May/June 2023 Alchemical Voice

Enjoy reading about having higher awareness and crystals by Sue Penney, a lovely article on The Hour of the Wolf by John Sjovik, Gina Barrow writes for us for the first time 'For the Highest Good'. Nasreen Pritchard contributes her wonderful article 'Sound of Silence'. A fantastic read on Lucid Dreaming by Giuliano Pennesi with AI illustrations! Julie de Vere Hunt tells us more about 'Truth and Ascension'. We have a wonderful article on 'Moon Cycles' by Carol Coggan and 'Higher Self Development' by Julie Adams. John also writes a feature article on 'Art & Spirituality'. Our wonderful Martin Lewis discusses whether a handgrip can have a cognitive association 'Gripping Theory'. Richard Pantlin concludes his story 'The Mighty River' and protection protection protection - read about 'Protection Amulets' written by Julie Adams. Front cover competition winner is John Sjovik himself - we love you John!!!

Enjoy reading about having higher awareness and crystals by Sue Penney, a lovely article on The Hour of the Wolf by John Sjovik, Gina Barrow writes for us for the first time 'For the Highest Good'. Nasreen Pritchard contributes her wonderful article 'Sound of Silence'. A fantastic read on Lucid Dreaming by Giuliano Pennesi with AI illustrations! Julie de Vere Hunt tells us more about 'Truth and Ascension'. We have a wonderful article on 'Moon Cycles' by Carol Coggan and 'Higher Self Development' by Julie Adams. John also writes a feature article on 'Art & Spirituality'. Our wonderful Martin Lewis discusses whether a handgrip can have a cognitive association 'Gripping Theory'. Richard Pantlin concludes his story 'The Mighty River' and protection protection protection - read about 'Protection Amulets' written by Julie Adams.
Front cover competition winner is John Sjovik himself - we love you John!!!


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<strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2023</strong> - Issue 20<br />

I N A S S O C I A T I O N W I T H L I K E - M I N D E D B U S I N E S S E S<br />




Digital copy FREE<br />

Hard copy £4.50<br />






Lucid Dreaming<br />

Experiences shared by a<br />

lucid dreamer<br />



& INSIGHTS<br />

Higher Spiritual<br />

Development<br />

Courses and workshops<br />

A 'GRIPPING'<br />

THEORY<br />

Can a handgrip have a<br />

cognitive association?<br />


| BALANCE<br />

D i g i t a l & p r i n t e d p u b l i c a t i o n - w w w . a l c h e m i c a l v o i c e . c o m

<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

T<br />

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Publisher<br />

Chief Editor<br />

Columnist<br />

Marketing Consultant<br />

Jovi Hoonjan<br />

Karam Pentland<br />

John Sjovik<br />

Iain Marshall<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


A L C H E M I C A L V O I C E<br />

Hello Readers!<br />

I am so happy to announce that our online readership has surpassed 30,000!<br />

We have been through a massive shift, perhaps you noticed the new moon in<br />

March...? It was a very significant time. Some of the symptoms you may have<br />

encountered would have included feeling spaced out, dizzy, low energy, insomnia,<br />

and a painful body!<br />

Well... we were actually being put through an awakening, where we have<br />

increased our levels of consciousness and activated dormant DNA.<br />

And now... from <strong>May</strong> onwards, it's time for you to see some miracles!<br />

Jovi Hoonjan<br />

Publisher<br />

W H A T ' S I N S I D E<br />

Higher Awareness<br />

Sue Penney<br />

<br />

Crystals<br />

Sue Penney<br />

<br />

The Hour of the Wolf<br />

John Sjovik<br />

<br />

For the Highest Good<br />

Gina Barrow<br />

<br />

Sound of Silence<br />

Nasreen Pritchard<br />

4<br />

7<br />

9<br />

10<br />

12<br />

Lucid Dreaming<br />

Giuliano Pennesi<br />

<br />

Truth & Ascension<br />

Julie de Vere Hunt<br />

<br />

Higher Self<br />

Development<br />

Julie Adams<br />

<br />

Moon Cycles<br />

Carol Coggan<br />

18<br />

22<br />

26<br />

28<br />

Art & Spirituality<br />

John Sjovik<br />

<br />

Gripping Theory<br />

Martin Lewis<br />

<br />

The Mighty River<br />

Conclusion<br />

Richard Pantlin<br />

<br />

Protection Amulets<br />

Julie Adams<br />

34<br />

40<br />

42<br />

46<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


Sue Penney<br />

During March I was away with one of my dogs, my<br />

border collie pup called Milo for some 1-2-1 training at<br />

Devon Dogs to help him to cope with the world. He<br />

suffers from what we would call overwhelm where his<br />

stress buckets become full and he does not know how<br />

to deal with life. This causes his head to explode which<br />

results in lunging, snapping and biting.<br />

This experience has led me to think a lot about<br />

behaviour. Both mine, Milo’s and other people around<br />

us. We all have stress buckets. Some of us have large<br />

ones with big holes that empty quickly. Others have<br />

much smaller buckets with tiny holes so they fill up<br />

quickly and are unable to empty fast. This results in<br />

anxiety, overwhelm and stress-related behaviour such<br />

as self harm, whether actually physically harming<br />

ourselves or by excessive drinking, gambling or eating.<br />

Having a dog with issues is a double-edged sword. Yes,<br />

it is challenging and sometimes very difficult to deal<br />

with. On the other hand it is a huge opportunity to<br />

learn. Firstly about the science behind the behaviour<br />

and how to help Milo to cope and be a happier dog and<br />

secondly about myself and my journey through life.<br />

This also leads on to looking at other people and to the<br />

reasons behind their behaviour. For example, if<br />

someone snaps at you out of the blue for no apparent<br />

reason you can react to it by snapping back or you can<br />

just pause and wonder what has caused them to behave<br />

in that way. What has happened to them in order for<br />

them to be snappy? You just don’t know. They could<br />

have had some bad news, they could be struggling<br />

financially, they could be caring for someone and so are<br />

simply exhausted. Instead of snapping back you could<br />

pause and kindly ask them if everything is ok? Can you<br />

help them? Is there anything that they need?<br />


Issue 20<br />

Learning to watch the subtle signs that Milo gives me<br />

that he is at the point of bucket overload is fascinating.<br />

He can’t talk to me and say “Mum, I am really scared of<br />

that twig, leaf, bird that is moving and I have never seen it<br />

before so don’t know if it is going to kill me or not.”<br />

Instead he will glance sideways, lick his lips, shift his<br />

balance away, stiffen or change his tail position.<br />

Catching him before he can no longer cope and<br />

explodes is a fine art at which I will continue to get<br />

better at detecting.<br />

It is important that we also get to know ourselves and<br />

what stresses us out before we reach our own breaking<br />

point. Learning to be kinder to ourselves and to give<br />

ourselves a break. We need to be honest with ourselves<br />

and stop doing things that no longer serve us.<br />

In essence, we need to learn to say no and have our<br />

own safe, go to places to be able to reset and chill. This<br />

can be as simple as a 10-minute break, meditation, or a<br />

walk around the block.<br />

Keep a journal or diary of things that trigger you. To<br />

start with this might seem like everything under the sun,<br />

but slowly, as you start to empty those emotional<br />

buckets your list will get smaller and you will learn to<br />

remove yourself from the situations which trigger you<br />

or at least limit the time you spend there. You will learn<br />

different techniques that will calm you, like listening to<br />

music, reading a book, or simply tidying your work<br />

space.<br />

Learning to feel comfortable saying "no" is such an<br />

empowering place to be.<br />

Sue Penney<br />

Soul Verse<br />

www.soulverse.co.uk<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

Wonderfully insightful poetry, beautifully<br />

illustrated offering healing to the readers<br />

Available on Amazon<br />

www.soulverse.co.uk<br />




Sue Penney<br />

<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

For Beltane I would look no further than the <strong>May</strong><br />

birthstone of Emerald.<br />

Emerald opens the heart chakra, restores balance<br />

and calms the emotions. It bestows wisdom and<br />

patience and opens up the channels of inspiration. It<br />

promotes friendship, peace, harmony, and domestic<br />

bliss by enabling the wearer to both give and receive<br />

unconditional love. It is a life affirming stone.<br />

You do not need to go all out and buy an expensive<br />

piece of sparkly emerald jewellery, unless you want<br />

to of course. Emerald tumblestones are readily<br />

available and extremely affordable. I find their<br />

beauty just as alluring as their more sparkling<br />

cousins.<br />

For Litha there really is no other choice for me than<br />

Sunstone, Litha, or Midsummer is the Sun Festival in<br />

my eyes. Sunstone celebrates the suns power<br />

inspiring good nature and an enjoyment of life in<br />

general. It is also highly effefctive in cleansing auras<br />

and chakras.<br />

It is the stone of leadership and is great for balancing<br />

both the male and female energies. It is the go to<br />

crystal to aid you when you need to stand up for<br />

yourself and say no. Helping you establish healthy<br />

boundaries in your life.<br />

Historically Beltane was celebrated by dancing<br />

around the <strong>May</strong>pole. It is the most important fertility<br />

festival. So be careful what you wish for!<br />

Placing a small tumble stone close to your heart is<br />

the best way to activate the heart chakra and benefit<br />

from all of the great gifts that the emerald has to<br />

offer.<br />

Litha, the summer solstice has been celebrated for as<br />

long as we are aware, from prehistoric times to the<br />

present day. Huge stone monuments have been<br />

erected to the celebration of the sun. The most<br />

famous being Stonehenge.<br />

You can celebrate these festivals in any way you<br />

choose. Whether that is to have a bonfire with<br />

friends or dance round a <strong>May</strong>pole for Beltane, or get<br />

up early to watch the sun rise and stay up late to see<br />

it set, again with friends having a barbecue. It is all<br />

about marking the days with significance for you.<br />

Sue Penney<br />

Soul Verse<br />

www.soulverse.co.uk<br />


Next course starts on<br />

21st <strong>May</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

This 3-week course (4-hrs a week) based near Basingstoke is<br />

open to anyone who is keen to learn about the shamanic way of<br />

healing<br />

<br />

We will cover<br />

~ shamanic journeying ~<br />

~ connecting to your power animals and guides ~<br />

~ shamanic healing ~<br />

~ remote healing ~<br />

~ sacred prescriptions ~<br />

~ soul retrieval ~<br />

https://www.love2meditate.com/theshamanicway.html<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


