The Old World - Grim and Perilous Beta v3

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG. Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG.
Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys
All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd


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• Maul: A Stormvermin adds jj to combat

checks against prone or immobilized targets.


• Halberd: Melee (Heavy); Damage 7; Critical

3; Range (Engaged); Defensive 1, Pierce 3,

Unwieldy 3,

• Skaven heavy armor: +2 soak, +2 defense.

Gutter Runner (Rival)

3 5 2 4 2 1

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

Soak Value

W. Threshold

M/R Defense

4 12 2 2

Skills: Combat 4, General 4, Knowledge 0,

Magic 0, Social 0


• Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat

checks targeting this character once.

• Backstab: May make a Skulduggery check

instead of Melee (Light) against unaware

target. A successful check deals +2 damage

per s instead of +1.

• Finesse: May use Agility instead of Brawn

when making a Brawl or Melee (Light) check.


• Dark Vision: May remove up to jj imposed

by darkness.

• Eshin Clan Poison: Targets poisoned by the

warpstone daggers upgrade the difficulty

of checks twice until the end of the encounter

or scene.

• Vanish: After performing a check, may

spend aa or t to hide from all other

characters in the encounter.


• Warpstone daggers: Melee (Light); Damage

6; Critical 3; Range (Engaged}; Accurate

1, may spend aa to poison the target. Poisoned

targets must make a Hard (kkk) Resilience

check as an out-of-turn incidental

or suffer 4 wounds (not reduced by soak)

plus 1 strain per h. d on the check can be

spent to inflict a Critical Injury or to force

the target to repeat the check at the beginning

of their turn.

• Smokebomb vial: Maneuver to throw, provides

concealment worth +2 dice (see the

Concealment section on page 110 of the

Genesys Core Rulebook).

Rat ogre (Nemesis)

5 3 1 2 1 1

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

Soak Value



C. Threshold

M/R Defense

7 22 10 3 1 0

Skills: Combat 3, General 2, Knowledge 0,

Magic 0, Social 0


• Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of combat

checks targeting this character twice.


• Overhead Slam: After a successful Brawl

check, may spend aa to deal additional

damage equal to Rat ogre's Brawn and if

the attack inflicts Critical Injury, add +30 to

the Critical Injury result.

• Silhouette 3

• Terrifying: At the start of the encounter, all

of its opponents must make a Hard (kkk)

fear check as an out of turn incidental, as per

page 243 of the Genesys Core Rulebook. If

there are multiple sources of fear in the encounter,

the opponents only make one fear

check against the most terrifying enemy.


• Armored fists: Brawl; Damage 9; Critical 3;

Range (Engaged).

Grey Seer (Nemesis)

1 2 4 3 5 3

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

Soak Value



C. Threshold

M/R Defense

2 16 18 3 1 1

Skills: Combat 0, General 3, Knowledge 4,

Magic 5, Social 3


• Masterful casting: Spend t to trigger up

to three different spell effects instead of

one. These effects must be the ones that can

be triggered by spending a or t.

142 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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