CigarsLover Magazine I 2023

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Cigars in the BBQ

Dining with cigars,

using their boxes to boost dishes flavors.

by CigarsLover Magazine 10th Anniversary

For many people all around the world, when warmer

weather comes, it is barbecue time. But for

some others, those who really love BBQ, there is

no real season for it; there is just one: it starts

on January 1 and ends on December 31. Bad weather?

Forget it. That's no excuse! And the same goes for cigar

lovers. We don’t just smoke when the weather is good.

The first recipe is a meat dish: Coq au vin.

You need to marinate some chicken thighs with salt,

black pepper, and red wine. Keep the marinade when

you remove the meat from it. The sauce we suggest

it can be made in a regular pan: you need to melt the

butter, chopped onions, mushrooms, and rosemary. You

have to cook it for 8-10 mins and then you need to add

the marinade and some meat broth. When it gets to a

boil, just let it thicken a little bit. Next you will put the

chicken thighs on the grill, and you have to make them

crispy. Then you place them into a cigar box (don’t use

varnished boxes), and you will finish them to cook here;

you just need to add the sauce and close the lid. After

25-30 mins, they will be ready.

The second recipe is really simple, and it’s a side dish,

which is really good with a meat BBQ: beans. The preparation

is easy: chopped onion and jalapeños, a bit of

olive oil, and tomato sauce (or BBQ sauce) al mixed up.

The magic comes now: we are not going to use a normal

pan, but a cigar box! In this specific case, we used a Ramon

Allones Estupendo (Regional Edition for Asia from

2007). This box was made for 25 cigars, Churchill size,

and so it has a nice capacity (circa 1 kg). After having

74 #1-2023 CigarsLover Magazine

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