John Sjovik<br />

There is mystery and magic to the hours between 3<br />

and 5 in the morning. According to a study at<br />

University College London, most babies in England<br />

are born around 4 AM. For old people, the risk of<br />

heart attack is higher in the morning. Your brain<br />

activity increases, your eyes move rapidly and your<br />

dreaming intensifies. There is a rush of hormones,<br />

including adrenaline, in your body to help you wake<br />

up.<br />

In 1968, the Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman<br />

directed a film called 'Hour of the Wolf'. The<br />

protagonist is a timid and troubled artist, who<br />

withdraws to a remote island for his work. He is<br />

haunted by demons and nightmares. It is unclear if<br />

the demons are real or if they are products of the<br />

artist’s mind, conscious or unconscious.<br />

The difference between 'real' and 'imagined' can be<br />

quite blurred. In Shamanism, common terms are<br />

'ordinary reality' and 'non-ordinary reality'. Note<br />

that both are reality. From the world of literature,<br />

remember the famous words of Professor<br />

Dumbledore (from Harry Potter and the Deathly<br />

Hallows): “Of course, it is happening inside your head,<br />

Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is<br />

not real?”<br />

Those early hours are when most people dream. For<br />

me personally, I try to make use of that phenomenon.<br />

If I wake up early, then I ask Spirit and also my<br />

subconscious mind to allow me to dream when I go<br />

back to sleep. During the following hours, I often have<br />

lucid dreams, meaning I can actively participate in my<br />

dream; I dream and I know that I am dreaming.<br />

Some time ago, I asked my spirit guides about 'the veil'<br />

and if it is true that it is thin during the 'Hour of the<br />

Wolf'. They answered me that the veil is<br />

semipermeable in such a way that it functions<br />

differently depending on the direction. For them, it is<br />

always thin. For people on planet Earth, the veil is<br />

more or less thin, depending on the situation. A few<br />

days later, I visited a pub which is next to a hotel<br />

restaurant. The two establishments are connected by<br />

a door. As I was ordering my coffee, I asked the<br />

bartender if I can enter the restaurant through that<br />

door. He explained that people in the restaurant can<br />

enter the pub through the door but not the other way<br />

around. People in the pub will have to leave through<br />

the front door and enter the restaurant via the hotel.<br />

So 'the veil door' between the pub and restaurant is<br />

'thin' and 'permeable' in one direction but not at all in<br />

the other. A little lesson from Spirit, channelled<br />

through and interpreted by a bartender.<br />

Time and space do not exist but everything is real. The<br />

Hour of the Wolf opens a portal for you to speak with<br />

Spirit and indeed with yourself. I bid you to enjoy the<br />

reality of your sweet dreams !<br />

John Sjovik<br />

Shaman Healer<br />

www.shamaqi.com<br />




Gina Barrow<br />

<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

Emotional complexity has been the landscape of the human Earthly experience for aeons. In 3D this truth has<br />

been largely distorted in a mind/ego-dominated storm of karmic energies, subconscious programming and<br />

repeating cycles experiencing specific energies as agreed through soul contract.<br />

The light of divine awareness is now shining brightly on our emotional world as humanity shifts to the heart as<br />

the operating system and the mind as navigator. In a 4D/5D reality the heart is the platform for creation and<br />

intention, with the mind employed in actioning the heart-based direction.<br />

We have come from a legacy of humans not being able to hold space for emotions. Instead, they have been<br />

feared, avoided and run away from. The ego has aided this avoidance and taken us away from the power of<br />

accountability and self-responsibility. At worst, suppressed emotions have resulted in blame expressed as<br />

judgement, denial projected outwards onto others, and emotional avoidance turned inwards as low self-worth.<br />

Emotions are full of energy and when pushed down they sink into the depths of our psyche where the energy<br />

intensifies, pulling further energy from the situations involved and spinning into tightly bound balls of energy,<br />

locking away fragments of ourselves deep within the subconscious. This pattern repeats, creating innumerable<br />

fragmented balls of energy with cords linking them together as they vibrate at a matching frequency, existing<br />

on both individual and collective consciousness levels.<br />


Issue 20<br />

These fragmented aspects are never truly hidden. They<br />

reflect in our lives in the form of experiences and<br />

people mirroring what lies deep within us. This is the<br />

repeating cycle that plays out until awareness can be<br />

brought in. In this extraordinary time of transformation,<br />

source light calls each individual soul to go within, to be<br />

the divine parent, to manage our triggers and strong<br />

emotions, to disassociate with the mind, unravel our<br />

inner world, and bring the fragments back to wholeness.<br />

It is time to own our power and to honour the ocean of<br />

consciousness, and move away from judgement,<br />

separation and the ‘blame game’.<br />

<strong>2023</strong> is offering us infinite potential for this inner work,<br />

if we send a clear message to the universe that we are<br />

fully committed to shifting from within all that is not<br />

aligned with the highest good.<br />

At a time of unprecedented astrological energetic<br />

endings and new beginnings, where karmic cycles are<br />

completing and all that is unconscious, stagnant and not<br />

for greatest good is revealed, the shift possibilities are<br />

beyond our imagining. In embodying our higher selves<br />

and seeing the truth of what lies within we are able to<br />

offer these inner aspects to the quantum source field,<br />

the miracle matrix of creation, where all can be done<br />

and undone.<br />

In setting ourselves free we will need to surrender all<br />

that needs to go, the cords and attachments that we<br />

may not have realised were linked, and in so doing<br />

transform the fabric of our cellular being to provide a<br />

collective frequency match for the elevated timeline<br />

that is for the best and highest good of all humanity.<br />

Gina Barrow<br />

Emotions Navigator, Writer and Naturopathic Nutritionist<br />

Aligning With The Heart<br />

Emotions Navigation workshops every first Wednesday of the<br />

month at 7.30pm (via zoom). Upcoming dates – 3rd <strong>May</strong>, 7th <strong>June</strong><br />

and 5th July <strong>2023</strong>. The workshops explore concepts about our inner<br />

emotional landscape with insights, practical tools and techniques to<br />

encourage giving space to these inner aspects. Also, offers 1-2-1<br />

sessions.<br />

gina@aligningwiththeheart.com<br />

YouTube/Instagram/FB - @aligningwiththeheart<br />




Nasreen Pritchard<br />

<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

Do you hear it?<br />

It's pretty sneaky, but it’s a little like riding a bike.<br />

Once you know how to hear it, it will always be there.<br />

You’ve just made a very dear friend!<br />

Have you thought of how when we speak, our voice can sound excited, tired or<br />

sad...? It's sometimes less about the words we choose and more about the tone<br />

of our voice.<br />

Is it true then that Silence also, has a sound?<br />

Does<br />

silence<br />

have a<br />

sound...?<br />

Think of it this way. We walk into a silent room of people.<br />

Would you say you could pick up on the type of Silence in the room?<br />

A relaxed silence, a nervous silence, a sleepy or anticipatory silence.<br />

Sure, of course, we are likely to be using our other senses to help us reach that<br />

conclusion. But nevertheless, we can pick up on the type of Silence.<br />

When we speak with a friend, we can often notice what kind of silence they are<br />

listening with. Focused silence, distracted or very eager to speak silence, or<br />

maybe even distant silence.<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

We use the term, ‘solemn silence’ to depict a tone.<br />

We would read a letter or email in silence and conclude a tone.<br />

And even, one might ‘lower the tone’ of a space before even uttering a<br />

word.<br />

What is tone?<br />

Sound!<br />

What is Sound?<br />

Vibration!<br />

What are we?<br />

Vibrational beings!<br />

There is a voice that<br />

doesn't need words.<br />

Listen<br />

~ Rumi<br />

‘A vibration is a state of being, the atmosphere, or the energetic quality of<br />

a person, place, thought or thing.’<br />

Before we utter a word there is a ‘tone’ to us. A vibration.<br />

This provides us with an immediate unspoken tool.<br />

The word Sound comes from the Latin ‘son’.<br />

And so, we can resonate with one another before a word is spoken or a<br />

movement made.<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

Silence in the context of meditation<br />

‘The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear’.<br />

The Practice of meditation was never to get better at sitting still. It’s<br />

also not about getting the setting just right before you can begin. True<br />

audible silence is of course impossible to find. And nor should we be<br />

aspiring to it. It is seldom that we can determine fully the external<br />

environment when we want to invite silence in.<br />

The Anagram LISTEN / SILENT is of no coincidence.<br />

Silence is, therefore, an internal practice.<br />

Meet it where it is.<br />

No matter the sounds of the day…<br />

It’s there waiting for you!<br />

‘Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom.’<br />

I’d like to think that Silence is our superpower! We have many of<br />

course. We have our very own committee of helpers.<br />

Close your eyes and think of yourself at a round table. You get to<br />

choose who sits with you. You are likely to invite ‘love’ to the table<br />

with you, also ‘kindness’. <strong>May</strong>be ‘discernment’ or ‘playfulness’ would<br />

