The Old World - Grim and Perilous Beta v3

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG. Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG.
Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys
All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd


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beaks are armed with sharp teeth. Their skin

is pitch-black, contrasting with the gleaming

white of their hooves, skulls, and blades in the

favored colors of Malal: black and white.

They are fast and agile fighters, leaping and

slashing with uncanny speed.

3 4 2 2 4 1

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

Soak Value

W. Threshold

M/R Defense

4 16 1 1

Skills: Combat 3, General 3, Knowledge 0,

Magic 0, Social 0.


• Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat

checks targeting this character once.


• Chaos creature: May spend aaa from

a combat check to inflict 1 corruption to the


• Daemon: Decrease the damage dealt to this

adversary by two, unless the attack came

from a magical source.

• Doom bringer: Doombringers decrease the

critical rating of their weapon by 2 when

targeting characters that have at least 4 corruption.

• Feast of corruption: When suffering corruption,

Doombringer heals 5 wounds per corruption


• Hatred - Chaos: This creature adds jj to

combat checks targeting Chaos creatures,

mutants and followers of Chaos.


• Bone blades: Brawl, Damage 7, Critical 4,

Range (Engaged), Vicious 5. Magic weapon.

This weapon disappears when Doombringer

is defeated.

Table 8-2: Lesser Daemons of Chaos


d100 result

Bloodletter 01-20

Doombringer 21-40

Daemonette 41-60

Pink Horror 61-80

Plague Bearer 81-100


The term 'Greenkins' is a collective description

of multiple closely related species of

green skinned humanoids - Orcs, Goblins,

Hobgoblins, Snotlings and a few others. Despite

being enemies of civilized nations for

millennia, little is known about them. Their

culture, goals, and language are still topics

of academic dispute - even something as

basic as reproduction has not been fully understood.

Some believe that greenskins are

very similar to humans in this matter, others

that their biology is more like mushrooms or

plants. Regardless, however, the Greenskins

are a brutal, savage faction, widely regarded

as the scourge of all civilization.

Snotling (Minion)

1 2 1 3 1 1

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

Soak Value

W. Threshold

M/R Defense

1 4 0 0

Skills: Combat +, General 0, Knowledge 0,

Magic 0, Social 0

Talents: None


• Dark vision: Snotlings remove up to jj imposed

by darkness.

• Infectious: May spend aa from a successful

combat check to inflict Infected Wounds

to the target.

• Pack tactics: When this creature's minion

group consists of at least two minions and is

engaged with a target, they can spend a maneuver

to prevent the target from disengaging

from the minion group until the end of

their next turn and to add aa to their next

combat check against the target.

• Silhouette 0.


• Sticks and stones: Melee (Light); Damage 4;

Critical 4; Range (Engaged); Disorient 2.

150 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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