CigarsLover Magazine I 2023

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“Se a vida lhe der um limão,

faça dele uma caipirinha.”

by Davide Pertino

Our journey among the most iconic cocktails ever

stops in South America, in Brazil. A country where

cheerfulness and the wit to improve situations

are common characteristics of Brazilians.

The drink in these lines, the caipirinha, is also a fervent

example of this. It is enough to know that an ancient Brazilian

proverb reads, "If life gives you a lemon, make a caipirinha",

to underline how much the philosophy of "never

giving up" has been rooted in these people since time immemorial.

To research information of a historical nature

on the caipirinha, which is sometimes superimposable

and parallel to the cachaça, it is necessary to leap back

almost five hundred years. We are in Brazil, around 1532,

the year of the beginning of the colonization by the Portuguese

and, with it, the diffusion of sugar cane cultivation.

Like any other colonization, the people who suffered it

were enslaved and exploited for the economic purposes of

the dominating nation. Soon the peaceful Brazilians found

themselves being enlisted as laborers, exploited daily for

a minimal meal and waste from sugar production, mostly

molasses, exhausted and undrinkable on its own. The

Brazilian farmers, however, from this waste obtained an

unfermented sugar cane juice, the garapa. The drink, not

very pleasant if drunk alone, was enriched with garlic, honey,

and lime, to become a tonic for exhausting days or,

when needed, a powerful medicine to heal flu, sore throat,

cough, and cold. A similar story to that of some other

cocktails, we might argue.

The garapa, therefore, is the ancestor of the famous cachaça,

and was also the classic home distillate of the pe-

70 #1-2023 CigarsLover Magazine

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