have a seat, and ‘forgiveness’ would be there. Well, I would argue that<br />

all of these would serve their greatest value when we have ‘silence’ at<br />

the head of the table. Our best decisions, our most creative of times,<br />

our sweetest of moments are often where ‘silence’ has had the best<br />

seat in the house.<br />

You should sit in<br />

meditation for twenty<br />

minutes every day –<br />

unless you’re too busy;<br />

then you should sit for an<br />

hour<br />

~ Zen Proverb<br />

Nasreen Pritchard<br />

Movement & Meditation Coach<br />

Farnham<br />

www.flowwithnasreen.co.uk<br />

Flowwithnasreen@gmail.com<br />

07803264457<br />

Think of your committee enjoying an absolute blast of a party. Love<br />

and forgiveness becoming the best of friends, playfulness and bravery<br />

getting on great, kindness and sadness having a good old time getting<br />

to know each other… well who’s aware of all this partying?<br />

Yup.<br />

Silence.<br />

Silence is sitting at the head of the table. Quietly observing this<br />

beautiful, cosmic, vibrational experience.<br />

Lucky lucky Silence, eh?<br />

Listening to the sounds. Silently.<br />

Can you hear it now? The Sound of Silence…..<br />


w o n d e r f u l i n t u i t i v e p s y c h i c r e a d i n g s b y<br />

O r i e l L u x<br />

<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

F e e l i n g s t u c k a n d n o t s u r e w h i c h d i r e c t i o n t o g o ? I s<br />

s o m e t h i n g p l a y i n g o n y o u r m i n d a n d y o u w o u l d l i k e<br />

s o m e s u p p o r t a n d c l a r i t y ?<br />

A u d i o r e c o r d e d r e a d i n g s<br />

£ 2 0 f o r t h r e e q u e s t i o n s<br />

contact<br />

oriellux@outlook.com<br />

<br />

<br />

Reiki & Light Language healing<br />

Sue Caustick<br />

Farnborough, Hampshire<br />

Light language is a celestial, galactic and angelic language channelled<br />

through the soul. Light language during Reiki treatments provides an even<br />

deeper effect on the healing.<br />

<br />

Clear blockages in your energy fields<br />

Release stress and anxiety<br />

Contact<br />

suecaustick@gmail.com<br />

"Such a beautiful gentle treatment. I felt really<br />

comfortable, safe and totally relaxed in Sue's<br />

hands. I am now a regular!"<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


COURSE<br />

Kinesiology and Shamanic techniques and tools to help<br />

improve health and wellbeing<br />

We will cover:<br />

Figure 8 energy flow<br />

The healing effect of sound<br />

Spiral energy flow<br />

Spinning vortices<br />

Energy, stamina and vitality nutrition<br />

Tibetan meridian activation<br />

Shamanic chi rituals<br />

The power of ancient language and words<br />

Course dates:<br />

Sunday 17th September 10am - 3pm<br />

Sunday 24th September 10am - 3pm<br />

Sunday 1st October 10am - 3pm<br />

Sunday 15th October 10am - 3pm<br />

Location:<br />

Lady Rose Hall<br />

Laverstoke Lane<br />

Laverstoke, Whitchurch<br />

​RG28 7NY<br />

Cost: £485 per person<br />

https://www.love2meditate.com/shamanic-power-tibetan-energy.html<br />

Martin Lewis<br />

West Berkshire Kinesiology<br />

kinesiology@hotmail.co.uk<br />

www.appliedmetaphysics.co.uk<br />

Jovi Hoonjan<br />

Love 2 Meditate/Shamanic Joy UK<br />

jovi@love2meditate.com<br />

www.love2meditate.com<br />

Tibetan Energy and Vitality

<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


Love 2 Meditate and Martin Lewis<br />


Language of the Ancients enables a<br />

12th dimensional pure consciousness<br />

connection to your supra causal truth.<br />

'Supra causal truth' is the 'absolute<br />

natural true self'.<br />

You will hear a different language<br />

being chanted throughout the<br />

meditation, these verses are<br />

channelled Lemurian language.<br />

To purchase:<br />

www.love2meditate.com/meditations.html<br />

jovi@love2meditate.com<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 19<br />

<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


Giuliano Pennesi<br />

Have you ever experienced 'lucid dreaming'?<br />

What is lucid dreaming...?<br />

"A lucid dream is a type of dream in which the<br />

dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming<br />

while dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer<br />

may gain some amount of control over the dream<br />

characters, narrative, or environment."<br />

~ Wikipedia<br />

We invited Giuliano, a Lucid Dreamer to share<br />

his dreams with us. We were very impressed by<br />

the stunning AI images he produced. Giuliano<br />

told us that he found it very meditative to work<br />

on the images straight after the dreams.<br />

Fire in a Forest (2009)<br />

A fire swept through a forest. I stood barefoot,<br />

my feet ankle deep in ash. Only a few of the<br />

older larger trees remained standing. I walked<br />

around for a while, a large tree caught my eye.<br />

There was sadness about this particular tree. I<br />

felt drawn to it.<br />

As I raised my hand to touch the tree I felt a<br />

slight vibration in my palm. The vibration<br />

intensified.. I touched the tree. The area between<br />

my palm and the tree started glowing. As I<br />

touched it, its bark started to grow. It's as if the<br />

tree was healing or coming back to life. The bark<br />

continued to grow making its way up the tree. It<br />

was like a speeded up time-lapse of a tree<br />

growing, new branches sprouting with tiny little<br />

leaves.<br />

I pondered. Wait, how is this even possible? This<br />

can't be real! This must be a dream. In a split<br />

second everything started to shake as if there<br />

was an earthquake. I woke up.<br />


Meeting my Shadow (2020)<br />

I carried out my normal reality check by looking<br />

at my hand and counting my fingers. Ah ha, one<br />

of my fingers was missing! I must be dreaming. I<br />

became lucid. A few days ago I planned to call<br />

out and meet my shadow if I became lucid.<br />

"Shadow come to me" I stood in an empty room.<br />

The wall started to beat like a heart. ba-dum, badum.<br />

I could not only hear the wall but also see it<br />

pulsating. Something was moving behind it.<br />

Hands were trying to force their way through the<br />

stretchy wall. A scary-looking skeleton emerged.<br />

It spent a little time observing me. It jotted down<br />

a few notes on a pad. It then tilted its head to<br />

one side then shook it as if to say no.<br />

I guess I wasn't ready to meet my shadow on that<br />

occasion.<br />

The False awakening (2016)<br />

It was a fairly normal day. I woke up, and went<br />

through my usual morning routine. I first jotted<br />

down what I dreamt about that night, then got<br />

up, brushed my teeth, showered, and had<br />

breakfast.<br />

I then started work. It was a very busy morning<br />

with many back-to-back phone calls. I then<br />

stopped for a quick lunch break. I was feeling a<br />

little sleepy, so took a quick power nap.<br />

The alarm woke me up, it was 6:30am!<br />

At first, I thought I had slept till the next<br />

morning. I actually had what is known as a false<br />

awakening. I dreamt of getting up and working<br />

but it didn't really happen. It was so real. I<br />

remembered my dream within the actual dream!<br />

This dream left me questioning reality.<br />

Giuliano<br />

Pennesi<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

Energy healing using crystals<br />

and Reiki<br />

Meryl McArthur<br />

Crystal Cave Healing<br />

Winchester<br />

www.facebook.com/CrystalCaveWinchester<br />

SnowFall<br />

Consciousness music<br />

Martin Lewis, West Berkshire Kinesiology<br />

Music to help<br />

you move<br />

through the<br />

grief process<br />

www.love2meditate.com<br />

/consiousness-music<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


balancing vibrational energies<br />

Helping you to<br />

release the past<br />

change belief systems<br />

feel more complete<br />

bring yourself into alignment<br />

We visit past lives that could be the<br />

source of a current issue.<br />

We clear emotional and physical pains<br />

carried over from many lifetimes.<br />




Julie de Vere Hunt<br />

<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

“Ancient knowledge will give us our future” Filip Coppens<br />

(1971-2012).<br />

Ascension in this case refers to a dimensional shift from<br />

the 3rd to 4th dimension.<br />

The <strong>May</strong>ans predicted this would happen on 21<br />

December 2012 – but sadly unless I am mis-taken we<br />

are still very much in the 3rd dimension.<br />

Nobody knows exactly when it will happen but there<br />

does appear to be a way of measuring our progress –<br />

using the Level of Universal Truth.<br />

There are essentially two kinds of truth:<br />

a personal truth and the Universal Truth.<br />

One’s personal truth is subject to change – depending<br />

on perception and one’s reality. The truth is only the<br />

truth in the now – it is not set in stone. Even a stone<br />

erodes to dust.<br />

The only form of truth which does not waver in the<br />

wind over time is the Universal Truth. So, this is the<br />

form of truth we are referring to here.<br />

It appears that like Dr Hawkins Map of Consciousness<br />

(for more on Levels of Consciousness see <strong>Alchemical</strong><br />

<strong>Voice</strong> Nov/Dec 2022), Universal Truth can be<br />

measured on a scale from 0-1000 – Level of Universal<br />

Truth (LoUT).<br />

Gnostic texts (Pistis Sophia) referred to perfect souls –<br />

through kinesiology, we learned this equates to anyone<br />

measuring +700 on the LoUT.<br />


As of 3rd March<br />

<strong>2023</strong> there are 34<br />

perfect souls alive<br />

today<br />

We also tested the number of perfect souls required<br />

for us to make the dimensional shift from 3D to 4D<br />

– the answer was 360.<br />

This means karmic looping will come to an end and<br />

we will be free!<br />

As of 16th March <strong>2023</strong> there are 34 perfect souls<br />

alive today. I am privileged to know two of these 34<br />

– both women. 34 does not sound very many except<br />

there were only 3 in 2006. So, we are making<br />

progress and we are receiving help. We just have to<br />

ask…<br />

A ritual was performed at a Wiltshire stone circle on<br />

23rd September 2022 to ask for help from the<br />

Galactic High Council (see <strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong><br />

