Download Christ Returns, Speaks His Truth: The Christ Letters Ipad

Christ Returns, Speaks His Truth: The Christ Letters Ipad - Kindle / eReader Versions available at ChristReturns.orgTHESE LETTERS are a MASTER'S COURSE.Expanded Edition Includes:Letter 1. Christ speaks of his reasons for returning to dictate these Letters. Says that mankind brings their own woes upon them through their thoughts and actions. Explains why his true mission on earth was not recorded properly. Says there is no such thing as sin against God 8217 neither is our true Source of Being understood. Describes his six weeks in the desert and what really took place 8211 what he learnt and how the knowledge changed him from rebel to Master and Healer.Letter 2. Continues the story of his life on earth, his return to his mother in Nazareth and recepti

Christ Returns, Speaks His Truth: The Christ Letters Ipad - Kindle / eReader Versions available at ChristReturns.orgTHESE LETTERS are a MASTER'S COURSE.Expanded Edition Includes:Letter 1. Christ speaks of his reasons for returning to dictate these Letters. Says that mankind brings their own woes upon them through their thoughts and actions. Explains why his true mission on earth was not recorded properly. Says there is no such thing as sin against God 8217 neither is our true Source of Being understood. Describes his six weeks in the desert and what really took place 8211 what he learnt and how the knowledge changed him from rebel to Master and Healer.Letter 2. Continues the story of his life on earth, his return to his mother in Nazareth and recepti

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Download Christ Returns, Speaks His Truth: The Christ

Letters Ipad

Download Christ Returns, Speaks His Truth: The Christ Letters Ipad

Description :

Kindle / eReader Versions available at ChristReturns.orgTHESE LETTERS

are a MASTER'S COURSE.Expanded Edition Includes:Letter 1. Christ speaks

of his reasons for returning to dictate these Letters. Says that mankind brings

their own woes upon them through their thoughts and actions. Explains why

his true mission on earth was not recorded properly. Says there is no such

thing as sin against God 8217 neither is our true Source of Being understood.

Describes his six weeks in the desert and what really took place 8211 what he

learnt and how the knowledge changed him from rebel to Master and

Healer.Letter 2. Continues the story of his life on earth, his return to his mother

in Nazareth and reception! His first public healing and the tremendous

response. Choosing disciples. His true teachings.Letter 3. Continues life

incidents, teachings, his awareness that his time on earth was to be cut short

by crucifixion. The things he did to arouse the anger of the Jewish Religious

Leaders. What really took place and was said at the Last supper 8217 , the

disciples 8217 attitudes, and the truth concerning his ascension 8217 .Letter 4.

Christ gathers up the threads of his teachings in Palestine and says that he

and Muhammad, Buddha and all other Masters have continued to develop

spiritually until they have all ascended into CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.

Christ speaks of the truth of the sexual relationship, saying that the attitude

between men and women will eventually change. Spiritual progress will take

place and children with new spiritual potential will be born.Letter 5 &amp6.

Christ begins to explain the true processes of creation. He touches on what

science and religious doctrines have believed, rejects them and defines the

TRUTH of BEING. He touches on the truth regarding the human ego, 8211 the

means of earthly individuality and therefore necessary, but also the source of

all suffering.Letter 7. Christ describes the truth concerning the sexual act 8211

what really takes place spiritually and physically. How children are born on

different levels of consciousness. He explains men and women 8217 s place in

the world order. Letter 8. Christ explains the reality of men and women, how to

live within the LAWS of EXISTENCE and come into a state of harmonious

blessed state of being in which all things are abundantly provided, health is

restored, and joy becomes a natural state of mind. Every individual can reach

this interior state of blessedness, and peace will then become the norm.Letter

9. Christ ties up loose ends of his other Letters and tells people plainly how to

overcome the ego, gain true self-esteem and experience the joy of perfect

inner peace. He touches on racism and a personal message of

encouragement and love to all who are drawn to his Letters. 16 ArticlesChrist

Returns 2007 MessageChrist Returns 2014 Message Study Resources

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