CigarsLover Magazine I 2023

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Directly from the years of American prohibition,

the secret places of the time are back in fashion.

by Nicola Ruggiero

Soft light, jazz music, and the clinking of ice in the

shaker, in the historical setting of the years between

1800 and 1900. Here is a photograph of today's

speakeasies, the trend of the moment in terms of

clubs and lounge bars. The term's etymology is linked to

the era of prohibition, a historical period between 1919

and 1933, during which the total ban on the manufacture,

importation, marketing, administration, and transport of

alcohol was sanctioned in the United States.

However, the history of these establishments seems to

have more roots in the late 1800s, when Pennsylvania

was involved in a 900% increase in the tax on saloons,

which led to several legal establishments having to close

to the public, thus favoring the proliferation of clandestine

ones. The secret places were hidden behind various types

of activities: from the back rooms of shops to butchers or

drugstores up to barbers and often private homes. Any

place, apparently normal, could hide a secret passage to

a world made of alcohol and music, access to which was

possible only after pronouncing a password. In one of the

rooms, housed in the basement of a hotel, legend has it

that the owner ordered turbulent and harassing customers

to lower the volume of their voices, using the iconic

phrase «speak easy, boys!», for fear that the shouts could

alert the authorities.

The Speakeasies were, however, places reserved exclusively

for the highest social classes who could pay to enjoy

the best service: and it is precisely in these elite secret

bars that innovative recipes and preparation techniques

originated which, later, would mark not only the history of

mixed drinking but would also inspire modern mixology

as well. New cocktails were born made both with the use

of smuggled distillates (remember that due to the prohibition

law, there was an absolute ban on the importation

of alcohol from abroad) and with poor-quality alcoholic

products: in both cases, it was necessary to mix them

with something else, in order to mask the flavor, making it

more drinkable.

The alcoholic component has always been a fundamental

64 #1-2023 CigarsLover Magazine

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