Nov/Dec 2022). In two months the number of<br />

perfect souls went up from 24 to 30. Big progress…<br />

So we have a way to go, but apparently, the 100th<br />

monkey effect will apply, named after an<br />

experiment conducted in 1958 watching monkeys<br />

on a Japanese island learn a new task. One 18<br />

month old female monkey showed her troop how to<br />

wash grit off sweet potatoes - when the 100th<br />

monkey had been shown how to perform the task<br />

all the monkeys were able to do it - even monkeys<br />

on surrounding islands.<br />


We tested to see where the 34 perfect souls are<br />

located – here are some of the locations:-<br />

Australia (1), China (1), Guatemala (1), Peru (2), New<br />

Mexico (1), New Zealand (1), Indonesia (2),<br />

Russian/Ukraine border (1), Turkey (2) and Tibet* (4).<br />

*It is of no surprise to me that Tibet has a relatively<br />

high number of perfect souls – interestingly the Dalai<br />

Lama is not one of them – maybe leadership fuels the<br />

ego?<br />

None are from religious groups (Buddhist, Christian<br />

or Muslim) but some are descended from indigenous<br />

tribes (Aboriginal and Lamas). These spiritual beings<br />

have reached Higher Self Development (HSD).<br />

Interestingly, this is not the same as being spiritually<br />

enlightened. +700 on Dr Hawkins Map of<br />

Consciousness equates to ‘spiritual enlightenment’.<br />

The oral teachings of Jesus, Buddha and Krishna<br />

calibrated at 1,000. But you can be ‘spiritually<br />

enlightened’ and not have reached HSD. Have<br />

divine gifts but not be true to oneself.<br />

Reaching HSD is purely a matter of being<br />

‘true to oneself’ – living from the heart…<br />

A Mystery School where Divine Truths dating back<br />

to Atlantean times are stored and will remain hidden<br />

until humanity reach spiritual perfection.<br />

The Brotherhood members are 4th dimensional<br />

beings in an ethereal state who will appear when we<br />

are ready to make the transition and assist us in our<br />

rebirth.<br />

Everything will be taken care of – we have<br />

absolutely nothing to fear. Interestingly, the Gnostic<br />

texts referred to there being 360 heavens – all<br />

inside our hearts. <strong>May</strong>be one perfect soul for each<br />

heaven?<br />

We are in a great window of opportunity for<br />

spiritual growth – we have to fight for our freedom<br />

and reach 360 whilst we are here on Earth. Ignore<br />

the chaos as Piscean values - major governments,<br />

corporations and institutions break down. Natural<br />

disasters will escalate. No-thing matters. Remember<br />

we are spiritual beings having a human experience.<br />

Just focus on your HSD – and I will keep you posted<br />

here in <strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> on our progress…<br />

I recently attended a Cosmic Grace heart meditation<br />

workshop and was guided through to the 4th<br />

dimension via my heart. I saw myself as a baby<br />

being reborn into the 4th dimension. I felt loved,<br />

safe and totally at peace. I realise this is not<br />

guaranteed, but is a real possibility nonetheless.<br />

There are high consciousness beings waiting for us…<br />

The Great White Brotherhood, whose members are<br />

known as Ascended Masters, are said to be<br />

perfected beings of great power who spread<br />

spiritual teachings through selected humans. The<br />

first westerner to talk about them was Helena<br />

Blavatsky (1831-1891) after she started receiving<br />

messages from them.<br />

Julie de Vere Hunt<br />

www.marymagdaleneslegacy.com<br />

The 72nd and Last Order of the Great Brotherhood<br />

is The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays located high<br />

