CigarsLover Magazine I 2023

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Cheese, on the contrary, is perceived by the vast majority

of consumers as a cheap supermarket product, maybe

only useful (and sometimes even indispensable) to prepare

various dishes, some of which are very popular (two

among all the others: pizza and lasagna). And nothing

else. However, there are very valid reasons that should be

taken into account to re-evaluate this food, even to elevate

it to the prestige that other foods have long boasted.

Before analyzing the reasons why cheese should have a

greater and more important place in the "taste" modern

world, we will quickly review crucial production aspects,

useful to present and support our thesis.

Almost all cheeses in the world are produced with only

three basic ingredients, which are milk, salt and rennet.

In addition to this basic recipe there is also the crucial

knowledge and experience of professionals who developed

in the years the dairy technology. Almost every country

in the world or geographical area has its own peculiar

products. In many of these geopolitical areas, actual regulations

have also been created, which detail every step

of production, from the type of feed allowed for dairy animals,

to the minimum and maximum seasoning / aging

of the finished product. Very often compliance with these

parameters involves the recognition of certain quality

certificate for the product: in the European Union, for

example, compliance with the regulatory prescriptions

results in the recognition of the Protected Designation

of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indication

(PGI). This is enough to explain how much attention to

production processes is behind the scenes of dairy production.

The starting raw materials, as for both wine and cigars, of

course, can make the difference. There is milk and milk,

just as there is cow's milk and cow's milk, which is why

animals and their daily diet are also given strict rules and

major attention in the production regulations. In addition,

cheese can be obtained, mainly, from cow's, sheep's, goat's

and buffalo's milk. Therefore, starting from the raw

material and, even considering further upstream opportunities,

from the biodiversity of breeds and farms, there

is a remarkably wide range of possibilities.

Once the milk is collected and arrives at the dairy companies,

it is sterilized and brought to the most suitable temperatures

with respect to the final product to be made.

After a short "rest" stop (which allows the milk to spontaneously

trigger both partial acidification and hydration of

casein, facilitating the subsequent coagulation process,

whey (the equivalents of wine yeasts), consisting of generally

lactic bacteria, is added to the milk, an indispensable

step to obtain cheeses that start from pasteurized

milk. Subsequently, milk is added with rennet (a substance

either obtained from the gastric tissue of suckling calves

or sheep or goats or of microbial or vegetable origin),

which is the substance capable of triggering coagulation

(i.e. the gelling of milk). In this phase the casein molecules,

at a temperature between 25 ° and 30-35 ° C, create

chemical bonds between them (also called gelatinous

80 #1-2023 CigarsLover Magazine

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