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ontroversy<br />

Kook by<br />

A term often used to describe someone who isn’t<br />

an accomplished surfer and/or does not yet fully<br />

understand surf etiquette. ‘Kooks’ are recognised<br />

the faux pas they commit out in the surf.<br />

Let’s call it for what it is, it’s a derogatory term used by tools<br />

to demean people. I can’t help but feel that most people who<br />

resort to this kind of stuff have some deep-seeded insecurity<br />

they’re trying to conceal and by putting down others, they are<br />

trying to deflect attention away from their own shortcomings.<br />

Sure, the said person may rip, which in their own eyes<br />

justifies them labelling other lesser surfers ‘kooks’ but what<br />

are they hiding? Perhaps they went surfing regularly at the<br />

expense of going to school and are not the most intelligent<br />

human beings or perhaps one too many bongs affected their<br />

cognitive abilities. Maybe in the interest of being ‘hard core’<br />

they never managed to hold down a decent job, or perhaps<br />

don’t even have one. To that end, should people yell at them<br />

whilst they’re standing in the dole queue, “Go home, you<br />

bloody kook. We’re sick of paying your way because you’re<br />

an imbecile” or bark at them when waiting at a roadworks,<br />

“Hold the STOP sign straight you bloody kook!”<br />

Think of any other sport/leisure activity/pastime and consider<br />

how they treat newcomers. More often than not there is<br />

encouragement and respect for those giving it a go, even<br />

reflection on what it was like to start out at a particular<br />

discipline. With surfing, however, there unfortunately appears<br />

to be a significant number who wish to deride people who are<br />

learning to surf. Don’t get me wrong, beginners attempting to<br />

surf in critical take-off zones need to be directed elsewhere<br />

but not admonished, abused and even ridiculed for it. They<br />

possibly don’t know any better, so politely help them out and<br />

steer them in the right direction. Don’t be a knob and threaten<br />

them for their ignorance.<br />

Interestingly, some people are so enamoured with the word<br />

kook and so incredibly hip they have even incorporated the<br />

term into the name of their brand. Think of the equivalent,<br />

imagine if someone brought out a line of surf lifesaving rescue<br />

boards called Deceased Nippers or Aussie Rules footballs<br />

called Dear Departed Auskickers. Maybe I am reading it all<br />

wrong and simply don’t understand this comical expression<br />

because I am not part of that inner circle of naturally gifted and<br />

incredibly talented surfers.<br />

Personally, I prefer to dispense with this never-ending quest<br />

to be cool in pursuit of simply enjoying my time out in the surf,<br />

by myself or with others. What I will say though is that if you’re<br />

insecure about something, get to work on improving that<br />

aspect of your life. In the long run you will feel far better about<br />

yourself than by humiliating someone else. And let’s face it,<br />

that beginner is only going to get better but if you’re stupid,<br />

things aren’t going to improve unless you start educating<br />

yourself. Anyhow, that’s just my thoughts on the matter and<br />

why I hate this derogatory term but what would I know, I am<br />

only a kook.<br />

words: dave swan<br />

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