The Old World - Grim and Perilous Beta v3

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG. Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG.
Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys
All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd


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whole body emanates intense light when they

cast their spells.

Rule of Shyish


Tier: 5

Activation: Passive

Ranked: No

Your character must have purchased the Rule of Shyish

(Improved) talent to benefit from this talent.

Whenever a character under the effects of your

character's Curse spell suffers wounds, your

character heals 2 wounds.

The Boss

Tier: 5

Activation: Passive

Ranked: No

Your character becomes a leader of a guild,

gang or some other organization. Once per

session, your character may ask for a big favor

from the members of their organization.

In addition, your character can ask their organization

members for as many small favors as

they wish, leaving the Game Master to decide

how many favors is too much.


Tier: 5

Activation: Active (Maneuver)

Ranked: No

Once per round, your character may suffer

1 corruption to perform a maneuver to immediately

defeat one rival or one minion group in

short range.


Tier: 5

Activation: Active (Incidental)

Ranked: No

Once per encounter, your character may suffer

1 corruption to use this talent. Until the

end of the encounter, your character can cast

spells without suffering strain and don't need

to perform concentrate maneuvers to sustain

their spells.

Table 2-3: Genesys Talents for the Old World Setting

Talent Tier Activation Ranked Source

A Brave Face 1 Passive No The Old World

Acrobatics 2 Active (Maneuver) No The Old World

Altered Deal 2 Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) No The Old World

Always Prepared 4 Activation: Passive No The Old World

Animal Companion 3 Passive Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 77)

Animal Expertise 2 Passive Yes The Old World

Apothecary 1 Passive Yes Realms of Terrinoth (page 84)

Applied Research 3 Active (Incidental) Yes The Old World

Armor Master 4 Passive No The Old World

Artillerist 3 Passive No The Old World

Audacious 3 Passive No The Old World

Awakening of the Forest 3 Active (Action) No The Old World

Awakening of the Forest


5 Passive No The Old World

Back to Back 4 Passive No Realms of Terrinoth (page 91)

Backstab 3 Active (Action) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 89)

96 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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