Case study: Achieving accurate time synchronisation testing without access to GPS clear sky

This case study describes a challenge faced during a major Australian Underground Rail NEW Build Project that involves the installation of high voltage transmission shunts and reclosers, which requires thorough end-to-end testing, including the simulation of protection relays on both ends of a high voltage cable. The testing process requires accurate synchronisation, which is typically achieved through GPS devices. However, working underground at a depth of 30 metres presents a challenge as GPS signals are inaccessible. The solution involved the use of Albedo Telecom's xGenius synchronisation tester, which features a Rubidium oscillator that can maintain stratum 1 accuracy for up to 32 hours with less than a 1 microsec deviation. The xGenius was used to synchronise the Omicron testing equipment using a PTP trigger source, which allowed the testing process to continue without inaccuracies or interruptions. This ensured that the project met the required safety and quality standards, giving the client confidence in the reliability of the high voltage transmission equipment they had installed.

This case study describes a challenge faced during a major Australian Underground Rail NEW Build Project that involves the installation of high voltage transmission shunts and reclosers, which requires thorough end-to-end testing, including the simulation of protection relays on both ends of a high voltage cable.

The testing process requires accurate synchronisation, which is typically achieved through GPS devices. However, working underground at a depth of 30 metres presents a challenge as GPS signals are inaccessible.

The solution involved the use of Albedo Telecom's xGenius synchronisation tester, which features a Rubidium oscillator that can maintain stratum 1 accuracy for up to 32 hours with less than a 1 microsec deviation. The xGenius was used to synchronise the Omicron testing equipment using a PTP trigger source, which allowed the testing process to continue without inaccuracies or interruptions. This ensured that the project met the required safety and quality standards, giving the client confidence in the reliability of the high voltage transmission equipment they had installed.


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This case study describes a challenge faced during a major

Australian Underground Rail New Build Project that involves the

installation of high voltage transmission shunts and reclosers,

which requires thorough end-to-end testing, including the

simulation of protection relays on both ends of a high voltage


The testing process requires accurate synchronisation, which is

typically achieved through GPS devices. However, working

underground at a depth of 30 metres presents a challenge as GPS

signals are inaccessible.

The solution involved the use of Albedo Telecom's xGenius

synchronisation tester, which features a Rubidium oscillator that

can maintain stratum 1 accuracy for up to 32 hours with less than a

1 microsec deviation. The xGenius was used to synchronise the

Omicron testing equipment using a PTP trigger source, which

allowed the testing process to continue without inaccuracies or

interruptions. This ensured that the project met the required safety

and quality standards, giving the client confidence in the reliability

of the high voltage transmission equipment they had installed.



A major Australian Underground Rail New Build Project involves the

installation of high voltage transmission shunts and reclosers,

which is a critical and complex task. This requires thorough end-toend

testing, which involves simulating protection relays on both

ends of a High Voltage cable. These cables can span distances

ranging from a few hundred metres to hundreds of kilometres,

making it important to ensure synchronisation and accuracy during


To achieve accurate testing, synchronisation of injection on both

sides of the cable is critical. This is achieved through the use of GPS

devices that are connected on both sides, and the start of the test

is triggered by a next minute countdown.

To aid with the testing process, our client was using their existing

Omicron equipment. This helped them to check the timing between

different parts of the equipment, enabling them to identify and

address any issues that may arise.

However, there is a challenge when working 30 metres

underground. Typically, GPS signals are used to clock synchronise

the Omicron equipment and ensure accurate timing during testing.

Without access to GPS signals, they need to find an alternative way

to maintain synchronisation during testing.



The Albedo xGenius played a key role in overcoming the

synchronisation challenge encountered during testing. This

handheld transmission and synchronisation tester features a

Rubidium oscillator that, when disciplined to lock to GPS accuracy,

was able to maintain stratum 1 accuracy for up to 32 hours with less

than a 1 microsec deviation. The output PPS signal was used to

synchronise the Omicron equipment across all the sites involved in

the project.

The Omicron equipment offered an option of using a PTP (Precision

Time Protocol) trigger source, which was necessary in this

underground setting where GPS signals were inaccessible. This

option enabled the testing process to continue without

interruptions or inaccuracies.

Once the xGenius was synchronised and set to holdover mode, it

was connected to the Omicron testing equipment to provide the

next minute trigger option, ensuring that the timing between

different parts of the high voltage transmission equipment was

accurately tested and certified for faults. This ensured that the

project met the required safety and quality standards, giving our

client confidence in the reliability of the high voltage transmission

equipment they had installed.



The use of the xGenius with built-in Rubidium clock disciplined

with GPS/GNSS has enabled our client to achieve accurate and

reliable testing of high voltage transmission equipment in a

challenging underground environment. Without access to GPS

signals, the xGenius provided the critical clock synchronisation

required for testing, allowing our client to commission the site 30+

metres underground and hand over the site results within three

weeks. By using this solution, our client was able to save a

significant amount of time in the testing process, without the need

for additional civil works to allow a sky mount ground antenna.

Overall, the success of this project demonstrates the importance of

innovative solutions in overcoming complex challenges and

achieving efficient results.

Albedo Telecom is a manufacturer of Network Clocks, Test and

Measurement Testers and WAN Emulators that are used by Utilities,

Telcos, Railways, Defence, Aerospace and R&D centres. Their

innovative solutions are used to install, troubleshoot and maintain

telecom infrastructures supporting critical voice, video and data




At CoverTel, our commitment is to provide our clients with topnotch

solutions that not only meet but surpass their expectations.

This project's success showcases the value of our team's knowledge

and expertise in delivering innovative solutions to overcome

complex testing challenges and achieve efficient results. By

partnering with Albedo Telecom, we are equipped to tackle all your

synchronisation challenges, including those in the most

challenging environments.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements for innovative and

efficient solutions that will exceed your expectations.

114 Bakehouse Road

Kensington, Victoria

Australia 3031

1800 268 378


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