliban. The UAEFederal Minister of Identity, Citizenship, Customs, andPorts has claimed to invest in solar energy and the railwaysystems of the country. They have also mentioned cooperatingon the education and agriculture of the country (BAŞARAN).On 2nd August 2022, the United Arab Emiratesparticipated in the conference “Afghanistan: Security andEconomic Development” held in the Uzbek capital Tashkent.The country’s recent position is to support the security,peace, and stability development in Afghanistan. TheUAE officials have also mentioned how Women’s rights tofreedom and education of Afghan girls should be the maingoal for all countries. Sheikha Fatima bin Zayed’s recentinitiative is to empower all Afghan women by providing themwith job opportunities and ensuring a decent lifestyleas a way to develop the Afghan countryside (Alghoul).68

4.3 Home far From Home: Afghan Community in the UAEThe largest Afghan community outside Afghanistan islocated in the UAE. In 2012, it was reported around 300,000Afghans settled or residing in the UAE and these numbers aregrowing. The Afghan community in the UAE has developed strongrelationships with many fields of corporations in the countrywhich contributes to achieving peace, security, tolerance,and economic value between both parties. As of 2019, theAfghan community in the UAE has invested about 4 billiondollars in total assets in the UAE. A total of 500 well-knownAfghan businessmen have invested in the country thus thecommunity has bilaterally contributed to the economy of bothcountries. The Afghan community in the UAE controls about 60%of the total imports to Afghanistan making the community inthe UAE a major link between Afghanistan and the rest of theworld (“Afghanistan’s Relations with the Brother Country - theUAE”). This is why the UAE is a perfect location for my project.69

4.2 Afghanistan’s and UAEs Relation

The United Arabs Emirates is one of the few

countries along with Saudi Arabia that has given formal

recognition to the Taliban as a way to develop a positive

relation with the group. The administration of Abu Dhabi has

always maintained a good relationship with the government’s

establishment for over 20 years and continues to do so

even in difficult times. The country has stated they are

willing to establish a positive relationship with the Afghan

people and the state regardless of who is controlling the

country (BAŞARAN). To help with the humanitarian crisis,

UAE is focused on giving aid and investing in the country

by developing strong cooperation with the Taliban. The UAE

Federal Minister of Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and

Ports has claimed to invest in solar energy and the railway

systems of the country. They have also mentioned cooperating

on the education and agriculture of the country (BAŞARAN).

On 2nd August 2022, the United Arab Emirates

participated in the conference “Afghanistan: Security and

Economic Development” held in the Uzbek capital Tashkent.

The country’s recent position is to support the security,

peace, and stability development in Afghanistan. The

UAE officials have also mentioned how Women’s rights to

freedom and education of Afghan girls should be the main

goal for all countries. Sheikha Fatima bin Zayed’s recent

initiative is to empower all Afghan women by providing them

with job opportunities and ensuring a decent lifestyle

as a way to develop the Afghan countryside (Alghoul).


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