in the Andes Mountains on the Peruvian side of<br />

Lake Ticaca.<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

Hi Readers<br />

My name is Emma and I started this beautiful spiritual journey<br />

when I was studying massage in Australia back in 2008. That<br />

bought me right up to where I am now working as a remedial<br />

massage therapist.<br />

I also offer Reiki, Indian head massage, pregnancy massage and<br />

Manual Lymphatic Drainage. I am also very much into crystals,<br />

Shamanic journey work and sacred geometry.<br />

You can find me at Durham House Chiropractic Clinic in both<br />

Fleet, Hampshire and Farnham, Surrey.<br />

You can also book directly on the website. Hope to see you<br />

soon.<br />

Emma Childs<br />

Fleet Clinic: 01252 622050<br />

Farnham Clinic: 01252 725669<br />

http://www.durhamhousechiropractic.co.uk/m/index.htm<br />

Would you like to<br />

receive a<br />

beautifully printed<br />

copy to keep on<br />

your coffee table<br />

so that friends and<br />

family can also be<br />

influenced by ritual<br />

healing.<br />

Scan the QR code<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 19<br />

<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />



Julie Adams<br />

Higher Self Development (HSD) can be attained in many<br />

ways. It does not necessarily require one to sit on a<br />

mountain in a yoga position for years, become a Buddhist, a<br />

philosopher, or eat vegetables every day of your life.<br />

HSD only requires you to be true to yourself.<br />

There are three steps which one can call the 3 A’s:<br />

Awareness, Acceptance and Action!<br />

This first step is awareness — that is to learn what is<br />

REALLY going on. This occurs when you start to question<br />

REALITY as it is portrayed for us in this drama we call life.<br />

To enable this to happen you first need to question your<br />

beliefs, your perceptions and your realities in relation to<br />

what you are told is true.<br />

As basic as this sounds, it is something that we don’t do<br />

enough of.<br />

Humanity rarely questions, and far too readily accepts, what<br />

we are told is true. In energetic terms this ‘brainwashing’ can<br />

start as early as conception, and really gets going in<br />

childhood, when you are readily absorbing what you are<br />

told, trying to understand why you are here, and how life<br />

works!<br />

Then you are ‘ordained’ — (i.e. forced) into something called<br />

‘school’, an institution created to fulfil their need to control<br />

you and tell you what is right and wrong.<br />

You emerge fully dysfunctional, equipped only to lead a life<br />

making money and being miserable, ending in retirement and<br />

death, only to be told “yes, well done — now go back and do<br />

it all again…"<br />


As the Pink Floyd so eloquently sang:<br />

“We don’t need no education, we don’t need no thought<br />

control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teacher leave<br />

those kids alone!”<br />

They knew what was REALLY going on!<br />

Authoritarian teachers, instructed by the ‘government’ to<br />

teach you rules about all sorts of nonsense, and god help<br />

you if you broke those rules!<br />

The second step is acceptance. This is often where the<br />

unwary human being falls over. For you to move onwards on<br />

your journey this can be the most difficult requirement to<br />

attain. For instance, if you now put down this book stating<br />

“what a load of rubbish” then you are already allowing your<br />

DNA implants to control your thought processes that are<br />

governed by alien energy. To break this programming you<br />

need to accept the possible alternatives to what you<br />

perceive as your reality. Acceptance means that you would<br />

probably continue to read this book, to enable the possibility<br />

that a different reality exists. If in the end you still decide<br />

that it IS a load of rubbish then the programming that you<br />

are implanted with has not been changed. Your beliefs are<br />

still governed by alien energy. This is not to say that you are<br />

at fault. No one is to blame for this situation. It often means<br />

that you are not ready to, as Jim Morrison stated, “break on<br />

through to the other side”.<br />

The third requirement is action. That is to do something<br />

about the situation that has been presented to you. If you<br />

never question reality, then you are destined to never fulfil<br />

your potential.<br />

Most people complain of not just ill health, but that their<br />

lives have ‘lost purpose’. They complain of low self-esteem,<br />

lack of confidence, loss of enthusiasm, and the physical<br />

symptoms that relate to these maladies. Hopefully, they<br />

have taken action, i.e., made an appointment with a therapist<br />

to explore reality.<br />

They have come to the realisation and the acceptance that<br />

traditional methods of healing are not working for them.<br />

They may have been to doctors, therapists, counsellors but<br />

never have they questioned reality.<br />

Just remember, what we call planet Earth creates a ‘false<br />

reality’ and this false reality can make people sick, tired and<br />

physically ill.<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


Carol Coggan<br />

Archangel Haniel is the Angel of the Moon, and her<br />

aura is bluish-white, like the full moon’s glow. She is<br />

suggesting you consider the Moon cycles. ‘Notice how<br />

the moon affects your energy and manifestations, and<br />

capitalise upon these cycles’. We may be aware of the<br />

moon cycles affecting the tides of the sea. It also<br />

affects gardeners/farmers, if they plant their crops<br />

according to the moon then productivity is increased.<br />

How does it affect us?<br />

Archangel Haniel helps you develop your intuition and<br />

clairvoyance, as well as any aspect of sacred feminine<br />

energy. She can particularly help with women’s issues<br />

and can also help you develop your spiritual gifts. Men<br />

and women can benefit from connecting with<br />

Archangel Haniel as men have feminine energy, just<br />

like women have male energy. Archangel Haniel can<br />

help both sexes in awakening and trusting their inner<br />

guidance.<br />

In every month there is a full moon and a new moon,<br />

and sometimes there are two full moons. Often the<br />

full moon’s are given names, so in <strong>May</strong> the full moon<br />

is on the 5th and is the Flower Moon. And in <strong>June</strong> the<br />

full moon is on the 4th and is the Strawberry Moon<br />

(Supermoon - when it’s closest to the Earth)<br />


You can call upon Archangel Haniel at any time, but<br />

especially at a time of a full moon or a new moon.<br />

The full moon is a perfect time to release everything you<br />

have finished with, and are prepared to let go of. This may<br />

be physical or emotional pain, a relationship that has<br />

ended, a situation that has changed or perhaps an<br />

item/thing. For instance, the item might be a picture,<br />

received as a gift from a loved aunt. It does not have to be<br />

something that is negative, but perhaps the picture has<br />

brought you joy and now it is time to thank it, thank your<br />

aunt and move it on.<br />

How do you move on from a relationship? or possible<br />

heartache? Archangel Haniel and the full Moon are an<br />

ideal time to ‘release’ this pain, let go and move on. One of<br />

two ways that may help your release, is to write a ‘no<br />

send’ letter to your ex-partner or the person with whom<br />

you have heartache. Really express in this letter, your<br />

feelings and what you want to say to this person.<br />

Remember you are not sending it. Then at the time of the<br />

full Moon, go outside and call upon Archangel Haniel to<br />

release these negative thoughts and patterns. Then burn<br />

the letter you have written, as the final act of letting go. It<br />

is done! Know that Archangel Haniel will be with you over<br />

this time, and ask her for her support throughout.<br />

Another way of release is to cut the cords. Everyone we<br />

meet by the very nature of meeting, is corded to us. These<br />

cords are between our chakras (energy centres) and<br />

their’s. To release and help you move on, call upon<br />

Archangel Haniel at the full moon, and ask her to be with<br />

you in this release.<br />

Ask Archangel Michael with his sword of light to cut the<br />

cords to any negative situations, people, thoughts and<br />

feelings, in the front, in the back, to the left and to the<br />

right, above and below. Once this is done then ask<br />

Archangel Haniel to surround you in her love and her<br />

nurturing mother energy and ask Archangel Michael to<br />

surround you in his blue cloak of protection.<br />

Once you release anything, be prepared for big positive<br />

changes in your life and know the Archangels are with you.<br />

What are you prepared to let go of?<br />

The full moon is also a time for recharging crystals and<br />

oils, if you use them. This follows from the release and<br />

enables you to move forward. Archangel Haniel’s crystal is<br />

the moonstone which has a magical, nurturing energy with<br />

it.<br />


The Moon cycle continues and the New Moon in <strong>May</strong><br />

is the 19th and then in <strong>June</strong> is the 18th. The New<br />

Moon signifies new beginnings. We have released<br />

with the full moon and now we are asking Archangel<br />

Haniel to help us focus on manifesting our desires and<br />

intentions. Ask Archangel Haniel to help you achieve<br />

clarity in your direction and where you want your life<br />

to go. Remember she supports those developing their<br />

spiritual gifts like clairvoyance and their intuition.<br />

Developing your intuition will help your clarity and<br />

focus.<br />

And so full cycle!! the card suggests you ‘Notice how<br />

the Moon affects your energy and manifestations, and<br />

capitalise upon these cycles’. Consider in the month<br />

when you have high energy and low energy. Note<br />

when in high energy what you are able to do, achieve<br />

and how you feel. When in low energy it is time to ask<br />

Archangel Haniel for her nurturing mother energy and<br />

take time out for yourself.<br />

For further help/support in working with Archangel<br />

Haniel, cord cutting with Archangel Michael and<br />

speaking with other Archangels, do contact me. Love<br />

and blessings.<br />

www.carolcoggan.co.uk<br />

hello@carolcoggan.co.uk<br />

+44 (0)781 806 5514<br />

Guildford, Surrey<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


Love 2 Meditate and Martin Lewis<br />

<br />


Music by Energy Psychologist Martin Lewis, guided words by Shamanic Alchemist Jovi Hoonjan<br />

The Sleep Planetarium has an Attractor Frequency of 733 LoC (Levels of Consciousness) which is<br />

equivalent to Enlightenment and works on relaxing the 'hypothalamic fight or flight emotions'<br />

which are related to fear and rage.<br />

<br />

Our meditation works on stage 3 of your sleep process when your brain slows down to delta<br />

waves. Stage 3 normally only lasts 20% of your whole sleep time and it is when the restoration<br />

and rebuilding occur.<br />

To purchase:<br />

www.love2meditate.com/meditations.html<br />

jovi@love2meditate.com<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


Based in Guildford & S.W. Surrey, we have over 20 years’<br />

experience of supporting peoples’ wellbeing for body, mind &<br />

spirit; and we are here to enhance and support this. We are a notfor-profit<br />

