The Old World - Grim and Perilous Beta v3

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG. Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG.
Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys
All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd


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Table 9-1: Mercenaries and Allies

Tier Henchmen Lieutenant Specialist

Tier 0

(0-4 Total



Tier 1




The party may spend 2 Renown

to hire a minion group consisting

of 3 henchmen. Choose one

characteristic. Henchmen have

3 ranks in this characteristic and

2 ranks in the rest. Choose two

combat or general skills (that are

not based on Intelligence), those

skills are now Henchmen skills.

Henchmen have wound threshold

equal to 2+Brawn and equipment

determined by the GM.

The party may spend 4 Renown

to join a Lieutenant that is

a Rival with 3 ranks in two

selected characteristics, and

2 in the rest. The Lieutenant

has 2 ranks in three combat or

general skills (that are not based

on Intelligence). Lieutenant

has a wound threshold equal

to 7+Brawn and equipment

determined by the GM.


Tier 2




The party may spend 2 Renown

to hire a minion group

consisting of 3 Henchmen.

Choose two characteristics.

Henchmen have 3 ranks in

those two characteristics and 2

ranks in the rest. Choose three

combat or general skills (that

are not based on Intelligence),

those skills are now Henchmen

skills. Henchmen have wound

threshold equal to 2+Brawn

and equipment determined by

the GM.

The party may spend 1 Renown

to upgrade all allied Henchmen

from tier 1 to tier 2.

The party may spend 4 Renown

to join a Lieutenant that is

a Rival with 3 ranks in three

selected characteristics, and 2

in the rest. The Lieutenant has

3 ranks in one skill and 2 ranks

in three skills. Those skills may

be combat or general skills (that

are not based on Intelligence).

The Lieutenant has a wound

threshold equal to 7+Brawn and

equipment determined by the

GM. As per GM's discretion, the

party may choose one rank 1

talent for the Lieutenant.

The party may spend 5

Renown to join a Specialist

that is a Rival with 3 ranks in

three selected characteristics,

and 2 in the rest. The

Specialist has 2 ranks in

two different skills. Those

can be any skills except for

combat and magic skills.

The Specialist has a wound

threshold equal to 6+Brawn

and equipment determined

by the GM. As per GM's

discretion, the party may

choose one rank 1 talent for

the Specialist.

Tier 3




The party may spend 2 Renown

to hire a minion group

consisting of 3 Henchmen.

Choose one primary and one

secondary characteristic.

Henchmen have 4 ranks in

the primary, 3 ranks in the

secondary characteristic and 2

ranks in the rest. Choose four

combat or general skills (that

are not based on Intelligence),

those skills are now Henchmen

skills. Henchmen have wound

threshold equal to 3+Brawn

and equipment determined by

the GM.

The party may spend 1 Renown

to upgrade all allied Henchmen

from tier 2 to tier 3.

The party may spend 5 Renown

to join a Lieutenant that is

a Rival with 4 ranks in one

selected characteristic, 3 ranks

in one other characteristic and

2 in the rest. The Lieutenant has

3 ranks in four different skills.

Those skills may be combat or

general skills (that are not based

on Intelligence). The Lieutenant

has a wound threshold equal

to 9+Brawn and equipment

determined by the GM. As

per GM's discretion, the party

may choose two rank 1 talents

and one rank 2 talent for the

Lieutenant. The Lieutenant has

also 1 rank in the Adversary


The party may spend 5

Renown to join a Specialist

that is a Rival with 4 ranks in

one selected characteristic,

3 ranks in one other

characteristic, and 2 in the

rest. The Specialist has 3

ranks in two different skills.

Those can be any skills except

for combat and magic skills.

The Specialist has a wound

threshold equal to 6+Brawn

and equipment determined

by the GM. As per GM's

discretion, the party may

choose two rank 1 talents and

two rank 2 talents for the


The Old World: Grim and Perilous 165

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