The Old World - Grim and Perilous Beta v3

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG. Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG.
Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys
All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd


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progression and


When your character starts a new specialization,

it is considered that they are at the lowest tier (first

profession in the specialization progression table).

For example, if your character changes their

specialization to the knight, they start as a squire.

By fulfilling certain prerequisites listed in specialization

progression table on specialization

sheet, your character may advance their career

in the specialization and change their profession.

Sometimes the progression is straightforward,

so your character becomes a squire, advances to

the knight and finally to the knight commander,

General rules on how to use Specialization

Trees are covered in Expanded Player's Guide,

page 102 and onward. However, as the specialization

tree design in The Old World setting

slightly differs from the one presented in the

EPG rulebook, here is an explanation on how

but sometimes specialization progression table

presents alternatives, however, they almost never

exclude each other. For example, when your character

chose a scout specialization, they can later

become outrider or explorer, depending on which

set of prerequisites they fulfilled, or they can

achieve both and benefit from both. Abilities and

additional talents gained by fulfilling prerequisites

and changing to new profession are permanent

and can only be lost due to in-game events.

NOTE: In most cases, specialization progression is

straightforward. However, if a profession is one of

two alternatives, it is marked with an asterisk (*).


Purchase the Dirty

Tricks and the Backstab

talents. Increase ranks

in Athletics to 3.

Your character may spend 15XP to

purchase the Strike to Stun talent.

Your character may spend 10XP to

purchase the Assassin specialization.

How to use the Specialization Tree?

to use it. The experience cost of purchasing

talents from the top row of the tree is 5XP per

talent and it increases by 5XP per row, so the

next rows are 10XP, 15XP, 20XP and 25XP accordingly.

For the remaining information, see

the diagram below.

Shortened description

of the talent

Activation type

(Active talents only)

Mark this box when you

purchase the talent

Sixth Sense

Your character may make a Vigilance or a Discipline

check instead of Cool, to determine

Initiative order.




Talent's name

Type of the talent:

A - Active talent

P - Passive talent

Source of the talent and page no.:

TOW - The Old World

GCRB - Genesys Core Rulebook

EPG - Expanded Player's Guide

ROT - Realms of Terrinoth

Guilds and Favors

Some of the characters, especially artisans, but

also some scholars and rogues, belong to guilds

or other similar organizations. Guilds organize

the lives of their members, look after their interests,

and get rid of unaffiliated competitors.

Some specializations, as part of their career

progression, are given the opportunity to ask

favors from members of their guild. There are

two types of favors: small and big.

Small favors are simple things that don't take

too much effort or resources. Examples are: loan

a wagon or tools for a few hours, help to find an

accommodation for one night, loan a few shillings,

share some important news. Tasks performed

thanks to these type of favors are automatically

successful and don't require any checks

from your character.

Big favors are for things complicated, possibly

dangerous and often require effort from multiple

people. Examples are: assist the character in

combat, help to find an accommodation for days

or weeks for many people, smuggle a few chests

with illegal weapons, help a convict to escape,

loan a magic item. Tasks performed thanks to

this type of favors require opposed Leadership

vs Discipline check to convince a guild's representative

to follow your character's plan and determine

the possible outcome. After all, the task

may be too dangerous or oppose the goals and

policies of the guild.

20 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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