community group.<br />

Below is information on our activities, contact us to join our<br />

mailing list so you can get priority access to book into sessions.<br />

Get in touch<br />

info@edenpeople.org.uk<br />

www.edenpeople.org.uk<br />

https://linktr.ee/EdenPeople<br />

FB: @eden.people.uk<br />

Twitter: @edenpeople<br />

Body Blessing & Positive Postures Sessions<br />

This is a physical, spiritual, and emotional activity that connects<br />

body, mind and spirit. It centres on who we are, how we are and<br />

where we are in the present moment. Spoken positive words<br />

about & over areas of the physical body encourage the<br />

participant to understand their uniqueness and the importance of<br />

their body.<br />

As we move or create a stance or position during the session the<br />

person connects inwardly (spiritually & emotionally) to the<br />

outward physical; and this can bring about new thought or<br />

feeling from the participant regarding themselves, others and the<br />

world.<br />

Designed to support your mental health, physical health,<br />

spirituality, wellbeing and positive thinking towards self, others<br />

and the planet<br />


LifeWalks Sessions<br />

Life Peace Meditation Sessions<br />

This is a physical, spiritual, and emotional walking activity<br />

that connects body, mind and spirit. As we engage with the<br />

‘outdoor space’ around us we can sense, learn, receive, and<br />

understand more about ourselves, the world around us<br />

physically, spiritually, and emotionally. It centres on who we<br />

are, how we are and where we are in the present moment.<br />

These meditation sessions are shaped to<br />

help participants rest, relax, and find new<br />

depths of peace for the mind, body and<br />

spirit.Good for those who may have<br />

anxiety, restlessness, negative feelings,<br />

lack of motivation or self-worth.<br />

As we walk, talk, think, rest, breathe during the session the<br />

person connects inwardly (spiritually & emotionally) to the<br />

outward physical; and this can bring about new thought or<br />

feeling from the participant regarding themselves, others<br />

and the world.<br />

Designed to support your mental health, physical health,<br />

spirituality, wellbeing and positive thinking towards self,<br />

others, and the planet<br />

Differing Meditational activities focus on<br />

creativity, the natural world, breathing,<br />

imagination, use of the senses and tactile<br />

interaction.<br />

Designed to support your mental health,<br />

physical health, spirituality, wellbeing and<br />

positive thinking towards self, others, and<br />

the planet<br />

SpiritSpace: Online monthly gathering via zoom. Creative<br />

expression, Encounter Rooms for Inner Healing, Heart &<br />

Destiny Insight, Ruach Cards and much more: more on this<br />

via: https://linktr.ee/inspiritspace<br />

Dream Station: Dream Interpretation - email us your dreams<br />

for interpretation<br />

Insight, Destiny & Encouragement: Opening life in the fullest<br />

Healing: Hands-on or hands off and distance healing<br />

Blessing: Positive input for you<br />

Card readings: Ruach and Jesus Deck Card readings<br />

Booking is required for all events<br />

Cost: Free or donation<br />

Email: edenpeople@edenpeople.org.uk<br />

Text: +44 (0)7866247919<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


John Sjovik<br />

The Image and the Word<br />

In 2015, the painter and film maker Peter Greenaway<br />

participated in the Venice Biennale with an art<br />

exhibition which he called 'In the Beginning Was the<br />

Image'. Think about it. What does that mean?<br />

It is said that the oldest written language was the<br />

Sumerian language, from 5,000 years ago. There are<br />

plates of clay still preserved, where you can see the<br />

signs and symbols imprinted into the clay (a writing<br />

system known as Cuneiform). Yet, there are cave<br />

paintings that are more than 40,000 years old, showing<br />

animals and humans. It is impossible to say what spoken<br />

language people may have used at that time. But the<br />

image was clearly the dominating form of symbolism<br />

and communication, as can be seen from those early<br />

paintings in caves and Bronze Age rock paintings and<br />

carvings.<br />

It all began with the image. Then came the word.<br />

Greenaway is known for using imagery and metaphor in<br />

his films. The dialogue is second to the images. In that<br />

way, he connects back to our ancestors. In Greenaway’s<br />

films, there is as much information, maybe even more,<br />

in the images as in the dialogue.<br />


The magic of the betwixt and between<br />

Sometimes, art, image and film are what you do not see,<br />

what is not even there. The film director, producer and<br />

screenwriter Martin Scorsese has pointed out a<br />

particular aspect of the magic of film. The traditional<br />

medium for making motion pictures was celluloid, a<br />

long strip of film with individual frames.Typically, there<br />

would be 24 frames per second passing by the lens of a<br />

projector, creating the illusion of continuous moving<br />

images on the screen. There is an empty space between<br />

each two frames, and each second there are 24 empty<br />

spaces passing by the projector but the audience does<br />

not notice them.<br />

The human mind, the subconscious, fills that emptiness<br />

with information and the viewing experience becomes a<br />

continuous uninterrupted flow of images. Somehow, the<br />

audience becomes co-creator.<br />

There is a special quality to empty spaces in what we<br />

perceive as reality. Consider the stillness between<br />

breathing in and breathing out; a stillness which is<br />

worth holding on to for a few seconds by pausing your<br />

breath and resting in a moment of calm. And every actor<br />

knows the energy that lies in the silence between lines;<br />

the lure that an unexpected pause can bring to a<br />

soliloquy or a song.<br />


Art and the personal experience.<br />

A few years ago, I visited a major art museum in<br />

Sweden. There was a group of children there and they<br />

were guided by a curator. Before entering the next<br />

room, he told the children that there was one particular<br />

painting that showed happiness and one that showed<br />

sadness.<br />

It turned out that the children found different art works<br />

to represent those feelings. Each child interacted<br />

individually with the paintings. They interpreted the<br />

images and motives from their own experiences, values<br />

and feelings.<br />

Art has a way to connect with the viewer, to trigger a<br />

reaction. Each person looking at a painting has an<br />

experience unique for that person. I venture to take it<br />

one step further; as I see it, there is also a connection<br />

between the artist and the viewer. It is as if the painting<br />

was a gateway or window between the artist and the<br />

person looking at the finished work.<br />

Many years ago, I visited the Pech Merle cave in France.<br />

There were images drawn on the walls from almost<br />

30,000 years ago, including mammoths, horses and<br />

human hands. I raised my right hand and I held it<br />

towards the depiction of a right hand on the face of the<br />

rock. Someone had stood there tens of thousands of<br />

years ago, drawing his hand on the rock and now I was<br />

standing there in recognition of his work and sending a<br />

greeting. In an instant, the present merged with the past<br />

and I could sense the artist looking back at me with a<br />

smile on his face.<br />

Think about the author Oscar Wilde and his book 'The<br />

Picture of Dorian Gray'. The painting of Dorian Gray is<br />

imbued with the alchemy of taking on the visual effects<br />

of Dorian from the life he leads. When Dorian retains<br />

his youthful looks and beautiful appearance, his portrait<br />

gradually changes to show an even more distorted,<br />

troubled and worn face, as Dorian descends into an<br />

immoral life of debauchery. The moral corruption of<br />

Dorian Gray is reflected in the deterioration of his<br />

appearance in the painting. He has traded his soul for<br />

retaining his youthful good looks. This is a Faustian<br />

tragedy and indeed a good example of the relationship<br />

between art and spirituality, a transfer of moral decay<br />

from a human to an image of that human.<br />


Does a painting have consciousness? Does it speak to<br />

you in its own language?<br />

There is often more to a painting than brushstrokes on a<br />

canvas, than paint with colour, hue and value.<br />

Sometimes, you hear people say that a certain painting<br />

attracted their attention at an art exhibition. The<br />

painting 'spoke to them' (a common expression) as if it<br />

had a specific message just for them. It does not<br />

necessarily have to do with the subject matter of a<br />

painting, or what image you see on the canvas. An<br />

artwork such as 'Blue Monochrome' by Yves Klein, is a<br />

canvas painted in varying tones of blue.<br />

Yet, many people will stop by the painting and observe<br />

the blue image with interest, as if it is actually showing<br />

something with shape and form. It is as if the painting<br />

has a bespoke message for each visitor.<br />

Jackson Pollok is famous for his 'splatter paintings'. At<br />

first glance, they look like random patterns of paint that<br />

the artist threw onto the canvas, as it was lying on the<br />

floor. This is a form of 'action painting', where Pollok<br />

took the technique of drip painting one step further by<br />

grabbing a large brush saturated with paint and then<br />

raising his arm and in a quick forward motion, throwing<br />

the paint.<br />

The technique might appear as casual and completely<br />

void of control, causing the paint to hit the canvas<br />

haphazardly and creating unexpected patterns with no<br />

meaning or imagery. However a deeper study of Pollok’s<br />

paintings has revealed a pattern rather like that of grass<br />

growing in a field, or branches of trees in a forest. Such<br />

patterns are called 'fractal' and they appear in nature. In<br />

short, fractals are patterns that repeat themselves when<br />

you zoom in and study a smaller area of the original<br />

pattern.<br />

What do you think of the paintings on the right? Did<br />

you recognise they were not created by the famous<br />

artists?<br />


Art and Shamanism<br />

Shamanism is an animistic view of the world and<br />

the cosmos. Everything has spirit and everything is<br />

energy. That is supposed to be the case for an<br />

object as well as for an animal or a thought.<br />

Anyone who enters the process of putting paint<br />

on canvas has intention to some degree. One can<br />

even say that if an artist would claim to have no<br />

intention whatsoever when painting, then that in<br />

itself would be an intention. Inasmuch as we are<br />

human beings with thoughts, logic, feelings,<br />

emotions and basic senses, we are indeed unable<br />

to partake in any activity without having some<br />

kind of invested interest or engagement in that<br />

activity. Inherently inviting the other-worldly is<br />

more natural than you would think.<br />

An intention has energy and spirit. Therefore,<br />

when someone creates a work of art, there is a<br />

transfer to or manifestation of energy within that<br />

art. When you look at a finished painting, you will<br />

be able to sense the energy that it is imbued with.<br />

What is even more remarkable is that you do not<br />

even have to view the painting to pick up the<br />

vibrations, sometimes it can be enough to be in<br />

the same room with it.<br />

Abstract art, monkeys, and me using a blindfold<br />

In 1964, an art gallery in my home town<br />

Gothenburg, Sweden, presented a selection of<br />

new abstract paintings by a mysterious French<br />

painter called Pierre Brassau. The paintings caused<br />

a bit of a stir. A local art critic wrote that the artist<br />

works with brush strokes that "twist with furious<br />

fastidiousness". It soon turned out that the whole<br />

thing was a practical joke. The artist with the<br />

dramatic brush technique and alluring name was a<br />

chimpanzee called Peter from the local zoo in the<br />

city of Borås just north of Gothenburg. The<br />

commotion and drama around the hoax stirred up<br />

such anxiety with Peter the chimp, that he was<br />

transferred in 1969 from the attention he was<br />

exposed to in Borås to a more peaceful existence<br />

in a zoo in Chester, England.<br />


It is quite fascinating with abstract art and how you are<br />

expected to relate to it. Can a monkey paint? Would the<br />

paintings have any artistic or financial value?<br />

I am not sure exactly how Peter the Chimp went about<br />

his brushwork, selection of paint and how to apply it<br />

onto the canvas? However, I do believe that nothing<br />

happens without a reason. There is no such thing as<br />

'chance'. So if the monkey picked one colour instead of<br />

another, there was a reason for that. It may not<br />

necessarily be with the monkey. <strong>May</strong>be it was 'Spirit'<br />

who guided him? <strong>May</strong>be it was some other energy or<br />

vibration that came into play?<br />

I have this idea to paint and have my eyes covered with<br />

a blindfold as I paint. I will not know what colour I use<br />

and my brush strokes will be random and may not even<br />

hit the canvas. Will it be up to serendipity to guide my<br />

work? <strong>May</strong>be my own feelings? <strong>May</strong>be a cellular desire<br />

within the paintbrush? A vibration in the paint? Perhaps<br />

an invisible image on the empty canvas waiting to be<br />

painted?<br />

On my kitchen fridge, there is a magnet with a quotation<br />

from the painter Paul Cezanne: 'If I think, all is lost.'<br />

That is often the case with us people. We think too<br />

much. We want to be in control, however futile such a<br />

desire may be.<br />

A monkey may turn out a few paintings that you can<br />

think about and discuss. They can create a feeling or<br />

form an inspiration for a new thought, maybe even give<br />

you an idea for your own next painting. The great thing<br />

about Peter the Chimp was that his work generated a<br />

debate and that some people became enthusiastic while<br />

others were annoyed. This clearly shows the visceral<br />

power of art. Even a painting executed by a monkey can<br />

have an effect on people.<br />

There is undoubtedly a powerful connection between<br />

art and spirituality.<br />

John Sjovik<br />

Shaman Healer<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


Martin Lewis<br />

'Gripping Theory' offers clues to predicting<br />

congnitive decline.<br />

Low or unbalanced handgrip strength may be an<br />

indicator of cognitive decline in seniors, new research<br />

suggests.<br />

Ryan McGrath, PhD analysed the handgrip strength in<br />

over 17,000 adults aged 50 years and over, and found<br />

that those with a weak grip had a twofold increase risk<br />

of accelerated cognitive decline, and strangely had<br />

considerably more strength in their non-dominant<br />

hand.<br />

He stated that: “Having weakness, as measured by<br />

maximal handgrip strength, and/or wide strength<br />

differences between hands, could be a clue for low<br />

cognitive functioning, and if a person has weakness<br />

and/or a lack of balance in their grip strength a more<br />

comprehensive cognitive evaluation may want to be<br />

considered”.<br />

He also pointed out that previous studies focusing on<br />

cognition indicate that imbalances in muscle strength<br />

‘could be linked to the neural system deficits that<br />

drive low cognitive functioning'.<br />

His suggestion here would appear to indicate that this<br />

‘simple tool’ could be used to indicate such conditions<br />

as dementia or cognitive impairment at an early stage,<br />

so as to enable treatment protocols to be delivered<br />

earlier than would normally be expected.<br />

"We recommend that measures of handgrip strength<br />

asymmetry be used alongside assessment of weakness<br />

to improve the prognostic value of handgrip<br />

dynamometers," he added.<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

Keith Fargo, PhD, director of scientific engagement<br />

for the Alzheimer's Association, said the finding is<br />

“intriguing" but added that it "needs to be replicated<br />

in larger and more diverse study groups. It could be<br />

used as a simple screening tool that could indicate<br />

the need for a more comprehensive cognitive<br />

evaluation”.<br />

McGrath noted that some healthcare providers do<br />

already use measures of handgrip strength to<br />

primarily assess muscle function, “but overall the use<br />

of handgrip strength in routine geriatric health<br />

assessments is generally absent”, and he encouraged<br />

healthcare providers “to use a measure of handgrip<br />

strength, given the robust health information it<br />

provides.”<br />

Kinesiological Perspective<br />

In the practice of kinesiology, and the application of<br />

metaphysical principles to this information, it is<br />

interesting to note that, as the brain is the<br />

‘transformer’ of mental will to physical output, then it<br />

makes sense that a lessening of cognitive ability will<br />

show in less power output on a physical level. This<br />

may already be obvious to many in their daily lives as<br />

routine and boredom make us feel a lack of energy on<br />

a physical level. This does not just happen as a<br />

natural occurrence in the older generation per se, but<br />

in people of all ages.<br />

We all need stimulation to make us feel alive. Of<br />

course many of us use stimulation or stimulants that<br />

are inheritantly bad for us. Stimulants that falsely<br />

make us ‘feel alive’. Coffee in the morning is a classic<br />

example.<br />

However, if stimulants are needed on a regular basis,<br />

then it would be wiser for us to think about what<br />

stress is occurring in our lives that makes us need<br />

them!<br />

This is where a kinesiological assessment comes in!<br />

For example: over indulgence of sugar during the<br />

festive season is one reason that we get stressed,<br />

bizarrely based on ‘the requirement to enjoy<br />

ourselves’! Let’s be honest - we all do it. The question<br />

we need to ask ourselves is WHY?<br />

Metaphysical Perspective<br />

In metaphysical terms a loss of handgrip strength<br />

indicates a ‘losing our grip’ on (and potentially the<br />

‘inability to handle’) reality.<br />

The world we live in today has increasing amounts<br />

of worry and stress, hence the increase in dementia<br />

related illness. In general, human beings (especially<br />

the elderly) do not handle change particularly well,<br />

preferring the stability and assurance of ‘societal<br />

norms’.<br />

Unfortunately, the world rarely obliges us with<br />

these. Change IS inevitable. What is required is ‘to<br />

get a grip’ on this fact, and ‘go with the flow’!<br />

Embracing change is fundamental IF we wish to live<br />

healthy and fulfilling lives.<br />


www.appliedmetaphysics.co.uk<br />

kinesiology@hotmail.co.uk<br />

+44 (0)7968 740550<br />

Newbury, Berkshire<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


In the coming editions of <strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> we will<br />

cover the following chapters of the full story for our<br />

present times from tens of thousands of years ago<br />

Part 1: Walking (<strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> 2022)<br />

