Thesis Book - Seeds of Hope


130Fig 87

SUSTAINABILITYThe custom metal roofing at the CulturalVillage required limited processing. The material issingle-skin, non- combustible, with no reportable VOCcontent, 100% recyclable and contains post-consumerrecycled content. Whereas most other metals requireadditional processing, this product is ready to use.The product has a 60-year lifecycle for exteriorapplications but can be broken down and recycled inthe future, by simply removing and recycling thepanel.Fig 88131


The custom metal roofing at the Cultural

Village required limited processing. The material is

single-skin, non- combustible, with no reportable VOC

content, 100% recyclable and contains post-consumer

recycled content. Whereas most other metals require

additional processing, this product is ready to use.

The product has a 60-year lifecycle for exterior

applications but can be broken down and recycled in

the future, by simply removing and recycling the


Fig 88


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