Thesis Book - Seeds of Hope


Afghan Artists now have buried their paintings in their homes and compounds infear of history repeating itself. Well-known filmmakers have fled the countryafter burying their hard drives of films created in a secure location. In fearof being punished, booksellers have also either burned or concealed books thatare deemed offensive to the Taliban such as the translated religious books intoDari and Pashto. The History of destroying precious art, film, and music hasreopened people’s fear and anxiety about protecting and preserving their culture2.5 Present Issue Endangers Culture Once AgainDuring the first Taliban rule, there was a ban on music includingall instrumental music. This Period was considered the “Dark Age” of musicbecause during this time, the Taliban were destroying music cassettes andvideo-tap instruments and even arrested musicians and hosts. No public performances,music, festivals were allowed, even in private events like weddingsand engagements. Radio stations which had a prominent role in developingthe golden age of music were used to record and play their chants (Sakata).(Raghavan). Many fear that the Taliban will soon reverse the development offreedom and speech with their extreme vision of Islam righteousness. The Talibanbelieve that when painting a human being or an animal, you are giving life andspirit to a piece of paper (Raghavan). “Those artists will not easily be ableto work as freely as they used to. And they were so free.” Said Sahraa Karimi(Raghavan). Artists in today’s world are a big part of the country’s society. Afterthe recent takeover in 2021, many artists such as Habibi had meetings with thesenior Taliban official in the Cultural Ministry to convince them that art is notagainst sharia law and that it is the main part of the Afghan culture which alsohelps strengthen the country’s economy, however, he has yet to hear from them.The Taliban group has mentioned they will not let history repeat itselfand will let the citizens of the country keep their art galleries, bookstores, andmusic stores open. However, there is a complete difference in what the Taliban aresaying on camera and their actions off camera. In August 2021, the fighters shot awell-known Afghan singer Fawad Andarabi in the north mountain village of Kabul andit was barely mentioned in the news as the Taliban control most of the news televisionchannels (Raghavan). The Taliban also silenced the population when protestswere going on about the flag change of the country during the Afghan independenceday. Sadly, the protesters were met with violent crackdowns by forces (Finnegan).52



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