Part 2: The mighty river (<strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> 2022)<br />

Part 3: “The gods are playing with us” (July/August 2022)<br />

Part 4: Our Medicine Man speaks (Sept/Oct 2022)<br />

Part 5: The Eagle calls (Nov/Dec 2022)<br />

Part 6: “For the sakes of our children’s children’s children” (Jan/Feb <strong>2023</strong>)<br />

Part 7: The sticks for the Grandmothers (Mar/Apr <strong>2023</strong>)<br />

Part 8: Gogogama speaks (this edition)<br />


These stories originated in a past life experience<br />

Kwekwe is an inspired leader and time spirit. He is leading us, his people, along the coast to where he<br />

believes the Sun God will be turning to our left when rising out of the sea instead of to our right.<br />

We reached a wide, mighty river with many small islands. We could not even see the other side of the<br />

estuary and decided to make camp. A group of elders designated one island with glee-glee trees and<br />

scrum-scum bushes as our sacred meeting place.<br />

Our medicine man Oo-oo-warawara has told the elders how animal spirits showed him that the tribe must<br />

climb high rocks upstream to find a crossing before a forest fire engulfs their side of the river. The strong<br />

men will carry the children up the rocks. They will not be able to carry all the old grandmothers and<br />

grandfathers.<br />

I, Ririjojo, am organizing the tribe to depart. Grandmother Gogogama has said I must ask all the<br />

grandmothers and grandfathers if they wish to join her on the sacred island.<br />


The tree shadows are still long by the time I have spoken with all the old grandmothers.<br />

There were three hands-worth of Gogo’s to find.<br />

Most of them have agreed that their bones are heavy and they have gone to join Gogogama.<br />

They have hugged their daughters and tapped their bony fists against the fists of their sons.<br />

They have kissed and play-chased their grandchildren one last time.<br />

A few grandfathers have gone with them, leaning on their sticks as they go.<br />

I have also spoken with several of the men my age and they have rounded up their kinship groups on the<br />

mainland. Kwekwe and his family are at the head. He is already looking in the direction of where the<br />

mighty river is coming from, looking for those rocks that Oo-oo-warawara described. He knows that he<br />

will be the first to climb them today and his family with him. They are strong. His whole kinship group is<br />

strong.<br />


I am hanging back on an island, my two women looking at<br />

me from the mainland surrounded by our children.<br />

I have to go and see the grandmothers and the few<br />

grandfathers on the sacred island. Oo-oo-warawara is still<br />

there. He is going round the old people and giving a few<br />

glee-glee leaves to all our respected elders there. Some<br />

have started chewing them already.<br />

I notice that Gogogama is sat in the middle of the group.<br />

They are all on the rise of earth facing towards the rest of<br />

our gathered tribe. In front of Gogogama is a broad piece<br />

of bark and she has gathered berries on it.<br />

Other grandmothers have brought long nana fruits, some<br />

yellow, some still green and they have been placed by the<br />

berries.<br />

I go up to Gogogama and bow deeply towards her.<br />

I take a few steps back and bow to all the assembled<br />

grandmothers and grandfathers, once to the left, once to<br />

the right and once to the middle.<br />

Gogogama speaks:<br />

“On behalf of all us old grandmothers and grandfathers, go, my<br />

son.<br />

Go with all our sons.<br />

And with our daughters.<br />

And our children’s children.<br />

For our children’s children’s children.<br />

<strong>May</strong> the Great Spirit walk with you always.<br />

You are following the path set out for our tribe by the Sun<br />

God, the River God and the Forest God.<br />

You will be well.<br />

Go now.<br />

Ashay, ashay, ashay, ashay.”<br />

She nods to the four directions.<br />

All the grandparents echo “Ashay, ashay, ashay, ashay”.<br />

“<strong>May</strong> peace be upon you,” I reply, unable to say more.<br />

Oo-oo-warawara is beside me. Our medicine man also<br />

speaks to the respected elders:<br />

“And may the spirit of the river wash your spirits out to the<br />

endless sea.<br />

And may the spirit of the wind blow your spirits to the land of<br />

our ancestors”<br />


Gogogama bows her head and the grandmothers and<br />

grandfathers follow her lead.<br />

I turn and the medicine man walks with me.<br />

We splash loudly through the streams between the sacred<br />

island and to our waiting kinship groups on the mainland.<br />

As soon as Kwekwe sees us join the tribe, he sets off with<br />

his group and others begin to follow.<br />

I am with my women, my daughters and my younger sons<br />

and their children.<br />

The younger ones are looking confused and turn their faces<br />

to their elders for signs and guidance.<br />

My women are picking up their sharp-stone pouches and<br />

beginning to encourage the children to start walking.<br />

Walking once again. Walking onwards.<br />

I join them bringing up the rear.<br />

I turn one last time towards the sacred island and our<br />

elders.<br />

And on the breeze blowing from the river, I hear a gentle<br />

singing, rising, gathering strength, ebbing and flowing,<br />

ebbing and flowing.<br />

THE END<br />

We hope you enjoyed the story. The other instalments are<br />

available in back copies of <strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong>. Richard is also<br />

aiming to publish these versions with illustrations as a<br />

booklet to be used in Grief Circles.<br />

Richard Pantlin is the founder of CareStellations, constellations<br />

coaching with an African twist at a price you can afford.<br />

His CareStellations approach is infused with many years<br />

experience of a variety of healing modalities as well as 14 years of<br />

working with traditional healers in Zimbabwe.<br />

He has had a long career in commercial organisations, social care,<br />

and the NHS including running his own business.<br />

Rich is offering Holistic Business and Life coaching - particularly<br />

to small and medium-sized business owner / directors.<br />

rich@richardpantlin.com | www.richardpantlin.com<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


Shamanic Circle<br />

25th <strong>June</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 12:00-4:00 pm<br />

