The Old World - Grim and Perilous Beta v3

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG. Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG.
Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys
All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd


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tion of any ability increases the overall cost by

1 Renown point (second activation costs 1 Renown,

the third 2 and so on).

Stand Together

Sometimes a party can't let internal disagreements

distract them when important goals

are at stake. Therefore, when the effects of the

Party Tension Meter are about to activate, they

may spend 1 Renown to ignore them. If it is the

effects of the final segment, Party Tension Meter

is reseted as normal.

Supporters, Allies,


During the course of their adventures, PCs

may find themselves in need of allies or just

extra hands to work. The fame resulting from

reputation significantly helps find those willing

to join the group. This can be especially

important for archetypes such as Seekers of

Knowledge, The Company or Soldiers of Fortune,

but any party could use a helping hand.

Allies can be divided into three general categories:

Henchmen, Lieutenants, and Specialists.

• Henchmen are rank and file members of

your party and their strength lies in numbers.

Most of the time they will function as

minions so there is no need to give them

names or personality.

• Lieutenants are the party's best and most

trusted henchmen. They follow the Rival

profile, so they should have a name, personality

and defined Strength and Flaw Motivations.

They usually bring muscle to the

party, but they can have their own goals and

may serve as a questgivers and important

parts of the adventures.

• Specialists are skilled characters that can

fill certain gaps in skills the party is lacking.

They can be valuable contacts, craftsmen,

medics, merchants, rich promoters

or wise mentors. Similarly to Lieutenants,

they typically use the profile of a Rival (although

the strongest may even be a Nemeses!),

but unlike the Lieutenants, they

usually keep themselves away from the

center of action, supporting the team with

knowledge, information, contacts, and


Who the party can specifically hire or convince

to join depends on their Total Renown, but the

general rule is that Henchmen can be acquired

by spending 2 Renown, a Lieutenant 4, and a

Specialist 5 Renown. For more guidelines on

creating allies, see Table 9:1 Mercenaries and

Allies. After purchasing an ally, you should determine

with the players how the new individuals

joined the party. Did recent successes attract

new recruits to the mercenary company?

Or did their gang conquer the territory of an

enemy group? Or perhaps a local blacksmith

agreed to give party members priority in orders

and a large discount in exchange for gaining

notoriety through cooperation with such a

distinguished group? Also remember that in

some cases, the addition of new allies may not

make sense. Recruiting a new person in the

middle of the sea may be really difficult. Although

wait... is that not a drifting castaway?

Losing Allies

Allies are faithful members of the party or its

devoted supporters. This does not mean absolute

loyalty and can be lost if the party acts in

a way that dramatically endangers the ally, is

open treachery or (in the case of lieutenants

and specialists) blatantly violates their Motivations.

In such a situation, the ally can simply

leave or even turn against the party!

Another, more mundane situation in which an

ally can be lost is their death.

Regardless of how the party loses the ally, the

Renown points spent on them are lost forever.

Ally Upkeep Cost

It would be naive to think that allies join the

party completely selflessly. For some, the reward

will be fame, fulfilling a duty, or advancing

a personal interest. However, there are also

those allies who will expect financial compensation

or a share of the loot. Since it is difficult

to provide clear guidelines as to what amounts

of money (or favors) allies will expect, we leave

this to the GM'a discretion. It is worth considering

why a particular ally joins the party and

what role they will play in it. If someone decides

to ally with a group with a Reputation for

Idealists, they are more likely to be driven by

a need of the heart or ruled by fame. On the

other hand, allies of archetypes like Soliders

of Fortune or The Company are usually more

164 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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