<br />


Using meditation and shamanic<br />

tools and techniques to<br />

manifest what you want for<br />

<strong>2023</strong><br />

Jovi Hoonjan<br />

https://www.love2meditate.com/store/p83/shamaniccircles.html<br />

Balance & Breathe<br />

24 Northfield Road<br />

Church Crookham<br />

GU52 6BD<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />



Julie Adams<br />

Symbols have been used for eons to inform the masses, either<br />

under religious contexts (negative) or for sacred purposes<br />

(positive).<br />

x<br />

An example, on the right, is the Chi Rho insignia, found in the<br />

Catacomb of Saint Callistus in Rome. This insignia was<br />

designed as a ‘colour’ or rallying sign for troops, so they would<br />

know where their commander was in battle.<br />

Freemasons wear a square and compass to enable other<br />

freemasons to recognise them and signify membership to<br />

their order.<br />

Fortunately, symbols can also be protective ‘amulet’ like<br />

devices, serving to render an energetic attack harmless.<br />

Reiki practitioners often use the Cho Ku Rei symbol for this<br />

very purpose.<br />

This suggests that Reiki healing and any other type of<br />

energetic healing process is something that aliens are acutely<br />

aware of, and wish to render ‘unworthy’ or ‘useless’ as a<br />

healing modality, in order to force us to use conventional<br />

medicine on the premise that ‘this will cure you’.<br />

Many scientists and doctors regard these protection symbols<br />

worthless or ‘woo woo’, happy to write them off as<br />

‘quackery’.<br />

Utilising amulets and symbols for healing is as old as humanity<br />

itself.<br />

Unfortunately with external influences, all those years ago<br />

these devices and other healing modalities were sadly labelled<br />

as ‘witchcraft’ and vehemently stamped upon.<br />

Old traditional healing practices were almost wiped out — but<br />

not quite…<br />


When one wants to control, the first step is to stamp<br />

down on anything that allows free will to anyone.<br />

‘Alternative’ or ‘complimentary’ healing practices, as<br />

they are known not only work, but empower the<br />

individual.<br />

<br />

If natural healing aligns with nature, then it makes sense<br />

to me that natural processes create healthiness. Nature<br />

has brilliant ways of healing. Drugs are not natural. They<br />

are ‘alien devices’ masquerading as man-made<br />

substitutes that fundamentally create side effects.<br />

As stated earlier, symbols can be utilised for good or<br />

bad, depending on the nature of the user.<br />

There are thousands of different symbols, all having a<br />

specific powerful context in healing (or the opposite).<br />

The Hamsa Hand is an ancient Middle Eastern amulet<br />

symbolizing the Hand of god. It is supposedly a<br />

protective sign, and derives its name from the five<br />

fingers on the hand. It supposedly brings its owner<br />

happiness, luck, health, and good fortune. The hamsa<br />

hand has a wide variety of different spellings which<br />

includes hamesh, hamsa, chamsa, and khamsa.<br />

It is also identified as the Hand of Miriam, Aaron and the<br />

Hand of Fatima. The hamsa hand has two main styles.<br />

One style is shaped like a regular hand, and the other<br />

has two symmetrical thumbs.<br />

The hamsa hand can be worn facing up or down and it is<br />

believed to give the owner success, harmony, and<br />

protection from the ‘Ayin Ha’ra’ — the Evil Eye. The<br />

hamsa hand meaning has a variety of interpretations,<br />

depending on the culture.<br />


In Hebrew, the number five is ‘hamesh’ and the fifth<br />

letter of the Hebrew alphabet is ‘hey’ one of god’s holy<br />

names, and a greeting in the English language. ‘Hamesh’<br />

is representative of the five books of the Torah. In<br />

Judaism, it is also interpreted to be the Hand of Miriam,<br />

and symbolic of the owner’s five senses in an effort to<br />

praise god.<br />

In Arabic, it is ‘khamesh’. In the Sunni culture, the hamsa<br />

is associated with the Five Pillars of Islam. For the<br />

Shi’ites it symbolises the Five People of the Cloak. In the<br />

Islamic faith, it symbolises The Hand of Fatima, the<br />

daughter of the Prophet Mohammed.<br />

Unfortunately the ‘hand of god’ is not as protective as<br />

one would be made to believe. It can also be utilised to<br />

curse a person, taking the form of a spell placed upon<br />

humanity to keep it asleep. When activated in this way it<br />

suppresses kundalini and therefore creativity.<br />

Hands of glory are also used in witchcraft to keep<br />

victims asleep while they are robbed — of their goods<br />

and belongings — or their energy!!<br />

When this spell is placed upon a person it often feels like<br />

chronic fatigue. It is said that to ameliorate the spell the<br />

afflicted person should buy a hand of god and place it in<br />

cow’s milk. The milk then needs to be cleansed itself<br />

(often with rosemary or other herb) to complete the<br />

process.<br />

The Evil Eye (sometimes called the Eye of Horus) is one<br />

of the strongest symbolic images in the world, dating<br />

back almost 3,000 years to ancient Greece and Rome.<br />

Wearing an evil eye as an amulet is believed to provide<br />

protection against evil forces.<br />

As with the hand of god it can also be used for evil<br />

intent.<br />


The evil eye as a weapon, is ‘a look given to inflict harm,<br />

suffering, or some form of bad luck’ on the person that it<br />

is cast upon.<br />

Giving someone ‘the evil eye’ is a look which clearly<br />

states that one intends for something bad to happen to<br />

another, either out of jealousy or pure malice.<br />

<br />

It is believed by many cultures that the look is powerful<br />

enough to bring about actual disaster to the unfortunate<br />

person who is the receiver of the glare, so it is often<br />

worn as a protective charm on a necklace. It can also be<br />

found on key chains, house decorations, baby carriages,<br />

and other jewellery items.<br />

“The Evil Eye: A Casebook” notes that:<br />

“The victim’s good fortune, good health, or good looks — or<br />

unguarded comments about them — invite or provoke an<br />

attack by someone with the evil eye … leading to symptoms<br />

of illness, including loss of appetite, excessive yawning,<br />

hiccups, vomiting and fever.”<br />

“We should keep in mind that the evil eye is not some oldfashioned<br />

superstitious belief of interest solely to<br />

antiquarians. The evil eye continues to be a powerful factor<br />

affecting the behaviour of countless millions of people<br />

throughout the world.”<br />

These are just a few symbols that can either be used<br />

positively or negatively, depending on the intent of the<br />

person using them.<br />

Whichever symbol you choose to use, the intent of its<br />

use will direct the energy accordingly. Therefore it is<br />

wise to read up on the uses, and abuses of symbols,<br />

amulets and the like.<br />




mamishaart@gmail.com<br />

<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

We channel art<br />

through Spirits of<br />

Vision and Essence,<br />

they show us the true<br />

spiritual essence of<br />

others.<br />

"The Shaman Seer -<br />

There is a true<br />

ancestral connection<br />

with the strength of<br />

dragon energy plus<br />

the wisdom and<br />

guidance from<br />

ascended masters."<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />


Jan is a gifted and professionally recognised<br />

healer, spiritual counsellor and psychic,<br />

working with clients to help them find the<br />

root cause of their physical condition which<br />

is normally an emotional issue buried deep<br />

inside.<br />

£40/hour<br />

Location: Dorset<br />

Distance healing available<br />

Jan Reid<br />

Be Good to Yourselves<br />

www.begoodtoyourselves.com<br />

email@begoodtoyourselves.com<br />

+44 (0)776 993 6500<br />

Spiritual healing with intuitive insights<br />

<br />

tameshka@hotmail.com | 07786 194 149<br />

Mytchett, Surrey<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

Anne Randall<br />

Spirit & Psychic Artist<br />

What does <strong>2023</strong> bring for you?<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

Anne is a spirit / psychic artist and<br />

accredited working medium. These are<br />

some of her latest portraits of spirit guides<br />

and loved ones in spirit.<br />

Contact Anne<br />

forgetmenotjoan@hotmail.co.uk<br />

TEL: 07505312931<br />

www.annerandallspiritartistandmedium.com<br />


Hidden in the Mist<br />

<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

Susan always knew she could sense<br />

things that she couldn't see, so when her<br />

husband James starts to act strangely is<br />

there more to his behaviour than meets<br />

the eye?<br />

With her daughter also starting to act<br />

strangely, Susan's nerves are on a knife<br />

edge, having lost all of her self-esteem<br />

at her husband's hands, not knowing<br />

where to turn and with echoes of the<br />

past still clinging persistently to her<br />

home.<br />

Susan instinctively knows that<br />

everyone's survival depends upon her.<br />

Will Susan be able to save her family<br />

from the malevolence which threatens<br />

to engulf them all?<br />

Hidden in the Mist is a supernatural<br />

book that is loosely based on some reallife<br />

experiences that Sue personally had<br />

in her childhood.<br />

“I read Hidden in the Mist in less than a<br />

week as I got gripped by the characters<br />

and the storyline - really needed to know<br />

how it was all going to turn out! I enjoy a<br />

good ghost story and this was a really<br />

good ghost story.”<br />

Pulling out all stops in her debut work of fiction, Sue Penney’s Hidden in the Mist is a<br />

ghostly tale par excellence.<br />

Aware of her own personal supernatural abilities since the age of three, the author<br />

draws on real-life events she experienced as a child to give Hidden in the Mist an<br />

authenticity and scare factor that plays with your mind from the outset. Adding further<br />

to its spooky credentials, the front cover is illustrated with an image of the actual house<br />

in which the author first experienced the paranormal.<br />

Worthy of a solid ten out of ten for its accomplished plot, pace and the fear it evokes,<br />

Hidden in the Mist is most definitely one to read with the lights on full."<br />

Hidden in the Mist book now available www.soulverse.co.uk<br />

sue@soulverse.co.uk<br />


Life behind<br />

the mask<br />

<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

A compelling story of a young mother, happy in her<br />

first marital home, running her successful dance school.<br />

Everything changed one fateful night; following a<br />

severe car accident, her husband developed paranoid<br />

schizophrenia. A year of desperation, misery attempted<br />

murder, a shooting and a suicide followed.<br />

A second husband with rage issues, led to physical<br />

abuse of her son and a life of fear. Follow her fight to<br />

protect her children and explore the horrors they faced<br />

growing up. Years remaining silent for fear of reprisal<br />

and the guilt carried from seeing the effect it had on<br />

her children.<br />

Another near fatal car accident and the unexplained<br />

miracle rescue. An illness that drained her body, stole<br />

her career and left her bedridden. This is one woman’s<br />

battle against insurmountable odds. The will to survive,<br />

protect, overcome years of torment, fear and<br />

oppression and the day she discovered the strength<br />

within, to fight back and step out from ‘BEHIND THE<br />

MASK’<br />

I spent most of my working life as a professional dance instructor, designing and<br />

producing theatrical shows for children. When a severe back injury resulting<br />

from a car crash forced me into early retirement, I started looking for new ways<br />

to be creative and find a new outlet in life to express myself. Writing filled this<br />

void and allowed me to clarify, accept and eventually script what has happened<br />

to me over the years, which makes for a compelling and at times, difficult read.<br />

For a very long time I tried to come to terms with what I have been through and<br />

how it has affected both me and my family. Having finished this book, I am now<br />

able to look back and reflect on my life in a way I never thought possible. The<br />

sheer number and variety of traumas I have experienced is almost<br />

incomprehensible and the horrors of some of the situations are a lot to take onboard.<br />

These have shaped me into the woman I am today.<br />

Within the book you will experience my life in its rawest form including a suicide,<br />

a ruined career, a lengthy lawsuit, a terrible marriage, an abusive husband,<br />

terrified children, a debilitating illness, broken families, dreams shattered, hope,<br />

fear, and impossible choices. Only when you are at your lowest, when you feel<br />

that life has taken too much from you, do you look deep inside yourself and<br />

make a choice. This story is my choice.<br />

Available from Amazon, Waterstones, WH Smith or<br />

Pegasus Elliott Mackenzie Publishers<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

S u e ' s B e a u t i f u l Y o u<br />

Black pearls are beautiful giving the wearer mystery and allure. Black<br />

pearls are symbols of protection, independence giving strength and<br />

control , good luck and abundance<br />

Beautiful black pearl necklace<br />

with black tourmaline<br />

£40<br />

Beautiful black pearl bracelet<br />

with silver bead<br />

£25<br />

Email: suecaustick@gmail.com<br />

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/suecaustick<br />

<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

S u e ' s B e a u t i f u l Y o u<br />

White pearls bring you peace and purity innocence and beauty.<br />

Symbolising new beginnings and sincerity.<br />

Pretty white pearl necklace<br />

with peach moonstone<br />

£40<br />

Elegant white pearl bracelet<br />

with faceted citrine and crackle<br />

quartz bead<br />

£30<br />

Email: suecaustick@gmail.com<br />

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/suecaustick<br />

<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

Shamanic Joy UK<br />

The Spiritual Path<br />

Spiritual healing and protection<br />

Psychic, animal & spirit guide connections<br />

3 week course in Basingstoke<br />

https://www.love2meditate.com<br />

/thespiritualpath.html<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />

Meditation Bath Rituals<br />

Four types<br />

Relaxation<br />

Immunity<br />

Invigorating<br />

Uplifting<br />

Included in each ritual<br />

Online meditation<br />

Herbal bath bags<br />

Aromatherapy roller ball<br />

Infused crystal<br />

Incense stick & holder<br />

*Special offer:<br />

Subscribe annually to receive a<br />

printed copy of <strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong><br />

and claim your free Meditation<br />

Bath Ritual<br />

*Offer available while stocks last<br />

We are unable to offer a choice as to which ritual you receive<br />

www.love2meditate.com/store/p74/bath-rituals<br />


<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M - Issue 20<br />



To purchase a hard copy of this or previous editions,<br />

click on the QR code<br />

Published by Jovi Hoonjan, Love 2 Meditate<br />

www.alchemicalvoice.com<br />



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